Top Shenhao

Chapter 2362: The sky is falling

When Huo Zhen and the others saw Lin Yun lying motionless on the bed, they were also anxious.

"Brother, wake up!"

Huo Zhen several people called out again and again.

However, their call did not wake Lin Yun, which made them realize that the situation is far worse than they thought!

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with Palace Master?" Huo Zhen quickly turned to look at Emperor Huoyun.

As soon as this remark came out, Liang Yuan, Wei Qi, Yang Wan, as well as Du Yuanzi and the Wanderer all looked at Emperor Huoyun, wondering what was going on.

Because of their anxiety, they even forgot to bow to Emperor Huoyun first.

"Lin Yun has the demon's soul-breaking poison, even me, there is nothing I can do." The Great Emperor Huoyun shook his head.

As soon as these words came out, Huo Zhen and the others were completely stunned.

For Huo Zhen and the others, Lin Yun in their hearts is like a ‘heaven’, it seems that it is omnipotent and can always create miracles.

Lin Yun in their eyes seems to never fall down!

And this time, the sky fell...

"How could this happen, my disciple is so powerful, how could this happen!" The wanderer's face was pale, and he couldn't believe it.

In the eyes of the wanderers, Lin Yun is also an omnipotent existence.

Yuying cried and shook her head: "You think he is powerful and omnipotent. In don't know how much effort he puts on the surface and how much pressure he bears behind him... He is also a body of flesh and blood. He... also has emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, and he can also be painful and bleeding..."

When it came to the end, Yuying was already crying!

After Huo Zhen and the others heard Yuying's words, the eyes of these elders were red, and tears rolled in their eyes.

Yes, Lin Yun is also a human!

Lin Yun always showed his strongest side in front of others, making him feel how excellent, powerful, and omnipotent he is!

But along the way, how many people know about the torture and disaster he has suffered from the little people no one knows about in the beginning of the cultivation mainland to the current Palace Master Dongyuan Palace?

Others only know what others are like before, but they don't know the suffering behind them.

The whole room fell into silence, only the sound of weeping and the sound of Lin Yun's daughter crying.

The atmosphere in the house seemed depressing and sad.

After a moment of silence.

The Great Emperor Huoyun opened his mouth and said: "In the next period of time, you will stay with him. If he can wake up, crush this jade slip and let me know."

The Great Emperor Huoyun turned his hand over, revealed a jade slip, and handed it to Yuying.

"Yes..." Yu Ying, with tears on her face, stretched out her trembling jade hand, and took Yu Jian.

"It's time for me to go back and do something." The Emperor Huoyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

After the voice fell, Emperor Huoyun turned and left.

Yuying returned to the bed again and held Lin Yun's hand tightly: "Brother Yun, let me...let Kexin and I be with you. You must wake up, you can't...can't leave our mother and daughter behind. !"

Yuying's warm tears kept dripping on the back of Lin Yun's hand.

"Dad, don't leave Kexin, OK? Kexin... Kexin will definitely listen to her dad!" Lin Kexin also cried and took Lin Yun's hand and kept begging.


the other side.

Monster Beast Mountain Range, Monster Commander Mansion.

The sky demon Di Jiang hurriedly walked into the dim hall.

The demon commander who was wrapped in the black mist slowly raised his head to look at Di Jiang, his eyes glowed with a faint light, which looked very permeating.

"Di Jiang, how are things going?" Yaoshuai made a hoarse low voice.

"Return to the demon commander, the task was successfully completed! The Soul Breaking Needle has entered Lin Yun's body, and this guy is bound to die!" The sky demon Di Jiang smiled.

Of course Di Jiang was in a good mood. He had organized several assassinations of Lin Yun, but they all ended in failure. This time, the assassination was finally successfully completed!

To it, Lin Yun seemed to be a heart disease.

Now, this heart disease is finally eliminated!

Although it immediately left after piercing the soul-breaking needle into Lin Yun's body, it did not see Lin Yun killed.

But there is no need to worry at all. Soulbreaking Poison is a great threat to many immortals, but when dealing with immortals, it is not easy to inject Soulbreaking Poison into the body, especially at the level of Emperor Huoyun. The immortal.

As for Lin Yun, he is no matter how strong he is. After all, he hasn't even stepped into eternal life, so the sky demon Di Jiang is not worried at all. As long as the soul is poisoned into his body, he concludes that Lin Yun will die. There is no suspense!

"Very good! Now that you have completed the task, the commander will honor his promise. Next, I will give you a very important job. Before that, I will reward you to go to the solar eclipse altar to practice." Said.

"Xie Yaoshuai!" The sky demon Di Jiang hurriedly saluted excitedly.


Time passed, and four days passed in a blink of an eye.

Huoyun Empire, the capital of God.

Inside Dongguo Mansion.

Dong Guo Lie hurried into the study of Xiang Guo Dong Guo Wuji.

"Father, the news has been confirmed. Lin Yun has been poisoned by the Demon Clan's Soul Breaking Poison. He hasn't awakened so far. It is estimated that he will die in nine deaths." Dong Guo Lie was full of joy.

"Soul Soul Poison? That guy is finished."

Dong Guo Wuji sneered and said, "I really didn't expect that such a genius would eventually fall into the hands of the Yaozu."

"Haha, this saves us worry, we can be said to be reaping the profit." Dong Guolie laughed happily.

They have always regarded Lin Yun as a thorn in the eye, a thorn in the flesh, and want to get rid of Lin Yun, but Lin Yun is a disciple of the emperor Huoyun, and emperor Huoyun has always cared for Lin Yun. In addition, Lin Yun's strength is not good, they have always taken it. Lin Yun has no clue.

Now, they can see Lin Yun finished with no effort, of course they are happy!

"The Yaozu is really willing to pay for him, and the soul-breaking poison has been used. Normally, it is impossible for the Yaozu to waste the soul-breaking poison for a Ninth Rank crossing the Tribulation Realm." Thought Dong Guo Wuji said.

"Father, since the soul-breaking poison is so powerful, why has Lin Yun still not died? According to the news we heard, I heard that this guy was in a coma and has not died yet, is this poison not strong enough?" Dong Guolie wondered. .

Dong Guo Wuji smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, as far as I know, there is no antidote for this soul-breaking poison, not even the demon race itself. As long as this guy is poisoned, he will definitely die. Even if he is not lucky enough to die. He woke up after a miracle, but the toxin is still in his body, and he will be completely degraded, and he will not live for long."

"Father, if this is the case, I would instead hope that a miracle will be born and let this guy come alive. Isn't he a dazzling, peerless genius? If he survives and finds himself a useless person, he will fall from heaven to hell. This is better than death. It's more painful, haha!" Dong Guo Lie laughed.

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