Top Shenhao

Chapter 2082: Easy promotion

After he two left.

"Brother Lin Yun, I don't think things are that simple." Patriarch Zhu said.

Patriarch Zhu was a little worried. He had an ominous premonition. Based on his understanding of Patriarch Mo, Patriarch Mo dared to make such a vow, and there must be a hole card they didn't know.

"It's okay, the water will come and the earth will cover, the soldiers will come to block, besides, the five-thousand-crossing tribulation pill was originally blackmailed from the Mo family, even if I lose it back, I will not lose." Lin Yun smiled.

At this moment, the last arena of the survival match also produced results.

Since then, the top 100 in the government test came into being!

The first round of survival match also came to an end.

Naturally, those who can stay at the last place in each ring will not need to say much about their strength.

"The second argument of the Wuju Palace Trial, the knockout!"

"In the first game, He Qi played against Gao Song!" the referee shouted.

As the referee pronounced their names, the two players named came on stage.

After a moment of fighting, Takamatsu easily defeated his opponent and won a victory.

Next, the second, third...

Competitions were presented in front of the audience.

"In the twelfth game, Lin Yun played against Feng Zhen!"

Lin Yun, who had been standing there waiting, finally heard that he was named.

"Lin Yun Shaoxia, these opponents, who can survive the survival match, all have some ability, be careful." Zhu Patriarch exhorted.

Lin Yun nodded, and immediately walked towards the ring.

On the ring.

Opposite is a curly-haired man, his face is not very good-looking, after all, he has met Lin Yun, who has been widely reported recently.

"Lin Yun, I am in the second-order Mahayana realm, and you can defeat even Wei Qi. The strength gap between you and me is definitely huge. How much is it for me? For example, don't use God's knowledge or use Profound meaning?" The curly-haired man smiled.

"Sorry, I can't make any guarantee to you. Competition is cruel." Lin Yun said calmly.

The curly-haired man's face changed slightly. He just thought that Lin Yun would definitely support him in front of him.

As long as Lin Yun is arrogant and agrees to let him, he has a chance to give it a try!

And ordinary geniuses like to commit arrogance and arrogance the most. He didn't expect Lin Yun to be unbelievable at all?

"Two, the game officially begins!" The referee announced on stage.

The curly-haired man also showed a sword, and then ‘swiped’ it towards Lin Yun. He wanted to preemptively.

This man exploded all kinds of methods such as profound meaning and divine power gain.

He knew that he must go all out to face Lin Yun!

Upon seeing this, Lin Yun stepped on his feet and threw out like a cheetah, the sword in his hand turned into a stream of light.

The power of the eightfold Taixu burst out, and terrifying power surged above the sword.


With the two swords head-in-hand, the aftermath bursts and winds up.

The curly-haired man suddenly changed his complexion, and his whole body flew out and fell under the ring, his face pale.

one move.

It is enough to defeat him!

Lin Yun was already merciful enough, and the power of the emptiness broke out eightfold, if it broke out eleven, he would not be slightly injured.

"Lin Yun, win!" the referee announced immediately.

"It was really easy to win, Lin Yun didn't even expose any means."

The audience sighed.

Lin Yun also stepped down and returned to his position.

"Little Lin Yun, congratulations for another victory." Zhu Patriarch smiled and clasped his fists in congratulations.

"It's early now." Lin Yun smiled and shook his head, while his eyes fell on the ring.

The game continues.

Game after game, unfolds continuously.

Everyone is struggling to get into the top 20.

Occasionally, those who are not much different in strength will fight fiercely in the arena, and the winner will be determined only under the fierce battle.

Of course, there are also people who are very different in strength like Lin Yun just now, and the winner is instantly divided.

For example, Cao Zheng also crushed and won. Lin Yun wanted to watch him fight and see what hole cards he had.

However, Cao Zheng's opponent couldn't force Cao Zheng at all. Using real means, Lin Yun naturally couldn't see why he came.

In this knockout, there is more than one round, no one has to play several rounds, and the final ranking is based on the number of wins and losses.

In the second round of the knockout round, Lin Yun's opponent was called Li Changyi. At the beginning of the game, before Lin Yun even started, he directly gave in.

He knew that he was not Lin Yun's opponent, and took the initiative to give in. Naturally, he was to retain his strength and play the next game. If he was injured by Lin Yun in this game, he would also lose, but he would not be in a good state to challenge.

In this way, Lin Yun won the second game without a fight.

Then there are the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth rounds of the knockout rounds.

Lin Yun played a total of six games and won!

Those who do not directly admit defeat.

The six rounds of the knockout rounds, because they are played one after another, have been played from morning to afternoon.

After the sixth round of the knockout round, there were only 20 players left on the field, and the top 20 in the Dongyuan Mansion test came into being.

Lin Yun naturally among the 20 people, and Cao Zheng, also won six games.

After the elimination round, the envoy in front stood up.

"Congratulations, everyone, stepping into the top 20 of Dongyuan Mansion's Wuju Mansion Exam. You played for so long today. Go back and adjust your state. Tomorrow morning, you will compete for the Mansion Exam Championship!"

As for the 21st-100ths that were eliminated, the envoy's men also handed out a token for them on the spot, printed by the Empire.

This token is a symbol of their honor and strength. After all, it is not easy to be in the top 100 in the official test, and it is already considered a talent.

They can also use this token to seek a position among the counties and county officials below.

For many monks who are in the lower 21-100 ranks, they are also satisfied with this token.

After the token is issued.

"Messenger, go, go to my palace lord's palace, the finest delicacies and brews are already ready!" The palace lord got up.

Immediately afterwards, the palace owner took the imperial envoy and left the scene.

At the end of today's game, the audience also dispersed in the discussion.

"Junior sister, I got the martial arts order. From today, no one will dare to bully you!"

"Father, Haier failed to enter the top twenty, but Haier still got a martial arts order."


Many of the 21-100th cultivators who received the martial arts order ran into the crowd excitedly, found their relatives to announce the good news, and even embraced and cried.

There are also those with unsatisfactory grades, dejected, saying that they will take another exam next year!

"Patriarch Zhu, Zhu Xu, let's go, tomorrow is the dinner." Lin Yun said.

Today, only the top 20 were selected. Perhaps for many people, such a ranking is out of reach, but for Lin Yun, it is as simple as searching for something.

It might be a little challenging to compete for the championship tomorrow.

Lin Yun and the three also left the scene.

"Rong'er, let's go too. We should also prepare. After he fails to win the championship tomorrow, we will start the revenge plan!"

They were not too surprised for Lin Yun to enter the top 20, this was entirely what they expected.

They also know that today only the top 20 were selected.

Exciting game being played tomorrow!

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