Top Shenhao

Chapter 1904: Fierce competition

Inside the Tianjianzong box.

"This thing... seems to have an effect on me!" Lin Yun's eyes became fiery.

Lin Yun's body refining technique was delayed in reaching the tenth level. The reason was very simple. It was not that Lin Yun could not bear the will, but the strength of Lin Yun's body that could not bear the tenth level of tempering at all!

If this Sakyamuni flower can further cause Lin Yun's body to undergo a qualitative change, then..., not only can it strengthen Lin Yun, but it will also allow Lin Yun to learn the tenth level of physical training!

If you learn this **** and demon body refining technique to the last stage, Lin Yun's defense and strength will reach a new height again!

In terms of physical training, Lin Yun has always valued it very much. Lin Yun can leapfrog one another, and it can be said that physical training has contributed the most.

However, judging from the current situation, the competition in this thing will definitely be great!

The auctioneer stood quietly on the stage, waiting for everyone to discuss, in order to increase the heat and atmosphere.

After a while, he waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, the benefits of the Sakyamuni Flower, I don't have to ask me more, the starting price, one million Lingjing!" The auctioneer said excitedly.

"One and two hundred thousand spirit crystals!"

"One and three hundred thousand spirit crystals!"


As soon as the auction started, the audience's bidding sounded unceasingly!

Things above a million Lingjing, even at such a grand auction, are all high-end goods, and there were not many people bidding for those auction items above one million.

But for this Sakyamuni, there are so many bidders!

Under such constant price hikes, prices have risen all the way.

Soon it came to two million, and then broke through to three million!

As the price rises, the number of bidders continues to decrease. Although the goods are good, the people who can afford it are limited.

So far, among the forces that are still bidding, there are several super families, as well as the soul refining sect and the fixed demon sect.

"five million!"

A loud voice came from the box where the Heavenly Sword Sect was located.

"five million?"

Everyone was shocked and looked up at the VIP seats on the second floor.

"That Lin Yun again!"

"This guy bid so hard that he directly raised the price by two million! This is another declaration that he is bound to win!"


There were discussions all at once.

Those who participated in the bidding were all unsightly faces, and suddenly bidding for such a high price made them a bit dilemma.

"Five million! Daoist Lin Yun of the Heavenly Sword Sect bid five million! Do you want to follow?" The auctioneer said loudly.

"My Soul Refining Sect made a bid of 5.2 million!"

"My ancient family offered five million four hundred thousand!"

"My Dongmen's bid is 5.8 million!"


The bidding is still ringing.

After Lin Yun handed over the price of 5 million, the bidders instantly dropped to only six or seven.

Lin Yun's sudden price increase has even made some powers with good financial resources choose to withdraw from the auction.

Again, although things are good, but the price is too exaggerated, you have to consider carefully, unless you really need it.

Ding Yaozong has already withdrawn from the bidding, and there are powerful forces such as the Tang Family and the Yuan Family. They have spent a lot of money in their previous auctions. For example, the Super Family Yuan Family has already spent more than 10 million yuan to purchase a Holy Spirit-level weapon.

"Seven million!"

The loud voice of price increase continued to be heard from the box of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

"This bastard!"

Those who participate in the bidding are not without secret curse.

This price increase is too drastic!

"Seven million!!!"

"Friends of the Heavenly Sword Sect Lin offered seven million! Is there still a price increase?" The auctioneer was excited. .

The audience fell silent, no more sound came from the box of Soul Refining Sect, and no more bidding sound came from the box of the Gu family...

Inside the Gujia box.

"Elder, this Sakyamuni flower can be met but not sought, and can't be given to this guy!" The young man from the ancient family was unwilling.

"Second Young Master, the money we bring is limited, and we have to prepare for that thing. If we bid on this custard apple at a higher price, we will not have enough funds to compete for that important thing!" Elder Gu family shook his head.

"Fine!" The young man could only leaned back in his chair.

"Second Young Master, don't worry, it's still the same sentence, if you are really taken away by him, it is because the old man has a way." The ancient family elder said.

Inside the box of Soul Refining Sect.

"Great Elder, just give the Sakyamuni Flower to it like this? If I can help me get the Sakyamuni Flower, I can improve faster, and I will definitely be able to bring the Soul Refining Sect to new glory in the future!" Hao Yuntian appeared eager.

He is so angry that he has repeatedly lost to Lin Yun!

When the game was lost, Tianlei Pool couldn't beat Lin Yun and suffered a big loss, even at auction?

The elder of the Soul Refining Sect shook his head: "No, the budget is not enough for us to fight for this custard apple flower. We must save money to fight for that thing! All of the above are all trivialities."

"Elder, what is it?" Hao Yuntian was curious.

"This is internal news. Very few powers know about it. You don’t even know about the Heavenly Sword Sect and other powers. You will know it later. I guess it will be the finale. With our current funds, we may not be able to compete, but in any case , I also have to try my best." The soul refining sect elder said solemnly.

Although Hao Yuntian was curious, he couldn't ask more.

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