Top Shenhao

Chapter 1810: Chat between master and apprentice

Lin Yun retracted his gaze and looked at the opponent Weng Cheng in front of him.

This urn was also full of astonishment after feeling Lin Yun's spiritual consciousness realm.

"It turned out to be the sixth-order pseudo-god?" Wengcheng also felt great pressure.

"Brother, offended!"

After Lin Yun's voice fell, he immediately manipulated the metal puppet with his divine sense, and attacked towards Wengcheng.

Upon seeing this, Urn quickly manipulated the metal puppets to challenge.


The fists of the two metal puppets shook **** the front, and the metal puppets turned into urns were immediately beaten back and forth.

After a punch, Lin Yun's attack quickly followed up. Weng Cheng knew that head-on head-on was not Lin Yun's opponent. He could only do his best to dodge the battle and then look for opportunities.

However, Lin Yun's attacks were endless and did not give him a chance at all.

In the face of the absolute difference in strength, skills are no longer useful, not to mention that Lin Yun is equally powerful in combat experience.


After a fight, Lin Yun finally punched the urn into a metal puppet he controlled and knocked it off the ring.

Lin Yun, win!

"Accepted." Lin Yun retracted his spiritual consciousness and held his fist at Urn Cheng.

"You fellow, it's not easy, I really don't understand, your master just cursed you for what you are doing." Wengcheng's face was a little pale.

Wengcheng only thought that he was in the younger generation, it was difficult for him to find an opponent with his consciousness, but he did not expect to encounter such a powerful existence.

"Because of my stubbornness." Lin Yun said with a smile.

After the voice fell, Lin Yun turned and walked back.

Where the wanderers are.

Lin Yun's victory also represented the vagabond's victory over the old man Di Yong, but he was not at all happy.

He saw Lin Yun walking back towards him, his expression was complicated, and he couldn't even sit still a bit. He really didn't know how to face Lin Yun, but he had to face him again.

"Liu old dog, you have cultivated such a powerful disciple. This guy looks very young. It is really annoying. The old man lost to you this old dog again." Di Yong sighed.

After hearing this, the wanderer only felt unusually harsh.

Where is Lin Yun trained by him? In the past three years, except for the first time he gave advice to Lin Yun, he has never managed Lin Yun since then.

In an instant, Lin Yun had already walked back to the wanderer.

"Master, the disciple went to fight on his own terms, and came to ask Master for sin." Lin Yun clasped his fists.

The wanderers felt even more embarrassed, embarrassed, and embarrassed when they heard Lin Yun's words!

"Lin Yun, you really gave the old man a big surprise, you really used your own strength to slap the old man in the face severely." The wanderer had an unnatural smile.

The wanderer thought about it carefully. In the past few years, he did not even give Lin Yun the opportunity to show it.

"Okay, you can stand back first, what about you, let's talk about it later, if you help the old man win today's competition, the old man will reward you again." The wanderer forced a smile.

After all, the wanderer's old friend is nearby, and of course he doesn't want Di Yong to watch the jokes.

Lin Yun felt very awkward after seeing the wanderer's smile.

In the past three years, except for the wanderer who smiled to himself when he first walked in, he has never had such a smile since, and he has never spoken to Lin Yun in a good tone.

Lin Yun heard this and walked back behind the wanderer.

When Lin Yun walked to Gu Liuyue, Gong Rou, Yan Xu and the others, their eyes looked very strange.

"Gu Liuyue, you just said I am not worthy to fight, now, am I worthy?" Lin Yun looked at Gu Liuyue calmly.

"This..." Gu Liuyue's eyes twitched, and she was speechless.

Lin Yun looked at Yan Xu again: "Yan Xu, now do you think I don't know the heights of the sky, or are you short-sighted?"

Yan Xu also blushed with suffocation, speechless.

Gong Rou hurriedly smiled and said softly, "Junior Brother Lin Yun, I didn't expect you to become so powerful. It really opened our eyes."

At this time, Di Yong's apprentice Weng Dong also returned to Di Yong.

"Master, the disciple is incompetent." Weng Dong bowed his head.

"You have performed well enough, don't be discouraged, don't blame you when you meet such an evil opponent." Di Yong smiled and comforted.

Immediately afterwards, Di Yong waved his hand and took out two million spiritual crystals.

"Liu old dog, this time the old man lost to you, but Japan will be longer. Ten years later, how can we compare it again!"

After Di Yong's voice fell, he got up and left with his disciples.

In the past, the Rangers would definitely have to say a few words to Di Yong, but this time he really couldn’t bring up this feeling, because Lin Yun helped him win, and before Lin Yun went to fight, he still Angrily yelled at Lin Yun.

After Di Yong left, the wanderer also stood up.

"Go, go back to Qingyu Mountain."

The Wanderer originally had plans, but he was no longer interested.

The wanderer led the people, left the Bliss Pavilion, and then all the way out of the city.

After leaving the city, the wanderers showed the flying boat, everyone boarded the flying boat, and the flying boat flew straight towards Qingyu Mountain.

On the flying boat.

Lin Yun and the other disciples were all standing on the deck.

Everyone, Lin Yun's look is completely different.

"Lin Yun, don't be too sullen. The real battle depends not only on divine consciousness, but your divine consciousness is ahead of me, but my realm is far beyond you. If we fight, I can easily take you Crush!" Gu Liuyue said coldly.

"If there is a chance, we can try." Lin Yun sneered.

At this time, the wanderers came to the deck, and everyone shut up immediately.

"Lin Yun, come with the old man."

The wanderer said.


Lin Yun answered, and then followed the wanderer to the cabin of the flying boat.

Inside the cabin.

"Lin Yun, in three years, you have elevated 14 levels of spiritual consciousness, telling the old man, how did you do it? Is it the carving technique you have understood?" The wanderer looked at Lin Yun.

"Yes." Lin Yun answered calmly.

"It seems that the old man almost killed a new master sculptor. This time, the old man did make a mistake. You were right at the beginning. Sculpting is an art. You shouldn’t use one method for everyone. Successfully walked out of a way, you genius, really after three years of silence, a blockbuster." The wanderer looked complicated.

Immediately afterwards, the wanderer looked up at Lin Yun: "You don't blame the old man, do you?"

"No wonder, Master let me go your way, based on your experience, but our views are different." Lin Yun said calmly.

Of course Lin Yun used to be strange and angry, but after a few years, some of Lin Yun's grievances have long since dissipated, and Lin Yun only enjoys his own carving.

"Can you show the old man your carving skills?" said the wanderer.

"Good teacher."

Lin Yun nodded in response, then waved his hand to reveal a drop of material.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun held a carving knife and started to carve using his own "Fire Sculpture Flow" technique.

With the flying of the carving knife, the waste continued to fall off.

Before long, a vivid stone sculpture appeared in front of the wanderer.

The wanderer stared at the stone carving for a long time before he came back to his senses.

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