Top Shenhao

Chapter 2058: Harvest after the war

Only for the Mahayana monks who need to attack the tribulation realm, but have not grasped the profound meaning of water, the fire-breeding spirit grass has great appeal.

This elder Yin stepped on the Pihuo Spirit Grass, and most of it was taken back for use by the genius disciples of the Heavenly Sect.

For Lin Yun, it was already a profit for Lin Yun to harvest the fire grass.

After picking the fire-preparing grass, Lin Yun steered the flying boat and left quickly.

On the flying boat.

"Now that the prototype of Thunder and Lightning Profound meaning has been mastered, the profound meanings that have not been mastered are the Profound meaning of Water, the Profound meaning of Light, and the Profound meaning of Darkness."

Lin Yun secretly said in his heart: "As for the profound meaning of water, it is not difficult to master it after having this fire-penetrating spirit orb. In addition, there are two profound meanings of light and darkness.

"Look at this Elder Yin, what is there?" Lin Yun directly opened the Elder Yin's storage ring.

Elder Yin was gone, and the mark on his storage ring had naturally disappeared.

In the storage ring, there are more than 8 million spirit crystals and more than two hundred pill of crossing the catastrophe. The Holy Spirit-level magical tools that Lin Yun left behind are also in it. Inside the ring, there are three super god-level weapons, more than a dozen. God-level weapons, and many sundries.

These things can be regarded as a bumper harvest, especially when crossing the catastrophe is simple. If Lin Yun breaks through the crossing, he will really need this stuff!


"What is this?" Lin Yun noticed an ancient book.

Lin Yun took this ancient book out of the storage ring.

Ancient Relics List!

Lin Yun found it interesting to see the names of this ancient book.

Lin Yun put in his storage ring first, ready to watch later when he has time.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took a look at the storage rings of those disciples. The contents inside were not very attractive to Lin Yun today, but they could sell a lot of money.

After exploring the spoils.

"Now that I have mastered the prototype of the thunder and lightning, I have to find a way to master the complete thunder and lightning." Lin Yun secretly said.

Although mastering the prototype means getting started, it still takes a lot of time and energy to go from the prototype to the complete mastery.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took out the crystal coffin obtained from the remains of the immortal.

"This crystal coffin seems to be very helpful to the profound meaning. Try to master the profound meaning of thunder and lightning in the crystal coffin, will it help."

After thinking of this, Lin Yun lay directly in the crystal coffin and began to comprehend the profound meaning of thunder and lightning.

"It really helps!"

Lin Yun was surprised to discover that to comprehend the profound meaning in the crystal coffin can greatly accelerate the speed from the prototype of the profound meaning to the complete mastery of the profound meaning.

Before grasping the profound meaning of thunder and lightning, Lin Yun once tried to wade into the crystal coffin, trying to rely on the crystal coffin to comprehend the several profound meanings that he had not yet started, but it was completely useless.

Now it seems that only after understanding the prototype, the crystal coffin can help you improve.

The use of the crystal coffin to master the fusion of the profound meaning was also the profound meaning of the Fusion Society.

In other words, it can help you improve the profound meanings, but it cannot help you comprehend the profound meanings you haven't mastered yet.

"This crystal coffin is really a treasure. With its help, it won't take long to master the complete meaning of thunder and lightning." Lin Yun said with joy.

From the prototype of the Profound meaning to the complete Profound meaning, it would have been quite time consuming. At the beginning, Lin Yun's prototype of the Profound meaning of the Wind, from the rudiment to the complete, did not know how much time and energy it took.

Now that there is this crystal coffin, there is no such trouble.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun entered the Nianming Heart Pagoda, and in the One Nianming Heart Pagoda, he used the crystal coffin to cultivate the profound meaning of thunder and lightning.



In the yard where Bai Lu lives.

"Uncle, why, why should he be so stupid..." Bai Lu's eyes flushed.

They had returned to Baijiapu yesterday. From yesterday to today, Bai Lu's tears have almost dried up.

She is guilty and blames herself.

Because she knew that Lin Yun was to help her and stayed in the way.

"This Young Master Lin Yun is indeed a sentimental and righteous person. We have nothing to do with them and we have not known each other soon. Just because Bai Lu you saved her, he is willing to use his life to block the enemy for us." Bai Yongzhi sighed.

Bai Yongzhi can't believe that there is such a person in the world who cares about love and justice. He thinks he can't do it!

"Miss Bai Lu! Miss Bai Lu! Lin Yun is back, now at the gate of Baijiapu!" The maid ran into the courtyard excitedly.

"What? Big Brother Lin Yun is back?" Bai Lu couldn't believe it.

"Miss, Elder Yongzhi, how dare I deceive you." The maid said.

"Bailu, go! Let's go and see!"

Bai Yongzhi immediately got up and walked out.

Bai Lu also looked forward to it and quickly followed.

At the gate of Baijiapu.

Lin Yun stood here waiting, because Lin Yun was not from the Bai family, and without the leadership of the Bai family, naturally he could not enter Baijiapu.

At this time, Bai Yongzhi and Bai Lu hurriedly ran out of the gate.

"Big Brother Lin Yun, it's really you! You're not dead! You're really not dead!" After Bai Lu saw Lin Yun, tears filled her eyes with excitement.

She thought that Lin Yun was dead, but now Lin Yun came back alive. You can imagine how happy she is.

"Bai Lu, how could Lin Yun die so easily?" Lin Yun grinned.

At this time, Bai Yongzhi also walked up, his eyes also flashed with strong shock, and his heart was even more turbulent.

He couldn't imagine how Lin Yun, a second-order Mahayana (he didn't know that Lin Yun had already stepped into the third-order), could escape from the power of the tribulation realm.

"Lin Yun Young Man, you really came back alive. Although I don't know how Young Xia did it, I have to admire Young Xia's ability!" Bai Yongzhi finished, and immediately bowed.

"By the way, Big Brother Lin Yun, how did you escape? Didn't the Tianshazong group chase after?" Bai Lu was also curious.

"I killed all those people." Lin Yun said.

"All... all killed?"

The corner of Bai Yongzhi's eyes twitched: "Also including the Yin elder who once transited the Tribulation Realm?"

"Yes." Lin Yun nodded.


"Little Lin Yun, did you lie to me? This...this..."

Bai Yongzhi took a breath of surprise, unable to believe it.

That's a transition to the tribulation realm! The second-order Mahayana kills and turns across the robbery? Don't blame him for not believing, this is simply a fantasy!

"Nuo, this is his weapon." Lin Yun said with a hand, revealing Elder Yin's Holy Spirit-level spear.

After Bai Yongzhi saw this weapon, he was shocked and stuck in place like a piece of wood.

Even the opponent's weapon was already in Lin Yun's hands, even if he couldn't believe it, he had to believe it!

Lin Yun's performance again and again made him even more unable to see Lin Yun.

This is not easy!

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe and beard also walked out of the gate.

"I heard that Shaoxia Lin Yun, who saved my juniors from hundreds of families, is back," said the middle-aged man.

"President Bai!"

"I have seen Patriarch Bai!"

After seeing the middle-aged man, Bai Lu and Bai Yongzhi hurriedly saluted.

"This should be Lin Yun Shaoxia? Introduce yourself, after all, Bai Xuan, the Hundred Family Family." Patriarch Bai came to Lin Yun.

"Patriarch Bai." Lin Yun clasped his fists.

Lin Yun knew that the Bai Patriarch was definitely crossing the Tribulation Realm. As for the few turns, Lin Yun didn't know.

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