Top Shenhao

Chapter 1896: with full force

He didn't have a chance to fight Lin Yun in the ring, and he kept suffocating his breath, of course he wanted to surpass Lin Yun here.

But the fact is that he didn't even see Lin Yun's figure.

He looked around, and looked tens of meters deeper, but he couldn't see Lin Yun.

He might be able to bite the bullet and dive for tens of meters, but it's useless, there is no shadow of Lin Yun in this distance.

He can only stop here and start to understand the practice.

"This time, I must master the complete Thunder and Lightning Profound meaning! This is very important for me to hit the Tribulation Realm in the future!" Hao Yuntian secretly made up his mind.

This is an excellent opportunity to understand the profound meaning of thunder and lightning!

As for the six members of the royal family, Jin Yuancheng dived deeper, reaching 200 meters.

"This time, I, Jin Yuancheng, must master the profound meaning of thunder and lightning!" Jin Yuancheng also made up his mind secretly, and then began to absorb it and enlighten it.

The power of thunder can not only help, but they can also absorb the skin and flesh used to temper and strengthen the body.



At this moment, a strong wave rolled up from the depths of the pool.

"what happened!"

All the people who invaded in the sky thunder pool were in this one, opening their eyes in astonishment.

This sudden movement awakened them from their cultivation.

This wave is unusual, and the power of thunder in the water is being sucked away by craziness!

This force surged from the depths of the pool.

Three hundred meters below.

"what happened!?"

Lin Yun also clearly felt the huge suction that surged from the depths of the pool, and the fluctuations were getting stronger and stronger!

The thunderous power of the entire pool water, under the action of this powerful suction force, crazily rushed to the bottom of the pool.

At this moment, Xiao Qinglong's voice sounded in Lin Yun's mind.

"Smelly boy, the little master made this movement, don't worry."

"You... You made it? What are you doing?" Lin Yun asked quickly through voice transmission.

"Of course I am absorbing the power of thunder to my heart's content, quack, the power of thunder in this pool of water is of great benefit to the young master, and introducing these powers of thunder into the body to quench the body can make the young master's body further A qualitative change has taken place, transforming into a dragon!" Xiao Qinglong said excitedly.

"Hey, you absorb the power of thunder, so you can make such a big movement?" Lin Yun smacked.

Lin Yun absorbed the power of the thunder, and he could only slowly absorb it little by little, and the movement created by the little Qinglong, you can imagine how terrifying its absorption efficiency!

"Haha, Xiaoye is a dragon, which is different from your humans." Xiao Qinglong replied with a smile.

Lin Yun quickly transmitted the voice: "Okay, then you quickly absorb it!"

Xiao Qinglong is Lin Yun's biggest trump card now, the stronger he is, the more help Lin Yun will naturally be.

From another level, Lin Yun regards the little blue dragon as a close friend, and Lin Yun of course also thinks that it can be restored to a real dragon as soon as possible, instead of the current half dragon and half dragon.

"Smelly boy, when I have full firepower, I can **** up fiercely. I can **** up the power of thunder in the thunder pool this day. In this case, you may not be able to absorb it and feel the profound meaning of thunder and lightning." Xiao Qinglong said through voice.

"Don't worry about so much, the big deal is that I will spend money later to buy things that are enlightened. Didn't the host Hong say that there will be similar things at the auction house in a few days?" Lin Yun replied.

"That's OK, Xiaoye will be completely fired! Quack!" Xiao Qinglong's humble voice sounded.

As Xiao Qinglong's words fell, Lin Yun clearly felt that there was a greater movement in the depths of the pool!

The power of thunder in the entire pool was crazily rushing to the bottom, as if a high-power pump was pumping away the power of thunder.

Under the crazy absorption of the little blue dragon, it was obvious enough that the lightning attribute in the pool water was constantly weakening.

Little Qinglong made such a big movement, even Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh with a wry smile, it was absolutely abnormal!


"Damn it! What the **** is going on!"

Hao Yuntian and others who were in the pool scolded.

They felt something was wrong before.

And just now, the movement suddenly became much bigger.

The power of thunder in Tianlei Pool is declining at an astonishing speed!

They want to go in depth to check, but their defensive power can't allow them to continue deep into the pool.

The crowd quickly gathered together.

At this time, Jin Yuancheng also floated from a depth of 200 meters to a depth of 70 or 80 meters, and everyone gathered here.

"Cousin Yuancheng, what is going on?"

Those royal disciples immediately asked when they saw Jin Yuancheng coming up.

"I don't know, it may be that **** named Lin Yun who made the movement, because the movement came from the bottom of the water. Only he dived deeper than me, and only he was deeper in the pool!" Jin Yuancheng was angry! Tao.

"The power of thunder in the Heavenly Thunder Pool is declining at an astonishing speed. Is it possible that... can he **** the power of thunder into his body so exaggeratedly?" a member of the royal family guessed.

"This is impossible! Such overbearing power of thunder, dare to introduce a large amount of power into the body, isn't that seeking death?" Hao Yuntian said loudly.

"In any case, according to this decay rate, it won't be too long before the power of thunder in the thunder pond will be sucked up. We can't sit and wait for death, otherwise, what else do we cultivate?" Jin Yuancheng said anxiously.

"What should we do? We can't dive so deep at all."

Everyone had no choice but to curse.

They can only watch and feel the rapid decay of the power of thunder in the water, and they are powerless.

"Damn, this bastard! bastard!"

Jin Yuancheng and Hao Yuntian scolded again and again.

Wu Yang of the Ding Yaozong said: "The amount of thunder power contained in the thunder pond in this sky is amazing. Even if this guy can absorb it, it is absolutely impossible to absorb light. At most, it will absorb part of it. The impact should not be too great. Worry, we just continue to practice and realize."

"Yes, the amount of thunder power in this sky thunder pond is extremely large, let alone **** it out, I bet that even if one tenth is sucked, it will be enough to make him burst into death." A royal disciple said.

Everyone nodded without making an appointment.

How irritable is this power of thunder?

They only slowly absorb the slightest bit, and they are not under pressure. A little more power of thunder into the body can cause life danger!

Logically speaking, if they absorb it alone, no one can absorb at least one or two percent of the thunder power in the thunder pool. This is pretty good, and I don't even dare to think about it!

After thinking of this, everyone was relieved.

"Let's continue enlightenment quickly, he will stop after a while at most. How much can he breathe alone? If he opens it, he won't be afraid! Is he still able to absorb light?"

When everyone finished speaking, they scattered around again and continued to close their eyes to realize.

Five minutes, ten minutes...

As time went by, everyone had no intention of practicing anymore.

Because they found that the crazily passing of the thunder power in the pool showed no signs of abating!

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