Top Shenhao

: Wu Crazy


"Lin Yun is about to be unpredictable. No accident, he will be completely defeated soon and will end with Jiang Fengyu. However, it is very good to be able to play in the second-order Mahayana state." Said the graceful immortal.

"Yeah." The other immortals also nodded.

Jin Yaoer had a pair of beautiful eyes and stared at the ring closely: "This guy, is going to lose? How about losing? This result is good enough!"

On the ring.

Even though Lin Yun was hit, Lin Yun didn't panic, because Lin Yun doesn't care about winning or losing, so what else to fear and worry about?

Lin Yun didn't have any hatred with this Wang Luo, unlike when he was against Li Shi, Lin Yun had an obsession to win.

Lin Yun not only didn't panic, but liked the feeling of "dancing on the tip of a knife"!

Put down the shackles to enter the most perfect state.

"Lin Yun, you lost!"

Wang Luo's spear once again enveloped Lin Yun with terrifying power, and it was difficult to find a trace quickly!

"It's not that easy!"

Lin Yun roared, holding his sword to resist!

Bang bang bang!

Fierce collisions are still happening.

Lin Yun still didn't use the power of the wristband and the sky-shaking hand, because Wang Luo's attack was too fast and unpredictable, even if Lin Yun wanted to use it, he still couldn't use it.

"Quick! Quick! Give me quicker!"

Lin Yun desperately yearned for his sword to become faster, to resist Wang Luo's attack.

Lin Yun's own potential has also been squeezed to the limit.

Motivated by this potential, Lin Yunjian's speed has actually increased faintly, barely getting faster!

In front of the banquet.

"Look! Lin Yun's sword moves suddenly become faster!" said the scruffy immortal.

"Sure enough!" The other immortals, including Emperor Xingwu, also discovered this.

"In this critical situation, he can enter the best state and use the enemy's oppression to improve himself. This guy is a martial lunatic!" Jian Ba ​​exclaimed.

Although Wang Luo's attack was almost at the scene and many people couldn't see it clearly, but they, immortals, could clearly see it.

Therefore, they knew how Lin Yun improved.

"Lin Yun, I'm going to make a decision! Don't rob me!" said the graceful immortal.


On the ring.

"Haha, it's coming soon! My sword-out speed has become faster!"

Lin Yun was overjoyed when he discovered the changes in his swordsmanship.

This change gave Lin Yun a different understanding of swordsmanship.

This was completely forced out by Wang Luo. It was like being chased by a vicious villain. Even if you didn't run fast enough, you would be forced to surpass your usual limit speed at this time.

Of course, the speed of swordsmanship is not so simple. In addition to being stimulated by Lin Yun’s potential, there is also Lin Yun’s own comprehension of swordsmanship. The most important thing is that Lin Yun let go of the psychological pressure of his desire for victory and defeat. Enter the battle!

There are many reasons why Lin Yun can surpass the speed of the previous swordsmanship. Wang Luo puts great pressure on it, which is just an incentive.

All in all, Lin Yun's sword speed has increased, and his sword skills have also increased!

Bang bang bang!

After the speed of swordsmanship became faster, Lin Yun also made crazy moves, constantly resisting Wang Luo's lightning fast attack!

"Haha, refreshing! Wang Luo, thank you so much! You helped me improve my sword skills!"

Lin Yun shot wildly while laughing.

"You fellow, actually took my attack as a trial!" Wang Luo's face was gloomy.

After playing for a long time, he actually became Lin Yun's sparring partner, helping Lin Yun stimulate his potential? Forcing Lin Yun to increase his speed? Is there a mistake!

"Lin Yun, you guy is so disgusting, I don't want to play with you anymore! Just end it!"

"You can force me to use the last method of pressing the bottom of the box, you are at least better than Jiang Fengyu, he did not force me to use such methods!"

"So, even if you fail!"

Accompanied by the shouts, Wang Luo's breath suddenly rose, and his strength once again ushered in an improvement.

With a spear in his hand, an instant golden light masterpiece, and then whizzed out with terrifying power, the speed is equally astonishing!

"Rainbow swordsmanship, ninth style, condensate!"

The sword in Lin Yun's hand trembled, and the power was rising steadily, and the sword rose up into a brilliant rainbow.

Before Lin Yun had only mastered Rainbow Swordsmanship to the eighth level, as for the ninth level, Lin Yun had been practicing but never succeeded.

And just after the swordsmanship improved, Lin Yun felt that he was enough to motivate the ninth form of Rainbow Swordsmanship!

Rainbow Swordsmanship is originally a holy spirit level cheat sheet, and its power needless to say.

From the eighth to the ninth, Wei Neng also has a significant improvement.

Lin Yun rushed out with a sword, and the sword light tilted like a rainbow glow!

"It's now!"

"The power of the bracer, burst!"

A special energy instantly jumped out of the bracer and attached to the sword.

"Shake the sky, break out!"

A horrible breath entangled from Lin Yun's palm, and layers of black scales condensed and opened on Lin Yun's palm, filling out an astonishing wave!

The power that shook the hands of the sky rushed to the sword!

Both sides attacked too fast, the moment Lin Yungang urged the shaking hands, the two weapons shook again!

In an instant, the entire ring trembled violently!

The power of the offensive on both sides, transmitted through weapons, gushes out like a flash flood!


Wang Luo's face changed, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person was shocked and couldn't help but retreat!

This is the opportunity!

"Wang Luo, it's over!"

"Shake the sky!"

Lin Yun used the Shaking Hands twice, almost completely evacuating Lin Yun's internal strength.

"Rainbow sword technique, ninth style, re-concentrate!"

The sword turned into a rainbow light, with the added power of Shaking the Heavens Hand, a sword attacked Wang Luo who was regressing and unstable!

Under Lin Yun’s horrible move, Wang Luo was already injured and he couldn’t help but retreat violently. His figure was completely unstable. Facing the powerful attack from Lin Yun again, he could only use both guns. , To parry!


This sword light rainbow light hit the spear, Wang Luo finally failed to prevent this move, the sword light passed through his hand, Wang Luo tried his best to dodge, the sword still struck Wang Luo's chest, leaving a long line Deep wounds!


Wang Luo spouted another mouthful of blood and fell to the corner of the ring. The blood spilled out and dyed Wang Luo's robe red.

Lin Yun stopped attacking, stood with his sword, looking at Wang Luo.

"Wang Luo, you lost!"

At this time, Lin Yun's internal force was empty, and he could no longer spur enough powerful attacks.

It was not enough that Wang Luo was seriously injured. Lin Yun believed that his combat ability was worse than his own. He was not allowed to take pills in the arena, and he would not be able to recover his injuries instantly!

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