Top Shenhao

Chapter 1894: Go to Tianlei Lake

Emperor Xingwu added: "This emperor reminds you to weigh the pros and cons of everything."

The meaning of this sentence is very simple. If you agree, not only will there be material benefits, but you will also have a little relationship with the royal family. If you refuse, it is obviously to refute the face of Emperor Xingwu.

"Your Majesty, I have already thought very clearly." Lin Yun's face was pale, but his tone was firm.

Lin Yun's meaning is also very simple, he will not sell Xiaoqinglong even if you are Emperor Xingwu!

"Finally, since you insist, this emperor will not say more. This emperor only advises you. Humans and monsters have different paths. Humans are the most noble species. Monsters are not qualified to be friends with humans. They can only give humans. For the sake of slavery!"

After Emperor Xingwu finished speaking, he lowered his head and picked up the brush again, and ignored Lin Yun.


After Lin Yun finished speaking, he quickly withdrew from Jingtai Hall.

After leaving the hall, Lin Yun found that his back had been wet with cold sweat, and he was sweating profusely, as if he had experienced a catastrophe of life and death.

Lin Yun knew very well that after he refused, the Xingwu Empire could come hard and directly kill Lin Yun and seize Xiaoqinglong.

But Emperor Xingwu didn't choose to do this after all, perhaps because, as the emperor of Xingwu Empire, he has his own arrogance and disdains such things. Of course, this is just Lin Yun's guess.

"Xiaoyuan, you send Lin Yun to the gate of the palace." The commander of the forbidden army ordered a forbidden army guard next to him.


After the guard took the order, he led Lin Yun to the gate of the palace.

On the way out of the palace, Lin Yun still had a dreaming feeling that Emperor Xingwu didn't even kill himself.

When Emperor Xingwu exerted coercion and Lin Yun again sternly refused, Lin Yun was even ready to die.

Xiao Qinglong said in a voice transmission: "Smelly boy, your willpower is really terrifying. Under the unhappy Emperor Xingwu, not many people can bear the kind of coercion, and I have to admire your will. It’s powerful."

Lin Yun could refuse Emperor Xingwu for it, which moved Xiao Qinglong's heart.

"He is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he cannot make me make a decision to betray you." Lin Yun said through voice.

In the eyes of Emperor Xingwu, the Black Jiaozhi was Lin Yun's battle pet and slave, so Emperor Xingwu did not find this embarrassing for Lin Yun, but felt that it was just an ordinary transaction.

But to Lin Yun, Xiao Qinglong is his friend, meaning extraordinary.

Xiao Qinglong said in a voice transmission: "Smelly boy, the Great Emperor Xingwu must think that he has the final say in the entire Xingwu Empire. No one dares to disobey him. Take out such a rich thing in exchange with you, but you refused him."

"It's what displeases him most that you disobey him."

"Although he didn't kill you, but if you want to have a good relationship with the royal family in the future, I am afraid it will be as difficult as the sky."

Lin Yun smiled and shook his head: "I don't need to have a relationship with the royal family, and I'm not uncommon. I have been relying on my own strength along the way!"

Lin Yun does not regret such a decision.

As long as Xiaoqinglong is okay, Lin Yun's Tiandao-class cheats are not rare.

Soon, the guards of the imperial army brought Lin Yun back to the gate of the palace.

Hao Yuntian stared at Lin Yun with jealous eyes. He must feel that it was a good thing for Emperor Xingwu to summon Lin Yun.

The imperial guards brought Lin Yun here and left.

Lin Yun, Hao Yuntian, and Wu Yang stood here, waiting quietly, and no one came to tell them what to do.

After waiting for another half an hour, five or six voices came out of the palace.

Lin Yun looked around. An old man, leading six young monks in brocade and jade robes, looked like royal disciples.

Lin Yun just remembered that the great elder said before that Tianlei Pool was open, and in addition to the first three sect disciples, there were also royal disciples who went to invade the bubble.

The six imperial children, five men and one woman, seem to be young, and they should all be under 200 years old.

The old man led the six royal disciples to the scene.

"Since everyone has arrived, let's set off. Tianlei Pond is not in the city. It is some distance away from Xingwu City. You need to take a flying boat."

As the old man said, he took out a flying boat.


The original flying boat became extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it became a huge flying boat.

"Go on the flying boat!" the old man said.

When everyone heard the words, they jumped on the flying boat one after another, and Lin Yun also jumped on the flying boat.

After all the people boarded the flying boat, the flying boat started, slowly lifted into the air, then turned into streamer, and galloped away from the city.

Xingwu City is forbidden to fly, but the royal family is obviously not in the forbidden ranks, they have absolute privileges.

The speed of this flying boat is amazing.

On the deck of the flying boat, six members of the royal family stood opposite Lin Yun, Hao Yuntian, and Wu Yang.

"Which is Lin Yun, the creator of the blood disaster at the mountain and sea level?" asked the beautiful young woman.

"I am." Lin Yun replied.

"I heard about you, you are too good! I heard that you are only in your thirties and you can do such a earth-shattering thing." The woman looked at Lin Yun with some admiration.

This scene made a tall imperial disciple next to him feel unhappy.

"Cousin Xiaoqin, you really stay in the inner city every day. You have never seen the world. His strength is probably better than those of famous sect disciples. Looking at our royal family, not to mention the younger generation of our royal family. Those of you, even Jin Yuancheng, I can crush him casually," said the tall imperial disciple.

Jin Yuancheng smiled and continued: "On status, let alone say that these famous sect disciples may be quite high on the outside, but in front of our Xingwu imperial disciples, they are not a dog yet. Whatever they ask him to do. Well, do you believe it, cousin Xiaoqin?"

Immediately afterwards, Jin Yuancheng turned his head to look at Lin Yun, and said with a smile: "The blood disaster maker of the mountain and sea boundary, come and learn how to bark!"


Lin Yun turned around and left, not staying here.

"Haha, Jin Yuancheng, you can't do it." The other royal disciples all burst into laughter.

"This bastard, dare not to give our royal family face!" Jin Yuancheng's face was green.

Hao Yuntian was secretly gloating.

In the next period of time, no one would trouble Lin Yun again.

The flying boat flew at an alarming speed for about four hours and finally landed.

There was a barren mountain in front of him, but a building was built where the flying boat landed.

There are also sergeants wearing imperial armor, heavily guarded.

After everyone got off the boat.

"Tian Lei Pond is here, you all follow me in."

After the old man who led the crowd finished speaking, he walked inside.

Everyone immediately followed, and those empire children continued to whisper and communicate in various ways.

"Finally waited!"

Lin Yun also looked very much looking forward to it, this Heavenly Thunder Pond, would he be able to master the complete meaning of thunder and lightning in one fell swoop?

This is a vital link for Lin Yun to break through the Mahayana realm!

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