Top Shenhao

Chapter 1979: Cooperation

This kind of names that no one knows are on the Wanhua list!

Of course, there are also more famous younger generations who hang on the list. For example, Gu Dong, the second son of the ancient family, now ranks 24th.

There is also Gu Liuyue of the ancient family, ranking more than ninety, and several names of the younger generation of the ancient family hanging on the list.

There are also the younger generations of super families such as the Tang family and the Yuan family. They all have names on the Wanhua list, and there are more than one or two names.

Like the second son of the ancient family and the fourth son of the Tang family, they are all popular figures in the Wanhua Contest.

Gujia seat.

"Patriarch Gu, Gu Dong, the second son of your ancient family, has a good momentum. He has already rushed to twenty-four." An old friend of the Patriarch nearby said.

"Gu Dong is the one with the best qualifications among my children. I am very optimistic about him. The goal I set for him is to make it into the top ten in the Ten Thousand Flower Competition!" Gu Patriarch smiled.

"Top ten? I'm afraid it's very challenging. After all, there are a lot of dark horses in the Ten Thousand Flower Competition," said the old friend.

"There are indeed a lot of dark horses, but my son is not a vegetarian. With a lot of resources from my ancient family, his strength is also not weak, and he has a lot of cards! And a few days ago, my son also had a good improvement." Smile confidently.

Patriarch Gu knew in his heart that this Wanhua Banquet, held once every ten thousand years, could be met but not sought.

If you can squeeze into the top ten, reward a holy spirit level weapon, but the value is increased.

Although from the ancient family's background, there are still a few ancient holy spirit-level weapons, it is naturally beneficial to get one more in vain.

What Patriarch Gu values ​​most is not the reward of this Holy Spirit weapon, but the expectation that it will be favored by the immortal and be accepted by the sect, even if it is a few disciples.

In this way, their ancient family is equivalent to having attached to an immortal!

Naturally, there are not a few people who cherish the thoughts of the ancient family's head.


In the enchantment space.

Lin Yun has stopped killing, just now Lin Yun killed a large number of monsters in the canyon in one breath.

There are many other monks in the canyon, which leads to the monsters not being able to kill enough, and sometimes leads to snatching prey.

However, the cultivators in the canyon rarely fight each other, because once they attack other contestants, it takes a lot of time. During the fight, many monsters can be hunted. Even if they win, they can’t plunder the opponent’s points. Your time and status.

Such rules, the most important thing is to test the individual's combat effectiveness, in addition to testing a person's wisdom and choices.

Under such rules, how can we earn points more efficiently? This is something that all contestants must consider.

Of course, there are also contests among the contestants, fighting for the monster beast.

At this time, there were only a small part of the monster beasts in the canyon, and their strength was not too strong.

The higher the monster's strength, the more points it will kill, there is no doubt about it.

Just now for a long time, Lin Yun killed a lot of monsters. Lin Yun believed that his points at this time should be pretty good, right?

"There are not many monsters left here. It is too slow to find them one by one!" Lin Yun shook his head.

Because Lin Yun doesn't know his current points and rankings, what Lin Yun can do is to score as many points as possible!

If you continue to stay here and kill these remaining monsters, it will be inefficient and slow to score.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun quickly soared into the air, preparing to search for prey elsewhere.

There was another gorge ahead, Lin Yun paused for a while to investigate: "There are not many monsters here, and there are many competitors, no."

Divine knowledge is not easy to use in this space, only divine knowledge can be used to detect with the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun continued on.

Although the game only lasts for five hours, every minute and every second must be cherished, but sharpening the knife does not accidentally chop wood.

"Not here!"

"Or not!"


After some flight, Lin Yun finally stopped over a canyon.

"There seem to be many monsters inside." Lin Yun looked down at the canyon below.

"And there are very few people inside, there are only five people in the canyon? They all seem to be quite powerful?" Lin Yun was surprised.

Lin Yun felt five tyrannical auras in this gorge.

"No matter, it's here!"

Lin Yun landed directly into the canyon.

Flying Snow Sword Formation!

Lin Yun, who fell into the canyon, directly began to kill the monster.

The sword formation swung through, and more than ten monsters were killed directly.

At this time, a monster beast with a slightly better strength rushed, but under Lin Yun's several attacks, he also killed it.

"Here we have taken it, get out!" There was a scream, like a version of rolling thunder.

Lin Yun looked up and saw three figures flying straight towards him.

These three people, one first-order Mahayana realm, two second-order Mahayana realms, can be regarded as good.

"Are you Lin Yun the blood curator?" One of them recognized Lin Yun.

"I'm Lin Yun, this canyon is so big and there are so many prey, don't you need to drive us out?" Lin Yun looked at them.

Lin Yun didn't know these people.

"It's okay if you don't chase you out, and join hands with us. There will be more people coming later. Once someone comes, you can stop them and chase them away." said a man in purple robe in the second-order Mahayana realm.

"Sorry, I refuse this kind of cooperation." Lin Yun spread his hands.

Isn't this showing that you are using yourself as a tool? Let yourself stop people, are they hunting monsters here?

This is bound to delay a lot of time for hunting monsters.

At this time, the other two people in the gorge also flew here. These two were also in the Mahayana realm, one in the first-order and the second-order in the Mahayana realm.

There are five of them, two first-order Mahayana, and three second-order Mahayana.

Such a lineup is indeed luxurious, no wonder they can work together to occupy this place, they are sure to hit the top 100.

After these two flew here, they totaled five people, and they directly formed an encirclement to Lin Yun.

"If you refuse to cooperate, get out immediately!" The purple-robed man became impatient.

"What if I don't leave?" Lin Yun looked at them.

"I'll count five. If you don't get out, don't blame us for being polite! Don't think you are a **** victim! You don't need a battle pet, you can beat us all by yourself? Get out of here, don't find Uncomfortable!" The man in the purple robe looked contemptuously.

"You are looking for uncomfortable!" Lin Yun's eyes narrowed.

"Rainbow swordsmanship!"

Lin Yun was holding a Spirit-level weapon of the Baleful Sword and rushed towards the opponent with a sword.

The sword tore through the space, with astonishing power, it reached the purple-robed man in an instant with the momentum of running through the thunder.

"Blood disaster? But that's all!"

After the purple-robed man felt that Lin Yun's sword was for you, he sneered, and at the same time quickly swung his saber to urge his attack to counterbalance.

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