Top Shenhao

Chapter 2275: intelligence

"The disciple understands, Xie Shizun helped the disciple arrange in advance." Lin Yun clasped his fist to thank.

Sitting in the position of Palace Lord can absorb the luck, your Majesty arranged this for Lin Yun early, which naturally moved Lin Yun's heart.

But there is one thing. Relying on the palace lord to gather luck depends on the faith of the people of Dongyuan Palace, so this thing cannot be accelerated by the One Mind Mind Pagoda.

"It’s not anxious to step into eternal life. No one can step into it in a short time. You absorb a few hundred or a thousand years of luck, and rely on hundreds or one thousand years to lay the foundation and step into the eternal life. The odds will increase a lot. When the time comes, the teacher will also help prepare some resources that are helpful for crossing the catastrophe. Remember, don't rush to break through in a short time, otherwise you will undoubtedly lose." Huoyun Great Emperor said.

"Disciples, remember." Lin Yun replied.

Obviously, the Great Emperor Huoyun had already planned the route and future for Lin Yun, and Lin Yun only needed to follow his preset path.

And the Great Emperor Huoyun is also very optimistic about Lin Yun. In his eyes, Lin Yun's chance of successfully crossing the Tribulation and stepping into immortality is higher than that of many Nine Ranked Crossing Tribulation cultivators. His expectations of Lin Yun are very high!

"Master, what will be the result if the tribulation fails?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

"Normally speaking, if you fail to cross the tribulations, you will die in one of the nine tribulations. Some people who fail to cross the tribulations use some special methods to survive. Such people who survive will enter a strange state. We call it the Tribulation Realm, and the realm aura they released is still the Nine Turns Crossing Tribulation Realm, but there will be some differences when you feel it carefully.” Huoyun Great Emperor said.

"Tribulation?" Lin Yun muttered, Lin Yun hadn't heard of it before.

"There are not many cultivators of this kind, but they are a lot more powerful than the general Nine Transformation Crossing the Tribulation Realm. It can be said that they are equivalent to half an immortal, and their life span is a thousand years longer than that of the ordinary Crossing Tribulation Realm. They have no future when they cross the robbery, and because of the shadow of the failure of the cross robbery, they are mostly crazy, so this kind of person is the most difficult to provoke. If you encounter this kind of person, you have to build more embankments." said Emperor Huoyun.

"Disciples, remember." Lin Yun nodded.

"Disciple, you are still too young after all, so you still need more experience and adventure. This is also very important. You can't just cultivate." Huoyun Great Emperor said.

"The disciple understands." Lin Yun replied.

When Lin Yun has come to this point, many of them rely on experience and exploration.

"I have a piece of information for the teacher, which I can provide to you, then."

With a wave of Emperor Huoyun, a scroll flew to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun immediately took the scroll.

The entire cultivation continent is too big, and it can be said that all kinds of adventures and opportunities appear in the long run.

But Lin Yun knew that the information provided by Emperor Huoyun himself must be extraordinary.

"According to the information I got, one month from the Tiangan Empire, there will be a spiritual treasure. It is said that this spiritual treasure was left over hundreds of thousands of years ago and has extremely high exploration value!" said the Great Emperor Huoyun.

When Lin Yun heard that the Great Emperor Huoyun said that it had extremely high exploration value, he was naturally excited.

There are not many things that can enter the eyes of Emperor Huoyun, let alone being valued by Emperor Huoyun, this spiritual treasure is definitely not ordinary.

And this spiritual treasure is more than 100,000 years ago, it is very long!

"The disciple takes the lead!" Lin Yun clasped his fists.

This kind of top-secret information would be impossible for Lin Yun to know if he hadn't told himself by the Great Emperor Huoyun, let alone the location was still in the Tiangan Empire, and it was even more impossible for Lin Yun to know.

"The scroll that the teacher just gave you is a map, and the specific location has been marked on it. You will leave in half a month." Huoyun the Great said.

Emperor Huoyun continued to exhort: "Because the location is in the Tiangan Empire, not within my Huoyun Empire, so after you go, you must be careful. It is best to hide your identity to avoid unnecessary trouble. Remember Proceed with caution, life comes first, if life is gone, then there is nothing."

"Thanks to Master Xie, disciples will definitely be more careful." Lin Yun's voice was sonorous and powerful.

"By the way, the life-saving pendant given to you by your teacher is still there?" Huoyun the Great asked.

The Great Emperor Huoyun once gave Lin Yun a pendant, which can form a defensive barrier on the body after activation, enough to resist a blow from the immortal.

"Return to Master, that pendant was used up when we went to the endless waters to compete for the remains of the Da Kun clan." Lin Yun said.

"Then give you another life-saving thing."

Emperor Huoyun gave a hand and revealed a string of brown rosary beads.

"Once this rosary is activated, the effect is similar to the hanging effect, and it can condense a defensive barrier on your body."

After the emperor Huoyun finished speaking, he waved his hand gently and threw the brown rosary to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun immediately took the rosary.

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Yun thanked him.

Lin Yun knew very well that a life-saving thing with such a powerful effect could be called an invaluable treasure, and ordinary cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm would never get it.

This is the benefit of worshiping under the emperor Huoyun. All kinds of resources and treasures are at your fingertips, including the spiritual information. If there is no emperor Huoyun, where can Lin Yun get it?

Of course, it was precisely because Lin Yun was good enough to be liked by Emperor Huo Yun, he was treated so favorably.

If it was the kind of disciple who did not perform well, Emperor Huoyun would simply forget about it after being disappointed a few times, and would not give anything.

All the resources were obtained by Lin Yun using his own performance.

"Okay, let's go. The master leads the door to practice by himself. All the master can do is to guide and subsidize resources. Everything depends on yourself." The Great Emperor Huoyun waved his hand.

"The disciple will leave first." Lin Yun saluted and then exited the hall.

After exiting the main hall, Lin Yun went directly outside the palace, preparing to return to Dongyuan Mansion first, and then set off after half a month.

On the way back, Lin Yun was also thinking about crossing the robbery.

"Three calamities and nine calamities, Master said that I have passed two of the three calamities, and there is one remaining. I don't know what the remaining calamity will be, and when it will appear." Lin Yun muttered to himself.

The Nine Tribulations will not appear until the peak of the Nine Turns and Crossing the Tribulation Realm, but the Three Plagues will slowly appear after they formally step into the path of cultivation.

Because cultivation is going against the sky, God will send three plagues to show punishment.

As for the Nine Tribulations, it is the peak of the Nine Tribulations Crossing Tribulation Realm. It will only appear when it has to impact eternal life. Master said that the strength of the Nine Tribulations is not something you can dominate, and what you can do is to improve your will as much as possible. And physical strength to meet the Nine Tribulations.

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