Top Shenhao

Chapter 2237: Release

"What's wrong with Vice Palace Master Yao?" The Great Emperor Xingwu was shocked when he saw the appearance of Vice Palace Master Yao.

They all have an infinite life span and live too long, so it's hard for them to be so gloomy and shocked by anything.

Vice Palace Master Yao slowly closed the letter, and at the same time raised his head to look at Emperor Xingwu.

"Emperor Xingwu, this time, you have caused trouble for our human race." Vice Palace Master Yao's face gradually became cold.

The Great Emperor Xingwu was even more surprised when he heard this.

Of course there are more doubts and puzzles!

When did he get into trouble for Human Race? What's the matter again?

"Deputy Palace Master Yao, I don't have any contact with the Dragon Clan, can't make a mistake, right?" said Emperor Xingwu.

Emperor Xingwu is not a fool. After reading the urgent letter sent by the Dragon Clan, Deputy Palace Master Yao said that it must be related to the Dragon Clan, but even if he wants to break his head, he can't think of any involvement with the Dragon Clan. .

"The letter from the Dragon Clan has a very simple meaning. Let us return Lin Yun to the Huoyun Empire within ten days after receiving the letter. Otherwise, the Dragon Clan will declare war on the Xingwu Empire!" Vice Palace Master Yao's face was green.

"Wh... what?"

Emperor Xingwu's complexion turned pale in an instant.

To Emperor Xingwu, this news was like a bolt from the blue, a blow!

"The Star Wu Empire is the chassis of the Human Race. If the Dragon Race declares war on the Awakening Empire, it is equivalent to declaring war on the Human Race. You should understand the seriousness of the Star Wu Empire!" Deputy Palace Master Yao was serious.

Emperor Xingwu was originally a member of the Celestial Palace, and his position in the Celestial Palace is not low. If the Dragon Race declares war on the Awakening Empire, it is equivalent to declaring war on the Human Race and declaring war on the Celestial Palace!

"Of course I understand, but... how could this happen! The Dragon Race will declare war with my Human Race for Lin Yun's sake? His Lin Yun is just an ant! Why is this happening!" Emperor Xingwu couldn't believe it.

"I don't have any doubts, but this letter was sent by the Dragon Race without error." Deputy Palace Master Yao sighed.

Dragons have always considered themselves a noble race, and have never bothered to interact with humans.

At the beginning of the battle between the Human Race and the Monster Race, I don't know how many methods were used. I failed to win the Dragon Race. Fortunately, the Dragon Race did not accept the Monster Race, and has never participated in the war between the Human Race and the Monster Race.

If the dragon chooses to participate, no matter who chooses to help, it will be disastrous for the other party.

After the Human Race defeated the Monster Race and drove the Monster Race back to the Monster Beast Mountain Range, they also wanted to engage in diplomacy with the Dragon Race several times, but they all ended up in no time.

Now that the Dragon Race can do such a behavior for a human being to cross the Tribulation Realm?

"Our situation with the Yaozu is deteriorating. The next war is inevitable. It's just a matter of how long it will take place. If you have a bad relationship with the Dragons, both the Dragons and the Yaozu will attack. The consequences are unimaginable!" The palace owner is very aware of the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately afterwards, Deputy Palace Master Yao looked up at Emperor Xingwu: "Emperor Xingwu, go back and release people quickly!"

"Deputy Palace Master Yao, even if it's a letter from the Dragon Clan, their so-called declaration of war may only scare us to release. I don't believe that they will declare war. After all, this matter is too important!" said Emperor Xingwu.

Vice Palace Master Yao sneered: "Emperor Xingwu, this is about the fate of mankind, can you afford to gamble?"

"This..." Emperor Xingwu was speechless.

"Don't hurry back and let them go! Let them go within five days, otherwise, you will wait for the entire human race to be held accountable to you!" Vice Palace Master Yao raised his voice, with a bit of anger and anger in his tone. Undoubtedly.

The time given by the Dragon Clan was to release people within ten days, but he only gave five days to Emperor Xingwu.

For Deputy Palace Master Yao, releasing Lin Yun will not lose him and the Tianshen Palace, and it will have no impact on the Human Race, but if you don’t let people go, you will have to take a great risk, even if the Dragon Race does not declare war. It may also have a bad relationship with the dragon.

This is absolutely unwilling to the Tenjin Palace and Human Race!

So how to choose, there is no suspense!

"I...I let..." Even if Emperor Xingwu was unwilling and unwilling in all possible ways, he had to nod his head and agree.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Xingwu quickly left.

Deputy Palace Master Yao remained in the hall.

Although Emperor Xingwu had promised to release the people and this matter could be resolved, he still had a puzzle in his heart.

Why did the Dragon Race come forward to rescue this Lin Yun?

Can such a human being crossing the Tribulation Realm still have a relationship with the human race? Not to mention letting the Dragon Race come forward to rescue, it must have a good relationship!

"Is it because of Emperor Huoyun? His masterpiece?" Vice Palace Master Yao asked in surprise.

He really didn't think that Lin Yun, a human monk who crossed the Tribulation Realm, could have a valuable relationship with the Dragon Race.

As long as he does not enter immortality, his life span is limited. Vice Palace Master Yao has lived for too long and too long. He has seen batch after batch of crossing the Tribulation Realm from birth to death, so for him, this kind of crossing the Tribulation Realm monk

Therefore, he thought about it, and in the end he only felt that it might be Emperor Huoyun.


the other side.

After Emperor Xingwu walked out of the hall, he also had too many question marks in his heart.

"Why would this guy let the Dragon Race come forward to help? Why!" Emperor Xingwu's face was green.

"Could it be because of that dragon?"

Emperor Xingwu suddenly remembered that Lin Yun once had a dragon as a pet.

"But the dragon was just a black dragon at the beginning, and the dragon turned into by the black dragon was not a descendant of the dragon clan. This kind of dragon converted from its feet would not have a high status even if it went to the dragon clan. Qualified to let the Dragon Clan send a letter!" Emperor Xingwu murmured.

He really couldn't figure it out.

But in any case, the letter from the Dragon Clan is a foregone conclusion, and his release is also a foregone conclusion.

Emperor Xingwu really couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it anymore, so let's go back and release people first.

"Lucky for you kid!" Great Emperor Xingwu said viciously.


Star Wu Empire.

Inside the Xingwu City Palace.

After Emperor Xingwu came back, he quickly summoned the commander of the Forbidden Army to come to meet him.

In the hall.

"See Your Majesty." The commander of the Forbidden Army walked into the hall and saluted Emperor Xingwu.

"Go and bring Lin Yun back from the exile, and let him return to the Huoyun Empire." Emperor Xingwu raised his head and ordered.

"Let it go? Your Majesty, didn't you just throw him into the place of exile to punish him?" After hearing the command of Emperor Xingwu, the commander of the Forbidden Army looked very confused.

"You don't need to ask more, just do it quickly." Emperor Xingwu looked indifferent.

"Yes!" The commander of the Forbidden Army clasped his fists to lead his orders, then turned and left.


In the land of exile.

Lin Yun was still devouring a huge amount of the ‘desolate’ aura in this world.

"This guy has absorbed such a large amount, and it has been absorbed for a full day, so he doesn't even rest?" The old man looked at Lin Yun admiringly.

Lin Yun's absorption efficiency is beyond his reach!

With the continuous absorption and practice, Lin Yun's flesh and blood, as well as the internal organs, are slowly being strengthened!

Lin Yun's skin even released a faint golden glow.

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