Top Shenhao

Chapter 2116: Surprise

This sentence caused a wave of waves in the calm Emperor Huoyun's eyes.

The difficulty of practicing the Shadow Sword Art is constantly increasing. Normally, it takes more time from the third to the fourth than the previous three!

He gave it four years. If he only mastered the third formula, he could only say that it was good or not, and he could barely make it through.

However, if the fourth form can be reached in four years, it will be very strong!

This was enough to make the Great Emperor Huoyun feel astonished.

"Fourth style, have you become?" Huoyun the Great asked.

"Yes." Lin Yun replied.

"Demonstrate it." Huoyun the Great said.

Of course he has to make sure that it is indeed the news.


Lin Yun immediately showed his sword to show it to Emperor Huoyun.

A sword flicked past, and the sword seemed to flee into the void with amazing power.

"Fourth formula, really reached!" Huoyun Great Emperor's eyes lit up.

This was the sword technique created by the Great Emperor Huoyun, he naturally knew that this was the fourth style of the Shadow Sword Art without doubt!

"Yes, very good! Lin Yun, you gave me a surprise this time!" The Great Emperor Huoyun laughed and said "good" twice.

It is not easy to be praised by Emperor Huoyun like this!

"The respected master has passed the award, and the disciples took a lot of effort to reach it." Lin Yun said modestly.

"This Shadow Sword Art is already extremely difficult to cultivate. If you have poor talent, it will be difficult to get started, and the fourth level of cultivation is much more difficult than the third level." The Great Emperor Huoyun said.

The original plan of Emperor Huoyun was that after Lin Yun learned the three forms, he would guide the fourth form.

He didn't expect Lin Yun to cultivate himself...

Immediately afterwards, the Great Emperor Huoyun burst into Lin Yun's consciousness with a powerful wave of consciousness.

Lin Yun only felt a burst of information, and it rushed to his brain instantly.

This is... the guidance and experience of the fifth style practice, including some demo images!

After Lin Yun felt these contents, he was immediately happy.

All this information reflected in Lin Yun's brain, and Lin Yun could digest it slowly behind him.

"This is about the training guidance of the fifth style." The emperor said slowly.

"Thank you Master for your guidance!" Lin Yun thanked immediately.

With the guidance content sent to him by the Emperor Huoyun, the difficulty of the fifth type of cultivation will obviously be reduced!

"Next, you first concentrate on attacking the Tribulation Realm. With the things I gave you, it should not be difficult to attack the Tribulation Realm. Only when you reach the Tribulation Realm, your cultivation can enter a new world." Huoyun Great Emperor said.

The Great Emperor Huoyun continued: "When you reach the Tribulation Crossing Realm, come see me again. At that time, I will give you a reward. You should not be distracted now!"

"The disciple understands." Lin Yun replied.

Lin Yun's idea is also to attack the tribulation realm first, which is very important to him!

"In addition, I will send someone to tell the person in charge of the Huoyun camp to give you all the privileges in the camp. Even the person in charge of the camp must listen to you, genius, and qualified to enjoy the privileges!" said Emperor Huoyun.

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Yun saluted again.

"Go down." The Great Emperor Huoyun waved his hand.

"Disciple farewell."

After Lin Yun bowed, he exited the hall.

After Lin Yun left.

"Master, this guy is amazing. Without your guidance, he learned the Shadow Sword Art to the fourth form in four years!" said the red-haired cat.

"It gave me a surprise. It is not an easy task to surprise me." The Great Emperor Huoyun said with a smile.

With the eyes and demands of the Great Emperor Huoyun, it was extremely difficult to sit down to his satisfaction, let alone exceed his expectations!

"However, he has a long way to go. After all, he is only in the third-order Mahayana realm. No one can tell what will happen in the future. Too many geniuses stun everyone in the middle. All I can do is to help him grow as much as possible." said Emperor Huoyun. .

There is no doubt that after this time, Emperor Huoyun's attention to Lin has risen directly!


On the other side, Lin Yun exited the hall.

"Huh..." Lin Yun let out a long sigh of relief.

For some reason, when Lin Yun saw Emperor Huoyun, there was always an invisible pressure.

The emperor is indeed too dazzling.

"Next, let's try our best to attack the tribulation realm. This is indeed very important to me." Lin Yun muttered to himself.

According to the instructions of the Great Emperor Huoyun, the next time he came to see him, it was when he reached the tribulation realm.

Lin Yun naturally wanted to accomplish this goal earlier.

And only by reaching the tribulation realm, Lin Yun can continue to improve in many aspects!

Even without the instructions of the Great Emperor Huo Yun, Lin Yun would attack the Tribulation Realm with all his strength.


After leaving the palace, Lin Yun first went to the imperial treasure house opposite the palace and thanked the old master Kuguan on the third floor of the treasure house.

The third floor of the treasure house.

"Little guy, it's you again. With this flash, a year has passed, right?" Grandpa Kuguan looked at Lin Yun.

After all, Lin Yun is the disciple of the Great Emperor Huo Yun, and his memory of Lin Yun is of course very profound.

"Senior, the boy came here to thank you specially. Your suggestions are of great help to me!"

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he saluted the old man Kuguan.

Grandpa Kuguan looked a little surprised. He didn't expect Lin Yun to thank him specially.

After all, his apparent identity is nothing more than a treasurer, how weak is his official position? Most people don't take him seriously.

"It seems that my method has worked."

"You little guy, you have a heart that knows how to be grateful, and you can be so polite to me as a mere treasurer. The old man believes that you will have extraordinary achievements in the future!" Grandpa Kuguan smiled and appeared. I really appreciate Lin Yun.


After leaving the treasure house, Lin Yun went straight to the Huoyun camp.

After arriving at the camp, Lin Yun ran into sister Tao as soon as he walked not far.

"Lin Yun, come here!" Sister Tao stopped Lin Yun coldly.

Obviously, the emperor's will has not been passed on, otherwise she would not be able to use this tone to Lin Yun.

"Sister Tao, what's the matter?" Lin Yun still had a polite smile.

"One thing I forgot to tell you before is that the camp has to go out to practice and complete the missions every year. I gave you privileges a few years ago. I didn't let you go and didn't notify you. But starting this year, you will also participate!" Sister Tao said coldly.

"Sister Tao, I think in the future, I can still be exempted." Lin Yun said calmly.

Sister Tao was startled, he didn't expect Lin Yun to dare to talk to her in this tone!

Then, an anger flashed in her eyes: "Lin Yun, you seem to be a little too drifting, don't know your status? I am the person in charge and manager of the Huoyun camp, so you dare to talk to me like this Do you know, according to the Huoyun camp rules, you should be punished?"

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