Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2383: Court battle

"My lord, the news has already been reported. The empire will certainly not sit back and watch such a bad event, and the Xiangguo will certainly lobby from it," Zhou Cheng said.

"Okay, this group of unsophisticated people, they think they can fight against the empire? Wait for it! There are also those few city guard commanders who don't obey orders, and they will be good-looking by then!" Shi Wen's eyes were poisonous.

Outside the palace.

"Sect Master Nine Profound Sect, otherwise we rushed directly into the Palace Lord’s Palace and grabbed that Shi Wen, anyway, the city guards would not obstruct us. With the little people that Shi Wen brought, we absolutely couldn’t stop us from crossing the Tribulation Realm. !" A Patriarch suggested.

"No, we are protesting peacefully now, and we can't do it first. If we really rushed in and caught Shi Wen, would we really become rebels and thugs?" Sect Master Jiuxuan said.

"Well, Sect Master Nine Profound Sect is reasonable." Everyone nodded.


Shendu, inside the palace hall.

All the ministers gathered under the hall, and Emperor Huoyun occupied the throne in front.

"Your Majesty, there was a serious riot in Dongyuan Mansion. A large number of rioters rushed into the city, and the city guards were almost mutinous, adding to the rioters' behavior."

"Now the entire Dongyuan Mansion is paralyzed. My Huoyun Empire has not had such a vicious incident for thousands of years. Please give your Majesty an order to send an army to suppress the riot!" Dong Guo Lie said loudly.

"Your Majesty, please give an order to quell the riots in Dongyuan Mansion, and return Dongyuan Mansion to a stable state, with the power of the Fire Cloud Empire!" Several other ministers also stepped forward to agree.

The Great Emperor Huoyun slowly opened his eyes: "As far as this emperor knows, there have indeed been large-scale riot demonstrations in Dongyuan Mansion, not only in the prefecture, but also in the counties and counties below. Ninety percent of the people in Yuan Palace responded to this riot."

Immediately afterwards, the emperor Huoyun turned his words: "Dong Guo Lie, you said that you will send force to solve it. Now that 90% of the people are participating, is it impossible to kill the entire Dong Yuan Mansion?"

When such a big event happened, the Great Emperor Huoyun had naturally heard the news long ago. The Huoyun Pavilions in every mansion, county, and county of the Huoyun Empire did business on the bright side, and they also shouldered the task of collecting intelligence for the Great Emperor. .

"This..." Dong Guo Lie's expression changed.

Xiang Guodong Guo Wuji also changed his face slightly, and the other courtiers were also dumb.

"If it's only a small part of the riots, maybe they are making trouble, and now the people of Dongyuan Mansion are rioting and demonstrating, it can only show that it was Shi Wen's dereliction of duty that caused public anger!" The Great Emperor Huoyun said coldly.

"Your Majesty, these rioters, after all, are openly opposing the court. If they are not suppressed, what is the prestige of the court? In this state of riots, the Dongyuan Mansion is paralyzed, and it is difficult to guarantee that the demon clan will not stand in the way." A minister said.

"As far as the emperor knows, although a large-scale riot has broken out in Dongyuan Mansion, so far, there has been no **** conflict, and no ministers of the court have died. Therefore, this matter needs to be resolved peacefully." Huoyun said.

"Peaceful settlement? Your Majesty, with this situation, how can a peaceful settlement be achieved?" a minister asked.

"This matter was caused by Shi Wen who aroused the anger of the people. He was even more unable to control the situation in the Dongyuan Mansion. He could only prove that he was incompetent, let alone the position of the Palace Master of the Dongyuan Mansion. He was dismissed and investigated to calm the public's anger." Emperor Yun said slowly.

The faces of the Dongguo Party below changed.

"In addition, give me an oral order to summon Lin Yun into the palace as soon as possible." The Great Emperor Huoyun ordered.


Shendu, within Lin Mansion.

Lin Yun is practicing sword in the yard.

"Dad, take a rest when you are tired," Lin Kexin said.

Lin Yun stopped practicing swords and looked at her daughter with a smile: "Dad is not tired."

Lin Yun said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead, Lin Yun's face also looked a little pale.

After all, it has been so long since the last time I took the pills, and the toxins are constantly increasing.

At this moment, a group of imperial guards hurried into the hall.

"Master Lin is here to take the order." The commander of the forbidden army leader said loudly.

Upon hearing the words, Lin Yun immediately put away the sword and came to this team of forbidden troops.

"Lin Yun leads the decree." Lin Yun saluted.

"Master Lin, your majesty said, let you enter the palace quickly, and the car is outside the house. Master Lin please." The guards made a request.

Lin Yun heard this and immediately followed them out.

It's just that Lin Yun was puzzled. Master suddenly called himself into the palace. What's the matter?


The palace, inside the court hall.

"Master Lin Yun is here!"

With the sound, Lin Yun walked slowly into the hall.

In an instant, all the ministers in the court looked at Lin Yun.

"Disciple Lin Yun, pay a visit to Master." Lin Yun came to the front of the hall and saluted Emperor Huoyun.

Emperor Huoyun opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yun: "Lin Yun, do you know about the riot in Dongyuan Palace?"

"The disciple has heard a little bit." Lin Yun said.

At this time, Dong Guo Lie stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the minister suspects the riots in Dong Yuan Mansion. Lin Yun is the main messenger behind the scenes. The forces in Dong Yuan Mansion are originally a mess. How can they suddenly be so united? Someone must be secretly organized."

"In my opinion, Lin Yun wants to regain the position of the Palace Lord of Dongyuan Mansion. I think Lin Yun wants to make Dongyuan Mansion his independent kingdom!"

Dong Guo Lie's last four words bite hard.

"Well, it's possible." Most of the courtiers present nodded.

After Lin Yun heard this, a cold smile appeared on his face, then turned to look at Dong Guo Lie, and said:

"Dong Guo Lie, he speaks for evidence. If he opens his mouth, it is a fact. Then I can say that it was your Dong Guo family and the demon clan who have harmed me. The purpose is to seek my position as the head of the Dong Yuan Palace. , After all, that Shi Wen is the running dog of your Dongguo family!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the ministers in the court changed their colors.

The three words ‘Dong Guo Dang’ were clear to everyone present, but no one dared to speak it out.

Lin Yun now directly took the name of the Dong Guo Party to the public, especially when he said before his Majesty, this is undoubtedly a big taboo of the Dong Guo Party!

Xiangguo Dong Guo Wuji, who had not spoken all the time, became angry.

"Boy, you are presumptuous!"

Xiangguo Dongguo Wuji stepped out and sternly shouted: "My Dongguo family is following your Majesty, fighting the existence of Jiangshan together. How can you slander my Dongguo family here?!"

Xiangguo Dongguo Wuji's scream resounded throughout the hall.

"I, Lin Yun, struggled with the monster race, and I have come to such a stage, how can I allow you to slander!?" Lin Yun stepped out with no fear at all.

Dongguo Wuji's face turned green. Above the court, except for the Great Emperor Huoyun, who would dare to question and rant about him like this?

Lin Yun continued in a cold voice: "As for saying that Lin Yun wants to establish an independent kingdom? It is even more ridiculous. Now everyone knows that Lin Yun only has a few decades to live. What's the point of being a dying person to establish an independent kingdom? It's your Dongguo family who wants to establish an independent kingdom in the Huoyun Empire, right?!"

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