Top Shenhao

Chapter 1977: The opening of the contest is unknown

Where Jin Yaoer is.


Jin Yaoer saw Lin Yun and Mo Qing talking and laughing, and threw the glass on the table angrily.

At this time, the commander of the Forbidden Army flew to the center of the square.

"Everything is ready. The Wanhua Contest will begin immediately. The rules are very simple. Enter the magic weapon space to hunt monsters to obtain points. Five hours later, points will be calculated in real time. Those who rank in the top 100 will be promoted! Abstain, you can't plunder other players' points in this game! You can't use magic weapons, battle pets and other external forces!"

After the voice fell, the commander of the Forbidden Army waved, and a space barrier appeared in front of him.

"The game starts, all go in!" The ban leader urged.


The contestants on the scene rushed to the barrier in fear.

There are Emperor Xingwu and six immortals watching, even if these contestants can hardly get the top ten and get the first place, what if their performance is favored by the immortal?

For these contestants, in addition to fighting for the reward of Emperor Xingwu, it is an opportunity to be accepted by the strong.

Even if it is not the immortal who accepts disciples, it is not bad if he is taken a fancy by some powerful Tribulation Realm powerhouse and accepts disciples!

There are a lot of strong people here today, and there are even many masters who usually hide in the mountains, do not ask about the world to concentrate on cultivation, it is usually difficult to see them.

The wanderer also came to the scene today to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Xingwu, and he was also there.

"Senior Sister Mo Qing, Daniel and Zhijin, we also rush."

After Lin Yun's voice fell, it turned into streamer and rushed into the enchantment space.

With the glare disappearing in front of him, Lin Yun opened his eyes and saw that the entire space was filled with black mist, and there was a canyon in front of which there seemed to be a large number of monsters.

"Senior Sister Mo Qing, Daniel, and Zhijin?" Lin Yun left a large number of them, but did not notice the three of them.

In other words, they did not teleport to one place?

"Go looting and killing monsters first!"

After Lin Yun's voice fell, he rushed directly to the gorge ahead.

According to the competition system, points are obtained by hunting monsters, and points cannot be transferred, so even if Lin Yun wants to help Mo Qing, Daniel, and Zhijin, he can do nothing but rely on them.

In the huge black mist canyon.

When Lin Yun rushed in, he found that a lot of fighting had taken place in the canyon.

Hundreds of participating monks are fighting fiercely with these monsters.

There are about 10,000 contestants, and there are only a few hundred people here. Obviously there are many other contestants.

According to the competition system, it is impossible to win the points of other cultivators. That is to say, even if you attack other cultivators and forfeit him, you will not be able to get the opponent's points, so it is meaningless to shoot against other players.

The contestants below are all anxious to hunt down monsters.

Lin Yun didn't rush to do it for the first time, but found out the situation of this canyon and the distribution of monsters in the air, sitting in his heart.

After investigating, Lin Yun found that this gorge obviously has more porridge and less porridge, which is not enough to kill.

"let's start!"

Lin Yun landed directly into the canyon.


The monsters in front of them all roared at Lin Yun who suddenly came.

"Flying Snow Sword Formation!"

Lin Yun waved his hand, and one hundred and twenty-eight flying swords quickly appeared in front of Lin Yun, releasing a misty white light.

Now that Lin Yun stepped into the Mahayana realm, his divine consciousness had reached the second level of the **** level, and he controlled one hundred and twenty-eight swords, which was not too laborious, and the consumption was not so tight.


At this time, many monsters were already attacking Lin Yun.

"call out!"

Following Lin Yun's edict, the hundred and twenty-eight flying swords flew out quickly.


The Feixue Sword Array tore through the void with amazing power, and instantly strangled more than twenty monsters in front of him.

The strength of these monsters is not high.

The points are automatically calculated by the spatial magical instruments, and when Lin Yunmei kills these monsters, the points are automatically recorded.

Because the time was only three hours, Lin Yun couldn't care too much. After slaying the twenty-odd monster beasts, he quickly rushed forward and killed the other monster beasts in the canyon.


Outside on the banquet square.

There is no factual broadcast of the game. There is only a huge list projection floating in the air, which is called Wanhua List.


First place: Jiang Fengyu, 431 points.

Second: Li Shi, 429 points.

Third place: Guan Zishi, 416 points.


Ninety-eighth: Mo Qing, 187 points.


A total of one thousand names are displayed on the Wanhua List.

According to the battle situation, the points are constantly rolling and changing, and the ranking is constantly changing.

Because the game has just started, the points have changed a lot, and there are even many people with the same points, but the points will change in an instant.

Some names were more than 100 in the front a while ago, but fell to more than 500 in an instant.

"Then Jiang Fengyu, is Huochen old ghost's closed disciple? So fierce? He rushed to the first place from the beginning, and didn't seem to fall down at all."

"Then who is Li Shi? I have never heard of it! The points rise is also pretty good."


Everyone at the scene was staring at the Wanhua List, and the atmosphere was very good and very lively.

At this time, Emperor Xingwu ordered to continue to give wine, each table a small pot of top wine, a large pot of second-class wine.

Said it is second-class, it is also a top class wine outside, but it is not as good as the best.

In addition to fine wines, delicacies are also served, which are rare delicacies.

Emperor Xingwu apparently let everyone drink and taste the food while watching the game.


Emperor Xingwu and the six immortals, while pushing cups and changing cups, looked at each other, chatting and watching the game.

From time to time, Emperor Xingwu also toasted with everyone at the scene.

The location of the Heaven Sword Sect below.

"Why haven't I seen Lin Yun's name?" Elder Mei Gu asked in surprise.

In this qualifying match, there is no projection screen, only a list is displayed, so they don't know what is going on inside, and can only predict the situation through the ranking of the list.

"I don't know, Mo Qing is currently more than 900, but Lin Yun's name is missing, let's take a look." Sect Master looked at the list ahead earnestly.

There are only a thousand positions on the Wanhua List, and Lin Yun's name has never appeared on it.

At the seat of the royal family on the left, Jin Yaoer's pair of beautiful eyes also tightly locked the Wanhua ranking of releasing light and shadow.

"What did this guy do? A thousand people didn't rush in? No?" Jin Yao'er also looked surprised.

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