Top Shenhao

: Thanks to the book friends at night and early morning, and wish all the book friends a happy New Y

The book friend'Night Hei Chuchen' won the'Supreme King' fan brand. The Black Rock fans are divided into 17 levels: trainee, bookworm, book fan, bookworm, book fanatic, book man, book sovereign, book king... …The Supreme King

The last level is the Supreme King. Heiyan has only a handful of book friends who have obtained this title. Strictly speaking, the only one before this book is the Supreme King, the book friend "Ma Zhiquan", and the book friend "Ma Zhiquan" is the second. A.

So a single chapter is issued as a thank you!

Thank you Ye Hei Chuchen for your love and support for this book!

It is the New Year's Day holiday, and Beichen is here to wish all book friends a happy New Year's Day!

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