Top Shenhao

Chapter 1740: A bunch of harvest

puff! puff!

Lin Yun struck a few swords, but didn't respond.

It's still a hard bone.

"Five Elements Swordsmanship, burst out!"

"God's magic, burst out!"

"Demon bone, burst out!"

Lin Yun exploded with all his methods and shook the monster body with a sword.


The Lingxiao Sword with powerful penetrating power directly broke into the body of the monster.

A white mark appeared.

"Still not broken open!" Lin Yun helpless.

With all my strength, he couldn't even break the skin of this monster beast.

What about taking blood?

"I have forgotten this, it is indeed a troublesome thing." Xiao Qinglong said.

"Right!" Lin Yun's eyes lit up.

Lin Yun suddenly sounded, the illusion scene that appeared when he just touched the monster beast.

The monster that was shot in the head by a strong human was the monster in front of him.

Doesn't it mean that everything in Lin Yun's fantasy scene is true? Is that the picture of the battlefield at that time?

That being said, there should be a wound on the head of this monster beast!

After thinking of this, Lin Yun quickly soared into the air, flying to the position in front of the monster's head.

"Sure enough!" Lin Yun showed a smile.

Lin Yun found at a glance that there was a hole in the head of the monster. The wound had been condensed, but the scar could be seen.

The wound directly penetrated the center of the head. It is reasonable to say that it would be killed on the spot, but many powerful monsters have very powerful bodies, and a broken head and heart are not so easy to die.

This monster beast, after hitting the arrow, should have escaped here and then died.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun pierced the head scar with a sword.

The scar was pierced, and Lin Yun immediately used his internal force to pour it in through the wound and draw the blood.


Taotao’s internal force perfusion, one minute, three minutes, five minutes...

No response.

"Is there no blood in the body anymore?" Lin Yun murmured.

Although Lin Yun had expected this possibility a long time ago, when it was such a result, Lin Yun could not help but feel a little lost.

"Smelly boy, don't worry, wait a minute." Xiao Qinglong said.

Lin Yun didn't want to give up, so he could only continue to learn.

A few minutes later.



Lin Yun was overjoyed.

At the same time, a drop of dark red blood came out along the wound.

"Haha, it really didn't work in vain."

Lin Yun quickly caught it with a small bottle, and then carefully put it into the storage ring.

"Continue!" Lin Yun continued to draw in internal force.

After half an hour, Lin Yun finally got the second drop of blood.

"The last drop, no more."

After Lin Yun accepted this drop of blood, he also stopped to draw.

"Smelly boy, this is a big harvest. With the current mainland layout, such powerful monsters are basically in the Monster Beast Mountain Range. Even if there are outside, there are very few. In addition, the two sides are in a period of relative peace. The essence and blood of this level of monsters, so even if you want to buy it, it is difficult to buy, and the price is absolutely terrifying." Xiao Qinglong said with a smile.

Little Qinglong continued: "If you let your kid do it yourself, it's even more impossible. You absolutely cannot take out the blood from one, such a powerful living monster beast. This is a fantasy, let alone a full story. Two drops!"

Of course what Xiao Qinglong said, Lin Yun understood.

"The only shortcoming is that because this monster has died for too long, the effect of its essence and blood has been reduced, but it doesn't matter. A full two drops can bring you a very good improvement to the monster bone." Xiao Qinglong Said.

Lin Yun also looked forward to how much his demon bone could improve.

"By the way, there is one more thing!"

Lin Yun used his internal force again and went through the wound to fetch things.

Soon, a bright monster pill was taken out by Lin Yun.

Monster Beast Dan!

"Hey, the monster pill is still there. A monster of this level, that is, a cow, can be preserved so well for tens of thousands of years. The energy of the monster pill is indeed lost, but it is still extremely valuable." Lin Yun Grinned.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun put the Monster Beast Pill into the storage space and landed from an altitude of 20 meters.

"The body of this monster beast should be worth some money, right?" Lin Yun looked at the monster beast in front of him with a smile.

Make the best use of everything, this body can't be left.

"Of course it's valuable, but your kid's strength can't be taken apart. If you go back and sell it, you can also sell for some money." Xiao Qinglong said.


Lin Yun directly put the body of this monster beast into the storage jade pendant space.

"Smelly boy, those two drops of blood, do you want to refining now or later?" Xiao Qinglong asked.

"Let's talk about it later, the opening time of the Howling Abyss Ancient Battlefield is so long, it's a shame to spend time here to refine it," Lin Yun said.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun ran out quickly.

Entering this small valley, it can be said that the harvest is full, and Lin Yun is quite happy.


When Lin Yun was about to leave the small valley, he found noise outside.

Lin Yun quickened his pace and rushed out of the small valley.

Outside the small valley.

More than a dozen figures have already blocked their way.

The leader of the opponent is a cyclops.

"Brother, that kid is out!" A big dark-skinned man pointed to Lin Yun with a malicious smile on his face.

A dozen people on the other side also cheered up.

"Senior Brother Ye, what's the matter?" Lin Yun asked quickly.

Lin Yun also felt something was wrong.

"Junior Brother Lin Yun, we seem to have encountered a team that specifically came in to kill people and make money." Ye Wuchi looked solemn.

"Have you finally encountered this kind of thing?" Lin Yun murmured.

There were too many battles along the way, but Lin Yun didn't encounter any trouble. This time, there was finally a thief who murdered and overwhelmed himself.

Lin Yun raised his head to look at the other party, with a bit of a majesty, and said proudly: "You want to kill people and make money? You have to see clearly, I am disciples of the Sky Sword Sect, and you can't afford to offend the end of the Sky Sword Sect. !"


A dozen of the other party laughed, but the one-eyed dragon didn't laugh.

"Boy, of course I know that you are disciples of the Sky Sword Sect. Of course we know how powerful the Sky Sword Sect is, but what about it? The Sky Sword Sect will not know who killed you." The one-eyed dragon said calmly.

After the voice fell, the Cyclops immediately revealed the realm aura of the second-order empty world.

The remaining dozen people also showed their realm aura.

Five first-order combined realms, five second-order combined realms, two third-order combined realms, and one first-order empty world.

The configuration of the other party is quite luxurious!

The weak team did not dare to trouble Lin Yun and the others.

"Your team configuration must be at the top of the ranks of thieves in the ancient battlefields, right? That said, your trophies must be rich."

Lin Yun stared at them, but smiled, as if seeing a piece of fat!

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