Top Shenhao

Chapter 2190: The truth is revealed

Upon seeing this, Wutong trembled with anger.

"Dong Guo Party generals, following the order, kill this kid for me!" Wu Tong pointed to Lin Yun angrily.

Although he could not order the hundreds of thousands of city guards present, he could still mobilize the 800-odd Dongguo Party generals present. After all, they were all Dongguo Party, grasshoppers on a rope.

Among this group of people, there are five crossing the Tribulation Realm, and Wutong is six crossing the Tribulation Realm, and the rest are in the Mahayana Realm and the Kongming Realm.

"The generals are ready to fight, if you dare to have the following offenders, punish them!" Lin Yun issued an order.


Huo Zhen, Liang Yuan, Yang Wan, Zhao Hu, Meng Shan, and the other generals behind Lin Yun took the lead, showing their weapons to prepare for the battle.

Lin Yun's eyes condensed: "Huo Zhen, send the order again!"

"The generals listened to the order, and the formation!!" Huo Zhen's voice resounded like a bell, resounding through the clouds.


The hundreds of thousands of city guards on the scene immediately got up to run their internal forces.


A huge attack formation slowly formed, releasing a bright light, illuminating half of the sky.

The generals of the Dongguo Party who were about to do their hands suddenly stopped when they saw the large formation formed by the air city guards.

This big array is enough to make them all jealous.

What's more, there are Lin Yun and the group of people behind Lin Yun, if they really fight together, they are probably the ones who will suffer!

Lin Yun looked at Wutong with full aura: "Wutong, have you seen it? Hundreds of thousands of city guard sergeants are still dispatched by my palace lord! Evil cannot defeat justice after all. I am a justifiable palace lord, so I Justice is justice. What if you have worked in Dongyuan Mansion for thousands of years? The empire has existed for tens of thousands of years, and the prestige that the empire has established in the hearts of sergeants is beyond your reach!"

"Lin Yun, since this is the end of the matter, it's a big deal today! The 800-odd Dongguo Party general and I are also not good!" Wu Tong had scarlet eyes and a hideous face.

Logically speaking, he was supposed to be in control of Lin Yun's life and death.

His biggest miscalculation was that he didn't expect that the city guard would turn around!

Wu Tong naturally knew that things had progressed to the point where they were completely out of control, and there was no retreat. With him and so many Dongguo party leaders, he could break the boat.

Lin Yun smiled coldly: "The fish die and the net breaks? Ha ha, I'm afraid you don't even have the chance to die with me!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun looked at the 800-odd Dongguo Party generals: "You guys, do you really want to follow this Wutong and make mistakes again and again? You, as the empire generals, should have been bloodied on the battlefield. You really want to die. Here, finally carry the infamy of the rebel and implicate the tribe?"

"Lin Yun, do you still want to shake the generals of our Dongguo Party? Haha, it's a daydream!" Wu Tong laughed grimly.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Tong also looked at these Dong Guo Party generals: "Everyone, we are all Dong Guo Party, we are all grasshoppers on a rope, we will all be prosperous, and we will lose everything if I die today. Good result, the only way is to kill Lin Yun desperately!"

These 800-odd generals nodded one after another, and they naturally understood that they were an interest group, and they would all be prosperous and lose everything.

Lin Yun immediately stepped out: "Don't listen to his nonsense. As far as I know, many of you more than 800 generals are forced to join the Dongguo Party for their own future. As long as you leave the Dongguo Party, use your soul I swear not to serve the Dongguo Party anymore and do my job well in the future. I can leave the blame for the past. What position did you have before, and what position will you still use in the future!

As soon as these words came out, these 800-odd Dongguo Party generals were in an uproar, and the conditions that Lin Yun raised were obviously very attractive.

"Asshole, do you really think this trick is useful? You underestimated the unity of our Dongguo Party!" Wu Tong roared.

Lin Yun did not answer, but turned to look at Huo Zhen next to him.

"Huo Zhen, go, kill that Fan Xiao!" Lin Yun gave the order.

Fan Xiao was pressed in front of Lin Yun before, and Lin Yun wanted to execute him, but was stopped by Wu Tong and others.

"Big brother, now? It seems something is wrong now." Huo Zhen was surprised.

Killing Fan Xiao can easily irritate these Dongguo Party generals. It was because of the escalation of the conflict between the two sides that Huo Zhen was puzzled. Why should he kill Fan Xiao again at this critical time? It is easy for those generals to mistakenly believe that. , Lin Yun could not bypass them.

"I have my own reason, let's go." Lin Yun said.


Although Huo Zhen didn't understand, since Lin Yun had confirmed it, he naturally followed suit.

After Huo Zhen took the order, he directly showed his spear, exploded with the power of Five Turns Crossing the Tribulation Realm, and directly killed Fan Xiao.

"Commander Wu, help!"

"Dong Guo Party colleagues, help!"

Fan Xiao was so scared that he hurriedly asked for help.


The 800-odd Dongguo Party generals present suddenly changed their expressions after seeing this scene.

After all, they and Fan Xiao are both the Dongguo Party, and the rabbits die and the fox is sad. In their opinion, if Lin Yun really wants to kill Fan Xiao, then even if Lin Yun promises to spare them now, will he let them go in the future?

At this moment, Huo Zhen's attack had arrived, and with one move he would easily spit out blood from Fan Xiao. After all, Fan Xiao was only a third-order Mahayana realm.

"Huh? Not dead?" Huo Zhen showed a touch of surprise.

Normally, he just attacked and killed a Tier 3 Mahayana realm that couldn't be easier.


Since one move didn't die, Huo Zhen made another move.

"You forced me!"

Fan Xiao, who fell to the ground and vomited, suddenly roared when Huo Zhen's attack hit again.

As the dawn broke, Fan Xiao's body suddenly began to swell and change, and in a blink of an eye he became a four-legged monster beast covered in green scales. The breath he released instantly became stronger.

"Monster! It's a monster!"

"Gosh, Deputy Commander Fan Xiao turned out to be a monster!"

In an instant, the entire yard was boiling.

All the generals and sergeants of the city guards present were frightened by Fan Xiao who had been transformed into monsters.

This scene gave them too much shock, Fan Xiao who was with them day and night, turned out to be a monster? And they didn't notice it at all!

"It really is a monster!" Huo Zhen was also taken aback.

"Then you should die even more!" Huo Zhen suddenly broke out, attacking swiftly and continuously.

"Fan Xiao turned out to be... really a monster!"

"Palace Master Lin Yun turned out to be true, he was just about to kill the monster beast!"

The city guard generals of the more than 800 Dongguo Party were also sluggish.

Their conflicts with Lin Yun intensified before because Lin Yun wanted to kill Fan Xiao, and Fan Xiao was a member of the Dongguo Party of Dongyuan Mansion. They all thought that Lin Yun said that Fan Xiao was a monster, and he just wanted to kill people and establish power. , To beat their Dong Yuan Mansion Dong Guo Party's gimmick.

And now, they understand that Lin Yun is really going to kill the monsters insiders...

Just your black boy, his face changed in shock.

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