Top Shenhao

Chapter 2234: First practice

At this moment, Lin Yun suddenly understood why this old man, Yan Hequn, could stay here for a thousand years without dying. It is very likely that he has cultivated this ‘dry silence’.

Lin Yun immediately recorded the "Withered Silence" in his mind.

This process took more than four hours.

Lin Yun took back his consciousness and opened his eyes after he recorded "Withered Silence" completely in his mind.

"Where did I hear this "Withered Silence" before?" Lin Yun murmured.

"How about Lin Yun, did I bluff you? Is this secret worthy of your help?" The white-haired old man standing in front of the huge rock below said with a smile.

Before on the road, Lin Yun also told him his name, so he was able to call Lin Yun's name.

"Senior Yan, since you do what you say, then I will do what you say. If I have a chance to go out, I will try to get you out too." Lin Yun replied.

"Then what chance do you have to go out?" The old man Yan Hequn looked at Lin Yun expectantly.

"Conservative estimate, 80 to 90% chance." Lin Yun showed a smile.

Lin Yun believed that both Emperor Huoyun and Xiao Qinglong would try to save themselves, so Lin Yun was so sure.

"Is it such a big opportunity? Haha, good! Good!" The old man was so overjoyed that he was about to jump.

Lin Yun can fully understand his mood. Anyone who has been locked up here for a thousand years and has the opportunity to go out will be so excited that he loses control of his emotions.

"Lin Yun, as long as you get me out, the old man, I will owe you an adult please!" the old man said, patting his chest.

"Well, I'll start practicing first."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he closed his eyes and first comprehended this ‘withered silence’ in his mind.

This "Withered" is a very pure exercise.

This systematically divides the strength of the body into eleven levels.

The first layer: the mortal body.

The second layer: the body without leakage.

The third layer: the body of King Kong.

The fourth layer: Pure Yang body.

The fifth layer: the body of Vientiane.

The sixth layer: the body of Tianhao.

The seventh layer: the body of Nirvana.

The eighth layer: the body of chaos.

The ninth layer: the body of origin.

Tenth layer: Immortal body.

The eleventh level: the physical body becomes holy (there is a level in the legend, the creator of "Withered" also failed to reach this step).

Each layer is divided into early stage, middle stage, and late stage.

Lin Yun also didn't know what level of physical strength he was now.

After all, Lin Yun's "Tai Xu Physical Refining Technique" has reached the thirteenth level, and has cast Lin Yun's extremely powerful body. Lin Yun still has a certain degree of confidence in the strength of his physical body.

Not to mention it is compared with the monks of the same age, even in the tribulation realm, Lin Yun's achievements in physical training are higher than most of the tribulation realms!

You know, Lin Yun's cultivation time is completely incomparable with those crossing the tribulation realm. Those crossing the tribulation realm are hundreds or thousands of years longer than Lin Yun's cultivation time, and many body refining techniques are not as good as Lin Yun.

With the strength of his physical body, practicing any physical training technique should be said to be an excellent foundation.

"let's start!"

Lin Yun quickly entered the state of cultivation, according to this ‘dead’ mode of operation, guiding and transforming the internal force in the meridians, and then transformed into a golden light spot.

Faint golden light spots appeared in the body, and then injected into every cell of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's body was surrounded by a faint golden light.

This made Lin Yun clearly feel that his body was changing!

Perhaps the physical foundation is good, this kind of transformation didn't take too long, so it stopped.

Lin Yun's entire body, skin, muscles and bones, internal organs, and organs have all received a new transformation!

Lin Yun's body has undergone a new qualitative change!

After this change is over.

Lin Yun slowly opened his eyes.

The fourth layer, the early stage of Pure Yang Body!

"In the early stage of Pure Yang Body, it was much stronger than my previous physical body!" Lin Yun smiled.

The previous physical strength is at most the third level, the middle stage of the diamond body.

After the first practice of "Withered", directly to the early stage of Pure Yang Body, the improvement is more obvious!

If you hadn't practiced this "Withered Silence", it is estimated that the "Tai Xu Physical Refining Technique" was cultivated to sixteen levels (there are sixteen levels in total), and the physical strength can reach the current level.

In other words, Lin Yun's current physical strength is similar to the effect of the Sixteenth Layer of Taixu Body Refining Technique.

"The first time I used "Withered" to transform my body, the improvement was so great, not bad." Lin Yun smiled with satisfaction.

Lin Yun had always felt that his body was strong enough and terrifying.

But now according to the classification of the physical body in this "Withered", his previous physical body was forced to be regarded as the middle and late stage of the diamond body, and it was not considered strong.

It's like an ordinary student who has a good grasp of mathematics and feels that he is already very strong in mathematics, but after he suddenly came into contact with advanced mathematics, he found that he still has a long way to go on the road of mathematics.

Lin Yun's previous "Taixu Refining Body Art" is like'ordinary mathematics', and this book "Withered Ji" is like'advanced mathematics'.

There is no doubt that "Withered" has opened a new door for Lin Yun's body refining technique, allowing Lin Yun to have a brand-new understanding of the road of'refining body', as well as a new understanding of body refining. A more comprehensive and systematic understanding.

"Try the effect!"

Lin Yun slowly squeezed his fist.


A surging force suddenly surged over Lin Yun!

The power that the Pure Yang Body can explode at the beginning is probably equivalent to the sixteenth "Power of the Void".

This "Withered" has no supporting power cheats. After reaching the body of pure yang, enough power can erupt with every gesture.

This is also the difference between the physical exercises that Lin Yun and Lin Yun learned in the past.

No need to learn additional cheats, but the effect is the same.

The old man with white hair stared at Lin Yun in surprise: "You went straight to the Pure Yang Body? Boy, you are amazing! After I studied, it took hundreds of years to reach the beginning of the Pure Yang Body. It's just the late stage of Pure Yang Body."

"Old predecessor, I used to have a good level of physical training, and I have a good foundation, so after learning this "Dead Silence", it will be natural." Lin Yun said with a smile.

While Lin Yun spoke, she also jumped off this huge rock.

The old man Yan Hequn sighed and sighed: "This is the gap. Even if we are all learning physical exercises, we can't compare it. You kid must have a high talent!"

"This time I can reach the Pure Yang Body in one fell swoop, relying on my previous foundation. I want to improve my physical body in the future, but I can only practice slowly, I am afraid it will be very slow." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun knows how difficult it is to practice in "Withered"!

"Don't be dissatisfied with you kid, the body of pure yang is already extremely strong. It is definitely one in a thousand to reach the body of pure yang in the tribulation realm. Although "Withered Silence" is strong, the more you practice, Every level up is difficult!" said the old man.

The old man stared at Lin Yun and continued: "By the way, don't you know, "Kai Ji" is one of the three top refining techniques in ancient times. It was created by a peerless strong man named "Kai Ji" in ancient times. "

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