Top Shenhao

Chapter 1755: small world

"Elder Cui, what should we do now? We don't know where Junior Brother Lin Yun is now, and whether he was overtaken by Kun Yuanzi." Ye Wuchi said worriedly.

"Damn Kun Yuanzi!" Elder Cui gritted his teeth and cursed.

Elder Cui and the others also didn't know where to find Lin Yun.

Bai Lixi said: "I said something that is not very pleasant. Although Junior Brother Lin Yun has some abilities, he is chased by Kun Yuanzi. It can be said that he is dead and dead."

The inner disciples present couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

"My disciple has always been a little guy who can perform miracles. He won't die so easily! Let's find out before talking!" Elder Cui was unwilling to say.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Cui took everyone out of here to search.


the other side.

Kun Yuanzi stayed in front of the mountain for two full days, but Lin Yun did not come out.

"It seems that this kid is dead inside, and the **** **** is unwilling to hand over the Wind Spirit Orb to his death! Whether he is dead, the Heavenly Sword Sect is missing such a evil evildoer, and it is good for our Seven Star Sect."

Kun Yuanzi swore angrily before turning and leaving.

He didn't believe that Lin Yun could stay in such a dead place for two days and it was fine.


The picture turns.

On a remote trail.

Lin Yun was lying quietly in the weeds beside the road.

At this time, a few big men with full faces came to Lin Yun, put their hands up and down, and searched for things on Lin Yun.

After some searching.

"Brother, there is nothing special about this kid, but... this jade pendant seems to be a little special!" A pocked man took off Lin Yun's jade pendant.


At this moment, Lin Yun sat up fiercely.


Lin Yun covered his forehead and took a breath, his face a little pale.

Lin Yun quickly recalled that in the ancient battlefield of Howling Abyss, he was chased by Kun Yuanzi to the extremely unstable mountain peak. He was sucked into the space crack, and then entered the space turbulence. Lin Yun directly Fainted.

Wake up, it's now.

"I...I didn't even die!" Lin Yun felt a little weird.

Lin Yun thought that he was dead.

"Smelly boy, it’s the spatial turbulence that brought you here. Your boy is lucky. You didn’t get broken into pieces by the spatial turbulence, but sent you to other spaces.” Xiao Qinglong’s voice was in Lin Yun’s mind. Sounded.

After Lin Yun heard the familiar voice of Xiao Qinglong, his heart became quite calm.

"This is also called good luck? With good luck, I won't be sucked into the space crack before I reach the cave." Lin Yun said silently.

Xiao Qinglong said silently, "You kid is not happy yet. This is a blessing. Moreover, even if you successfully enter the cave, you will eventually go out later. What if Kun Yuanzi still blocks you at the door? At least he can't block it now. is you."

Lin Yun thinks about it, Xiao Qinglong's words are not unreasonable.

"By the way, where is this?" Lin Yun looked around.

"Big brother, this kid is awake!" The burly men in front of Lin Yun said in surprise.

"Hurry up and hold him with a knife!"

Immediately afterwards, two knives were placed on Lin Yun's neck.

"Boy, where do you hide your valuables? Take them out!" Mazi shouted.

"A few heroes, where is this?" Lin Yun looked at the three burly men.

"Yo, you asked us back?"

"Boy, you figure it out, we are the robbers! It's not your turn to question! Hurry up and take out all your valuable things!"

Several bandits yelled at Lin Yun with all faces.

Lin Yun smiled.

"God Destruction!"


A powerful wave of divine consciousness rushed to these three in an instant.

The three bandits hadn't reacted yet, they were directly stunned in place under the shaking of God Destruction Technique.

"Where is this?" Lin Yun continued to ask.

"This is the State of Flowing Fire, Qinzhou." Dahan Machinery replied.

"Qinzhou, State of Flowing Fire? Where is it?" Lin Yun continued to ask.


Under Lin Yun's Divine Destruction Art, their consciousness was completely reduced, and Lin Yun asked what they asked.

After Lin Yun asked, he learned that he no longer cultivated in the mainland.

This is a world called Xinglan Continent, which should belong to one of the three thousand small worlds.

Lin Yun didn't expect that he was brought here by the turbulence of space.

Lin Yun asked a lot of questions, such as whether there is a teleportation array to cultivate the mainland in this world.

Since he came to the Three Thousand Small World, Lin Yun must be anxious to go back.

However, these three bandits didn't know what the cultivation continent was, and what was the teleportation formation. They were the three little guys in this world, and they didn't know so much.

But Lin Yun learned the general structure of this world through them.

This is also a world of martial arts, with numerous sects and no technological civilization, it can be regarded as a reduced version of the cultivation continent.

However, this world has only a population of more than 7 billion, and its area is not large. The gap with the cultivation mainland is huge!

The population and area are not far from the earth.

Because of this, the cultivation situation in this world should be far inferior to the cultivation mainland.

Of these three bandits, only the head had reached the Innate Void Pill Realm, and the other two did not even enter the Innate Void Pill.

The most powerful sect he knows is called Qingyanzong. This sect is the entire Liuhuo Nation. The most powerful sect, even the royal family of Liuhuo Nation, is just a puppet of the Qingyanzong.

According to legend, the Azure Flame Sect possesses a legendary, powerful person in the combined realm!

After asking the questions, Lin Yun retrieved his storage jade pendant, and obtained a map from these bandits, then flew into the air and went straight to the "Blue Flame Sect".

Lin Yun's idea is very simple. Since these young people don't know the ‘Cultivation Continent’’s ‘Teleportation Array’, then Lin Yun can only go to a powerful sect and ask a monk who is strong enough in this small world.

"Smelly boy, it’s actually good. You are sent to this small world by the turbulence of space. At least your safety is guaranteed. Now you are not dead, and the Wind Spirit Orb is in your hands. This is an excellent result. You look back. You can refine the'Wind Spirit Orb'." Xiao Qinglong said.

"Yeah, this is indeed a blessing in misfortune, and in this world, almost everyone cultivates, even the earth has a teleportation array, and this world should also have a teleportation array leading to the cultivation continent." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun could only hope that this world must have a teleportation array.

Lin Yun didn't want to stay in this small world.

Lin Yun sighed as he flew: "The spiritual energy of this world is stronger than that of the earth, but it is far inferior to the cultivation continent, and the space suppression force is also much weaker than that of the cultivation continent. No wonder it is a three thousand small world."

At this time, Lin Yun suddenly remembered two people, "Xuanming Jianzun" Xuyun ancestors. They were both cultivating cultivators on the mainland. For some reason, they accidentally went to the three thousand small world of "Earth" through the cracks in space. .

And now, Lin Yun also came from the cultivation continent to a three thousand small world, and his experience was really similar.

"In this small world, I should be considered a top-level powerhouse." Lin Yun murmured.

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