Top Shenhao

Chapter 2221: Storm house

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of many ancient family members in the city below.

"Who is so bold? How dare to kill my ancient family at the door of my ancient house?"

"Looking for death, it's just looking for death!"


A large number of members of the ancient family screamed in exclamation.

They can already foresee how miserable the people of these two flying boats will end up!

Just kidding, how powerful his ancient family is.

What's more, his ancient family is still the leader of the Zhutian Alliance, and it doesn't need to say how strong the Zhutian Alliance is now.

At this time, Lin Yun and others flew out of the flying boat.

"Gu Patriarch, I, Lin Yun, came to destroy your ancient house. Get out and die!" Lin Yunxuan shouted sharply in the air.


At this moment, the ancient family guardian formation was triggered.

A ray of light emerged instantly, covering the entire ancient house.

Such movement attracted the attention of more and more ancient family members below.

No matter what you were doing before, everyone looked up into the air at this time.

"It's Lin Yun? It's the Lin Yun who was defeated by our ancient family and Zhutian Alliance and escaped and got into the Monster Beast Mountain Range? He is still alive?"

"He is too courageous, and he is lucky enough to survive. He even dared to come to my ancient house. Is he really fateful?"

"Since I dare to come, my ancient family will definitely kill him this time!"


There has been a lot of discussion in the ancient home.

"Huh? Why don't the Patriarch and the elders show up yet?"

"Yes, why don't the Patriarch and the elders show up yet?"

After talking for a while, the ancient family members finally discovered something wrong.

It stands to reason that if an enemy comes to the door, the Patriarch and the elders should have appeared long ago! But now the Patriarch and any elders did not show up.

Is everything going out? Even if they go out, it is impossible for the elders to leave at the same time. They will definitely keep someone to guard the Patriarch.

This is weird!


Lin Yun and the others shouted, but Patriarch Gu did not show up, and none of them showed up in the Tribulation Realm.

"Don't the ancient Patriarch returned to the family?" said the elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

"He probably knows that we will be the first to rush to the ancient house and dare not return to the family." The wanderer said.

"Even if Patriarch Gu didn't come back, what about the other elders of the ancient family, we are so called formation, but none of them showed up?" Sect Master said.

"My spiritual sense has already probed it again, and I haven't sensed any tyrannical aura. It seems that the entire Ancient Family's Tribulation Realm is no longer here." Lin Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Everyone was startled.

Immediately, the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect said: "Lin Yun, in this case, the ancient family knew that their family could not resist. In order to preserve the ancient family, they directly transferred the strong and elite of the ancient family away."

"Don't even want his ancient family's lair? Doesn't even his ancient family's foundation?" Lin Yun smiled coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun condensed his eyes: "Then razing his ancient family to the ground first!"

"Do it, first break the guardian formation!" Lin Yun ordered immediately.


Huo Zhen, Yang Wan, Liang Yuan, Zhao Hu, Meng Shan, and Wei Qi all started to attack this ancient family guardian array.

Rumble! Rumble!

A series of terrifying attacks continued to smash the guardian formation that enveloped the ancient family.

"Let's do it too!"

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, with the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect, also began to storm the guardian formation.

"Guardian, form an attack!" Lin Yun issued an edict.


Ten thousand guards have urged their internal forces to run the formations in the Fire Cloud Armor.

A phantom of the fire dragon constructed by the formation method condensed in mid-air, and then, with a terrifying power, trembling the space, smashed toward the guardian formation with a ‘boom!’!


Great tremor.

At the same time, other people's attacks continued to attack the guardian!

The Guards condensed the attack again.

Rumble! Rumble!

I only saw a large number of attacks with powerful power, constantly falling on the guardian formation, causing the surrounding space to constantly tremble and cry.

The guardian array is also constantly trembling.

The dazzling collision and explosion light seemed to dim the sun in the sky.

The ancient family guardian formation has two functions of attack and defense, but now that the Patriarch and elders control it, the formation naturally only has passive defense.

Such terrifying movement caused all the faces of the ancient family members below to change drastically.

"A lot of them have crossed the Tribulation Realm!"

"Why don't the Patriarch and the elders show up yet? This shouldn't be!"


The family and elders have never shown up, making the ancient family members who were so confident before, into panic and fear!

The kind of attack in the air, for most of the ancient family, just looking at it from a distance is enough to be frightening.

"Quickly, all monks from the Void Hollow Realm and above, rush to the family square to gather together and bless the tribe-protecting array together!"

At this time, the ancient family finally had a famous protector who stood up and summoned everyone.

It’s just that the ancient family still can’t figure out why the Patriarch and the elder are not there?



In addition to Lin Yun and the others attacking to break the formation, Du Yuanzi is also using his knowledge in the formation to try to break the formation!

The hardness of this ancient family's formation was somewhat beyond Lin Yun's imagination.

But Lin Yun was not worried, this formation would eventually be broken, it was just a matter of time.

Seven hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Under their fierce attack, the formation has become increasingly bleak.

If the Patriarch, elders and other elites of the ancient family were there, they might be able to hold on to the formation for longer.

Rumble! Rumble!

When another round of fierce attacks fell, the guardian formation was on the verge of collapse.

"Everyone, with two more rounds of attacks, it should be able to break open." Lin Yun said loudly.

At this moment, a flying boat in the distance approached at great speed.

"Lin Yun, someone is here!" Sect Master of Heaven Sword Sect told Lin Yun immediately.

Lin Yun and everyone turned around to look around.

"Could it be Patriarch Gu, could it be that he came with reinforcements?" The wanderer asked in doubt.

"It's not that there is no such possibility, but even if he comes, it will be a dead end!" Lin Yun stared at the flying boat with sharp eyes.

In a blink of an eye, Feizhou arrived in front of Lin Yun's group.

The flying boat stopped.

A group of sergeants wearing purple and gold armor flew out of the flying boat.

"It's the Guards of the Star Wu Empire. It looks like there are about 5,000 people, and the leader is the commander of the Guards!"

Sect Master of Heaven Sword Sect recognized them at a glance.

"What are they doing here?" Elder Mei Gu said.

The wanderer's eyes narrowed: "Could it be that Emperor Xingwu wants to intervene in this matter?"

"It's not impossible. In recent years, the Zhutian Alliance has dared to act wildly. It is the empire's acquiescence. If the empire really intervenes in this matter, it will be a little troublesome." The Heaven Sword Sect Sect Master looked solemn.

Immediately afterwards, they looked at Lin Yun one after another.

There is no doubt that Lin Yun is now the leader of their team, and everything is up to Lin Yun to decide.

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