Top Shenhao

Chapter 1795: Enjoy the test

Lin Yun frowned, this sudden hit made Lin Yun feel painful.

The severe pain of divine consciousness spread all over Lin Yun from his head instantly!


When Lin Yun felt unwell, several pig-killing screams sounded around, and their spirits were also hit like this.

After the divine consciousness was shattered, it quickly regrouped and recovered in the sea of ​​consciousness, but this process was extremely painful!


In about a minute, the second wave of attack and oppression hit, and the divine consciousness had just been reorganized and recovered, and was severely shattered by this terrifying blow!

The power of this attack is definitely much stronger than when Lin Yun was beaten by a lotus platform in the earth ruins.

After all, the power of the beating, even the ninth-level divine sense can not be crushed, and this kind of blow can crush even Lin Yun's heaven-level divine sense, which shows how terrifying its power is!

The power is many times stronger, and the pain is naturally too much.

After the divine consciousness was shattered for the second time, it continued to regroup and recover. As soon as it recovered, this kind of attack came again, and so on...

"The divine consciousness is repeatedly shattered like this, it can improve my divine consciousness!" Lin Yun was pleasantly surprised.

Smashing one's own consciousness in this way and then recovering it can bring an excellent effect on improving the consciousness. Every reorganization after the crushing can improve Lin Yun's consciousness a little.



Strikes came again and again.

At this time, the wanderers stood by two family members. They stared at the 26 people in front of them and started talking.

"Looking at their expressions, all of them are extremely painful, right? I don't know how many of these people can survive." Gao Jiading said.

"Look, there isn't much pain on that guy's face? It seems... it seems that there is still a bit of enjoyment?" The short Jiading pointed at Lin Yun in the crowd, surprised.

Lin Yun was a little bit unpredictable the first time with this kind of attack on spiritual consciousness, so it seemed painful. After several times, Lin Yun gradually got used to it.

Lin Yun's ability to withstand pain is definitely not a blow!

On the contrary, Lin Yun was able to enjoy this kind of blow, which brought him an improvement in consciousness.

"This guy is called Lin Yun? The old man praised him just now, and he is a bit capable, so young, and his ability to withstand pain is so exaggerated!" The tall Jia Ding exclaimed.

"It may be that he can control his expression better, see if he can bear it in the end," said the short Jiading.

The tall Jiading nodded, and the result will be clear in a moment.

The wanderer also noticed Lin Yun. Among these 26 people, although there are others who seem to be tolerable, Lin Yun's expression is the most exaggerated, because Lin Yun's expression is enjoyment...

"It's interesting, so I'll add something to you." The wanderer thought.

Wanderers have different spiritual attacks on each person. They exert different powers based on each person’s spiritual consciousness realm, which can absolutely guarantee to crush each of them, but it will not cause destruction to them. Sexual harm.

This is not the first time that the Wanderer has accepted disciples, but it is the first time that the Wanderer has met Lin Yun with an expression of enjoyment!

As a result, the Wanderer increased the striking power he exerted on Lin Yun, and of course he would also guarantee that he would not cause devastating damage to Lin Yun's consciousness.

Otherwise, he wanted to kill the 26 people in front of him with the Wanderer's Holy Spirit level spiritual consciousness realm.

Sure enough, after he exerted his power, Lin Yun finally showed a trace of pain on his face.

This kind of spiritual attack is constantly being applied to everyone.

Everyone is supporting.

"I abstain!"

About fifteen minutes later, the first person finally could not bear it and got up and abstained.

"Quickly descend the mountain." Jia Ding next to him shouted at this person.

This person can only secretly curse the perversion of this test in his heart, and then go down the mountain angrily.

Half an hour later, the second one who couldn't bear it got up and abstained.

In the next time, some people who couldn't bear it one after another got up and abstained.

As for those who didn't abstain, they could only endure the blow wholeheartedly, and didn't even think about who would be eliminated around them.

Lin Yun also closed his eyes and endured the blow wholeheartedly.


Seven hours later.


This attack disappeared suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a voice came into Lin Yun's ears.

"Open your eyes."

Lin Yun opened his eyes and got up.

"Are there only six people?"

Lin Yun looked around, and found that most of the people around were gone, only six people were left. If you count yourself, there are only seven people here.

What surprised Lin Yun was that Yan Xu from the Seven Star Sect was still here.

"It's only seven hours, it's really not addictive." Lin Yun whispered.

Although Lin Yun discovered halfway through that the attack on him had become stronger, the effect was also better. Lin Yun felt that if this kind of oppression had lasted a month, he would definitely be able to reach the second rank of heaven.

Although Lin Yun's voice was small, it was also heard by a few people around him.

"Is this guy pretending to be forced?"

A few unkind eyes cast towards Lin Yun.

Obviously, they felt that Lin Yun was deliberately pretending to say such words.

Although these people have persisted, they have been tortured and even dying to death. If they continue for an hour or two, they may not be able to hold on and give up.

Lin Yun said this, of course it made them unhappy.

At this time, the wanderer spoke.

"Shi Kai, Gu Liuyue, Gong Rou, Lin Yun, Yan Xu, Situ Yuancheng, Wei Yi."

"Congratulations to your seven little guys. You have passed the test of the old man, and passed several tests of the old man. It shows that you are very talented in spiritual knowledge. In the next five years, you can stay with the old man to learn and improve spiritual knowledge. , As for how much you can harvest, it's all up to you." The wanderer said.

When the seven heard the words, their faces were full of joy.

Lin Yun was also very happy when he heard this.

Apprentice the wanderer, it is done!

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