Top Shenhao

Chapter 2129:

"I had a grievance with someone in the Dongguo family, so I never wanted to join. Because of this, my official career was not smooth and I have been suppressed. My position in the martial arts hall actually has no future at all. There is no real power either." Liang Yuan shook his head dimly.

It can be seen that Liang Yuan is unwilling to only develop to this point.

After all, if you continue to climb up and be valued, you can get more resources and improve faster.

As a cultivator of the Crossing Tribulation Realm, he must also be eager to impact eternal life, but he must first reach the Nine Transition Crossing Tribulation Realm before he can talk about impacting eternal life.

Dianzhu He also smiled and said, "Lin Yun, don’t think I am the master of the martial arts hall. In fact, this position is only responsible for screening talents, and everything is selected according to the rules and regulations. We mainly play a supervisory role. My third-rank official rank also has no real power. The reason is simple. I am not the Dongguo Party."

"Dianzhu He didn't join because he had a grudge with the Dongguo Party?" Lin Yun doubted.

"No, I used to have no hatred with the Dong Guo Dang, I just don't want to be a running dog for the Dong Guo family, nothing more." He said.

"By the way, why does the Dongguo family have such great capabilities?" Lin Yun was curious.

"The father of Xiangguo Dongguo Wou-ki is an immortal, and he is also a capable officer of Emperor Huoyun. He was born to death with Emperor Huoyun in the battle of monsters tens of thousands of years ago. He is a veteran of the Huoyun Empire. The emperor trusts, I heard that it is the emperor Huoyun who worshipped the brother brother!" said the Lord He.

He Dianzhu continued: "Dong Guo Wuji's father later retired, and Dong Guo Wuji took over as Xiangguo. Dong Guo Wuji also fought with the Great Emperor Huoyun. At that time, he still crossed the tribulation realm, and later entered eternal life."

Lin Yun suddenly, no wonder it is so powerful.

"Lin Yun, if the Dongguo Party really invites you, whether you want to join it or not is up to your own will, and you don't need to think about us. Whatever it is, you should go to meet the guests first. All visitors are guests. Even if you don't join, don't offend. "Liang Yuan said.

"Okay, then I'll go to meet the guest first." Lin Yun nodded, then got up.

"Lin Yun, the fact that you broke through the tribulation realm and was appointed by your majesty the third rank official rank has been spread. In the past two days, I am afraid that there will be many gods and dignitaries. Come to congratulate you. You will be very busy these days. I won't bother you much."

He Dianzhu and Liang Yuan got up to say goodbye.

Lin Yun sent him to the door, and the person sent by the Dongguo family to congratulate him was already waiting at the door.

"Master Lin, I am Dong Guoqi, and I belong to the Dong Guo family. Dong Guo Xiangguo has a busy schedule. I am here to congratulate Master Lin on his promotion. This is a gift from Xiang Guobei."

The man gave the gift.

"Master Dong Guoqi, please come inside." Lin Yun made a request.

Although Lin Yun didn't plan to join any Dongguo party, Lin Yun wouldn't offend them for no reason. Since others came to give gifts, Lin Yun naturally fulfilled the friendship of the landlord. As for what they had other intentions, it was another matter.

After entering the reception hall, the maid served hot tea, and Lin Yun also ordered the housekeeper to wait at the door. If there are guests to congratulate again, help welcome to the mansion and register the gift.

In the reception hall.

This Dong Guoqi was first a greeting and a compliment to Lin Yun.

After this, he finally got into the topic.

"Master Lin, you have been in the gods for a long time. You must have heard of the Dong Guo Party. You are an individual talent. If you join our Dong Guo Party, your future development in the empire will be limitless." Dong Guo Qi said.

"Sorry, I like freedom and don't like to intervene in such forces. As for my future development, I am your majesty's apprentice. I don't want to use external force." Lin Yun politely declined.

"Master Lin, don't rush to reply. Think about it. Leaning back against the big tree is good for the coolness. Our Dongguo Party is a towering tree!" Dong Guoqi said proudly.

"Emperor Huoyun, it should be bigger than the big tree of your Dongguo Party, right?" Lin Yun smiled.

"Haha, that's of course, but you can't always see the Emperor Huoyun, and the Emperor cannot consider the facts for you. There are some things that are difficult to put on the surface, and it is not convenient for you to find Emperor Huoyun. And our Dong Guo Party has more energy than you think!" Dong Guo Qi said.

He continued: "If you join our Dongguo Party or not, there is a big gap. Even if you are a disciple of your Majesty and don't join our Dongguo Party, you will definitely be marginalized in the Huoyun Empire, believe me!"

"Marginalized?" Lin Yun smiled.

At this time, the housekeeper came to report, and a lot of guests came to the yard.

"Master Dongguoqi, thank you for the gift of Xiangguo on my behalf. I still have many guests to entertain. Forgive me for not staying with me for long."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he immediately got up and walked out.

"Humph, I don't know what it is." Dong Guoqi snorted coldly, then got up and left.


Dongguo House.

Dong Guo Qi, who was rejected, returned to the mansion to return to Dong Guo Lie.

"Master, this guy refused my invitation." Dong Guo Qihui reported.

"He refused?" Dong Guo Lie frowned, looking a little surprised.

He originally thought that this guy named Lin Yun would definitely not dare to refuse, he would obediently agree, and would be a running dog for his Dong Guo family in the future. After all, how powerful is his Dong Guo family?

He had promised his father by patting his chest that it would be absolutely fine to leave it to him.

Being rejected now naturally made him feel extremely unhappy, and it also made it difficult for him to explain to his father.

"It seems that he really doesn't know the energy of my Dongguo Party, and immediately ordered to go down. Everyone in the Dongguo Party is not allowed to congratulate him. Let him see how powerful the Dongguo Party is. I don't believe him and don't panic!" Said coldly.

the other side.

Lin Fuzhong.

Lin Yun was in the mansion, entertaining the guests who came to greet him.

But after receiving a batch, Lin Yun found that suddenly no guests came, which was somewhat unexpected to Lin Yun.

"Master Lin Yun, I just heard rumors that the Dongguo Party ordered that all of them are not allowed to come and congratulate you. As soon as this news came out, everyone was guessing what was going on, even those who did not join any faction, nor Dare to come and congratulate you. Even if these people have not joined the Dong Guo Party, they are not willing to offend the Dong Guo Party." The steward reported to Lin Yun.

"No one is here, I feel relieved." Lin Yun smiled.

Lin Yun didn't lack that little gift.

"Steward Zheng, you help me stare. If someone comes again, please help me to receive it. No one will leave it alone. I will go to practice for a few days. If your majesty tells me what I see, come and report to me." Lin Yun ordered.

"Good Master Lin." The butler responded.

Lin Yun went directly to the quiet room of the mansion, preparing to attack the Second Transition to cross the Tribulation Realm!

The Pill of Crossing Tribulation that Lin Yun currently possesses is enough for Lin Yun to practice for some time in the future, without having to slowly condense the Pill of Crossing Tribulation.

As for other things? To Lin Yun, any Dongguo Party was imaginary.

Only by improving one's own strength can this be real and Lin Yun's only fancy.

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