Top Shenhao

Chapter 1820: Tianjianzong vs Super Ancient Home

"Could it be the Gu family calling?"

"Walk around, go to the Outer Gate Plaza!"

The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were in a state of first-level alert and had already been prepared, so when the guardian formation was activated, the disciples rushed to the outer gate large square.

For a moment when the guardian formation was triggered, tens of thousands of figures appeared in the air, a piece of black pressed, covering the sky and the sun!

The leader is the Gu Patriarch!

The aura exuded by the ancient Patriarch is shockingly terrifying!

This is the master of crossing the Tribulation Realm!

And it's the Five Transition Crossing the Tribulation Realm!

The entire Heavenly Sword Sect was no more than the Sect Master, and it was the second turn to cross the Tribulation Realm.

The opponent is not only the Five Transition Tribulation Realm of the Ancient Patriarch, but also nine in the Mahayana Realm!

The rest is a luxurious lineup of tens of thousands of people composed of the empty-nether realm, combined body realm, and cave virtual realm!

This lineup is completely ahead of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and the Heavenly Sword Sect is only one crossing the Tribulation Realm and three Mahayana Realms.

This tens of thousands of troops just stood outside the Heavenly Sword Sect's great formation.

At this time, the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and the elders, also quickly gathered on the square.

Lin Yun has also come to the square.

The tens of thousands of disciples on the square were all tense and dignified. Everyone knew that this was a critical moment for the survival of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

"The ancient lineup, so... so powerful!"

Even many of the disciples paled with fright by the terrifying lineup in the sky.

Although they had long anticipated that there might be such a scene, but when the ancient army was pressing down and seeing so much tyrannical aura, many of them would naturally be frightened!

The opponent's lineup is terrifying!

"The ancient family is here after all!"

"I didn't expect the ancient family to send so many masters at once. The strength of the ancient family, the super family, is beyond my expectations."

All the elders looked solemn.

The ancient family would definitely not be able to go out all over the place, and would definitely stay with the powerhouse of the robbery realm and sit in the family.

Even so, the ancient family could send so many powerful men, which really exceeded their expectations.

For a super family like the Gu family, it is difficult for outsiders to know their true strength, and it is difficult to know how many strong they have. After all, the unknown is the most terrifying. Naturally, the Gu family will not be confused by their bottom.

Therefore, before this, the Heavenly Sword Sect was unable to accurately estimate how many Mahayana realms the ancient family had, and crossed the tribulation realm.

This is the top secret of the ancient family!

The Gu family's deployment of such a lineup obviously surprised everyone.


"I am the Patriarch of the Ancient Family, leading the ancient army today to conquer the Heavenly Sword Sect! The Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, if you know, please hand over the murderer Lin Yun and give up! Only then can you preserve the Heavenly Sword Sect, this is your last chance , Otherwise, today is the day when the Heavenly Sword Sect is overthrown!"

These few words of the ancient Patriarch yelled out with the internal strength of the mixed male, and the sound resounded like a bell ringing, half the sky!

Sect Master also yelled: "Gu Patriarch, do you really think that my Heavenly Sword Sect is a soft persimmon? Humans, we will definitely not have each other! If the war really starts today, I promise you will suffer heavy casualties and no one will be able to get it. Good thing! If you retreat now and stop making trouble, my Heavenly Sword Sect, nothing has happened!"

The ancient Patriarch in midair, his face suddenly became gloomy after hearing this.

For Patriarch Gu, it would be best to solve the problem if he could not fight. He also knew that there would be no small sacrifices.

But the tough attitude of the Heavenly Sword Sect completely exceeded the expectations of the ancient Patriarch!

If he is the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, how can he fight a super family like the Gu family head-on for a disciple? This must be very unwise.

"Sect Master of Heavenly Sword Sect, since you are stubborn, then accept the anger of my ancient family!!!"

"Everyone of the ancient family listen to my orders and attack! Step down on the Heavenly Sword Sect and promote the prestige of my ancient family!"

The Patriarch Gu issued an edict, and his rolling voice rang through the sky.


In an instant, tens of thousands of people behind the Gu family all launched an attack, attacking the Heavenly Sword Sect's guardian formation, shouting and killing!

"The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect followed the order and quickly formed the guardian sect!!!"

The Sect Master of Heaven Sword Sect also quickly issued orders.

The tens of thousands of disciples in the square quickly sat down cross-legged, running their internal forces to bless the guardian formation.

Including the Sect Master and the elders of the Heavenly Sword Sect, they also quickly used their internal forces to bless the guardian sect!

Boom boom boom!

Above the sky, countless attacks fell on the mountain guarding formation, making the formation buzzing.

The violent fluctuations, madness swept away, and the wind howled!

Whenever the formation dimmed, the disciples in the square used internal force to make the formation brighter again.

"Sect Master, if the ancient family really breaks through the mountain protection formation and rushes down, the strength gap between the two sides is not small, it is too difficult to fight, quickly use the conscription order!" said the red elder.

Sect Master nodded, then flipped his hand and took out a dark green token.

Then, the Sect Master injected internal power into it, and the token suddenly burst into dazzling light!

The Heavenly Sword Sect has cultivated generations of disciples over the years. After completing their studies, many disciples will leave the Sky Sword Sect after graduation, and then continue their journey of cultivation in the outside world. Some disciples are outside and have achieved good results.

When these disciples leave, the Heavenly Sword Sect will give them a conscription order.

If one day the Heavenly Sword Sect encounters a crisis of life and death, it will activate the levy order and call them to rescue the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Of course, because they have already left the Heavenly Sword Sect, whether they come or not depends entirely on their will!

Even some disciples, after leaving the Heavenly Sword Sect, directly discard the conscription order.

After the levy is activated.

Sovereign said: "The mountain guardian formation of the Heavenly Sword Sect was built by the ancestors who invited many masters of the formation after several years. The protection ability is not weak. Let's rely on the formation to delay and consume them."

The mountain guard has two functions of attack and defense, and the suzerain does not dare to activate the attack form rashly.

Rumble! Rumble!

The countless attacks continued to fall on the guardian formation.

The suzerain and elders, as well as all the disciples, are also going all out to bless the big formation.

In a blink of an eye, half a day has passed.

Everyone in the ancient family is still attacking and breaking the formation.

With the suzerain and all the disciples working together for blessing, breaking the formation is not so easy!

However, many disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were pale because of the excessive consumption of the blessing formation.

"Rapid refining! Restore internal strength!"

Sect Master threw a large number of spirit crystals with a wave of his sleeves, at least one million, and flew in front of the disciples. On average, there were dozens of them on each disciple's head.

The disciples hurriedly grabbed the spirit crystal, swallowed it into the body, and turned it into billowing spirit power!

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