Top Shenhao

Chapter 2225: Dongyuan Mansion

"If your majesty came forward to stop, then we can rest assured. Before your majesty, Lin Yun is just an ant. Even if he has ten thousand courage, he will definitely not dare to violate the will of his majesty." Sect Master Wuying said.

"Yeah." Sect Master Qingyuan also nodded in agreement.

They immediately felt a lot easier.

"He Lin Yun really thought that the Heaven-Shuking Alliance could be destroyed if he wanted to. It's ridiculous!" Ancient Patriarch sneered.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient Patriarch changed his words: "Now there is no worries about the future. Next, we are plotting to counterattack. I have notified Brother Huijue and others to come, and the elders of Soul Refining Sect and other famous sects who are still alive Tribulation, come to discuss!"

As soon as the Gu Patriarch's voice fell, an elder of the Gu Patriarch hurried in from outside.

"Patriarch, it's not good! It's not good!" The old patriarch ran and shouted, his face even more pale.

"Do what you are screaming about, just say what you have." Gu Patriarch looked at the elder.

"Patriarch, our ancient family... Our ancient family was destroyed by Lin Yun!" The elder of the ancient family trembled.

Patriarch Gu stood up abruptly and roared: "Fart! Your Majesty has personally come forward to stop Lin Yun, how can my ancient family be destroyed? Don't spread rumors!"

"Patriarch, it's... it's true, Lin Yun recorded the scene of destroying my ancient house, and now the picture has been broadcasted by him." The ancient patriarch collapsed to the ground, crying.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient patriarch took out a bead.

The Gu Patriarch immediately stepped forward to grab the beads, and then injected internal strength.

The beads released light, and a picture was projected from the beads, hanging in the air.

The Gu Patriarch immediately looked at the picture, and it turned out to be the picture of his ancient home being attacked by Lin Yun's group.

"This, this..."

After seeing the projection screen, Patriarch Gu suddenly staggered, holding the table almost to the ground.

When he saw the picture of the ancient house being destroyed, he only felt that the sky was falling apart and the world was coming to an end.

His ancient home was really destroyed by Lin Yun?

At this moment, he had to believe it!

Even if he and a part of the ancient family survived the disaster, they lacked the huge foundation of the ancient family, and they would definitely not accept it in the future. The decline of the ancient family is definitely a certainty.

"Patriarch, I tried to contact the family, but I found that I couldn't make contact at all. My ancient family was...being destroyed, I'm afraid it's already a fixed number." The ancient family cried.

"Why! Why is this? Your Majesty said he would stop Lin Yun!" The ancient Patriarch roared fiercely, his face turned red, and the blue veins on his forehead and neck bulged high!

The Sect Master Qingyuan and the Sect Master Without Shadow also became difficult to look at.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

The ancient family has been destroyed, so, is the sect of his two families destroyed still far?

"How could this happen, did your majesty break his promise?" Sect Master Qingyuan said.

"Impossible! Your Majesty said that if he is unwilling, he will not agree. Since he has agreed, he will definitely do it." Sect Master Wuying said.

"In that case, Lin Yun has disobeyed his majesty's will, so he is too courageous!" Sect Master Qingyuan gritted his teeth.

"He dared to violate his will, Your Majesty will definitely clean him up! He is dead!" Gu Patriarch roared.


The news of Lin Yun's return and the destruction of the ancient family also spread in Xingwu City at an alarming speed and spread to the entire Xingwu Empire.

As soon as this explosive news came out, the public opinion of the Star Wu Empire was instantly detonated.

In the lobby of an inn.

"Have you heard? The ancient family was destroyed by Lin Yun, this evildoer has come back for revenge!"

"It's the evildoer who once won the Ten Thousand Flowers Championship? Isn't he dead? He actually came back? Really?"

"There is absolutely no fake, the pictures of the destruction of the ancient family have flowed to the people!"

"Even the ancient family has been wiped out, how powerful this guy is!"

Many guests in the inn are discussing.

At this time, a guest in the inn projected the picture of the destruction of the ancient house.

"Look! That's the scene of the destruction of the ancient house!"

"Oh my god, it's terrible..."

"I heard that he is going to destroy not only the ancient family, but the entire Zhutian Alliance. I am afraid that the Star Martial Empire will be turned upside down by him!"


Such scenes still happened in many places in Xingwu City.

This explosive news spread at an alarming speed.

The name'Lin Yun' has been silent in the Xingwu Empire for more than ten years, and many people are about to forget this name.

And this name, this name, is once again a blockbuster.


During the rapid spread of this news, Lin Yun's pace did not stop, one with a famous sect, was erased by Lin Yun from the Xingwu Empire!

There is no doubt that the cultivation world of the Xingwu Empire will change dramatically!

And all this is because of Lin Yun!

Those forces that once wanted to destroy Lin Yun, will all suffer the catastrophe!


the other side.

Fire Cloud Empire.

Just when Lin Yunyi destroyed these famous sects, the situation in Dongyuan Mansion also suddenly changed.

Inside Dongyuan Mansion, a large number of monsters suddenly appeared, launching fierce attacks on the large number of prefectures under Dongyuan Mansion.

This is a situation that has never happened before. Although Dongyuan Mansion has been disturbed in recent years, at most some villages and small towns have been attacked. There has never been a situation in which monsters attacked counties or counties in groups!

The town demon army stationed under the monster mountain range naturally received this situation, but they did not dare to send people to suppress it hastily.

Because they want to guard the border of the Monster Beast Mountain Range, once they leave, the Monster Race takes the opportunity to go down the mountain, it will be troublesome.

In this case, the only way to rely on Dongyuan Mansion’s city guards and Dongyuan Mansion’s own strength.

But this time the attack of the monster clan was stronger than any previous one. Lin Yun and Huo Zhen and the others were not there. Even if the city guards were dispatched, there was still a county city that fell under the monster clan's concentrated fire attack.

And many places in Dongyuan Mansion are in chaos.

The monster mountain range, a certain mountain top.

The sky demon Dijiang stands here, overlooking the monster beast mountain range.

"Your Excellency, the offense went smoothly. We have captured a weakly defensive county, but the Empire will definitely send reinforcements soon." Chi Lian Mohu said.

"Enough, Lin Yun left without permission, this time, let the people deal with him, Dongguo Party has a very poor relationship with him, and will definitely seize the opportunity to sue him to death!" Di Jiang smiled.

The last time Di Jiang returned from the demon commander, he was greatly disappointed, and he himself couldn't go to the human domain to deal with Lin Yun.

But soon, it learned that Lin Yun had left the Huoyun Empire with several cultivators across the Tribulation Realm.

It knew that the opportunity to deal with Lin Yun again had come.

So it organized an attack, and he wanted to use the human race to destroy Lin Yun!

Immediately afterwards, Di Jiang turned around and said, "Slay the city, then retreat from the county city!"

It is naturally clear that it cannot occupy this county and it is a wise move to retreat as soon as the goal is achieved.

"Yes!" After Chi Lian Mohu responded, he turned and retired.


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