Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2443: Practice after immortality

The emperor Huo Yun told Lin Yun that, he was naturally telling Lin Yun that Lin Yun should not rush to challenge the immortals on the list of gods, and now he should cultivate and upgrade first.

After all, Lin Yun had just stepped into immortality, and he was considered a newcomer among the hundreds of immortals.

The cultivation time of other immortals is much longer than Lin Yun!

"The disciple understands." Lin Yun replied.

"Let's go, take you to your mansion."

After the emperor Huo Yun finished speaking, he soared into the air, and Lin Yun quickly followed.

The two flew out of the Celestial Palace and came to the Celestial City outside the Celestial Palace.

"Master, Tiancheng seems a bit deserted." Lin Yun said.

"Well, every immortal is assigned a mansion in the Celestial City, but most of the immortal are not here normally, and on the outer continent, I usually stay in the Huoyun Empire, not this Celestial City." Huo Yun The emperor explained.

While talking, the two landed to a vacant mansion on the left side of Tiancheng.

"Lin Yun, this is your mansion in Tiancheng. You can usually practice here, of course, you can also stay in the Huoyun Empire to practice. It's up to you to choose, it doesn't make a difference in normal times," said Huoyun the Great.

The Great Emperor Huoyun continued: "In addition, there is a bookstore in Tianshen Palace, which contains some ancient books. You can go to the bookstore to read the ancient books and the map of Tianshen Palace. There is a copy in this mansion."

"Good teacher." Lin Yun nodded.

The Great Emperor Huoyun urged: "Apprentice, in the next month, you should practice well, prepare wholeheartedly, meet the test of entry, strive to get a good grade, and get the Haoyue spar reward."

"Secondly, it is also to win honor for you, for me, and for the Fire Cloud Empire. Everyone knows that you entered eternal life through the Tribulation of the Golden Thunder. You participate in the entry test. I guess many immortals will pay attention to your achievements."

"The disciple must work hard." Lin Yun's tone was firm.

"Okay, do you have anything else to ask? If not, I'll go one step ahead." Huoyun the Great asked.

"The disciple has nothing to ask for now." Lin Yun replied.

"If there is anything, you can contact me at any time through the communication bracelet of the Celestial Palace, and I won't disturb you." After the emperor Huoyun finished speaking, he turned and left.

Lin Yun also opened the door of the mansion and walked into this vacant mansion.

The mansion is not particularly large, but it is built in style.

After Lin Yun strolled around the mansion for a while, he returned to the mansion practice room, ready to start practicing.

Since there is a test of entry a month later, Lin Yun intends to rush to the dual eternal state, accept the entry test with the dual eternal state, and strive to get a good result.

Practice room.

"Qi Ling, do you know where the Haoyue spar in Tianshen Palace came from?" Lin Yun couldn't help asking.

Lin Yun was really curious about this question.

"Master, the Tianshen Temple was established more than 30,000 years ago. I stayed in the space of the Great Emperor Chuchen for more than 100,000 years. During these 100,000 years, I don’t know what happened outside, and even I followed Only after I got to you, master, did I know the current Tianshen Palace." Qi Ling said helplessly.

"Well, I was negligent." Lin Yun smiled bitterly.

Qi Ling might know some things in the more distant time, but he didn't know anything about the recent more than 100,000 years.

And these hundreds of thousands of years, the vicissitudes of life, the changes are tremendous!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took out the Universe Spar, ready to start practicing, attacking the Dual Eternal Realm.

Just as Lin Yun was about to cultivate, a message came from the communication bracelet.

This is the first time Lin Yun received a message after getting the communication bracelet. Naturally curious, he opened the message immediately.

"Lin Yun, I am Zhuang Song, congratulations on stepping into eternal life." The voice sounded in Lin Yun's mind.

"Senior Zhuang Song?" Lin Yun was a little surprised.

When Lin Yun participated in the Wanhua Banquet in the Xingwu Empire and won the championship, Xiaojian Xian Zhuang Song wanted to take Lin Yun as a disciple.

At that time, the immortal was able to accept disciples, but it was a very precious opportunity. I don't know how many people envied it.

Lin Yun even thought at one time that he would worship Zhuang Song's gate.

It's a pity that something happened later, when the Zhutian Alliance besieged Lin Yun. Zhuang Song didn't appear during that period. In the end, Lin Yun fled to the Huoyun Empire and worshipped Emperor Huoyun.

In this way, Lin Yun never had any contact with Xiaojian Xian Zhuang Song.

Sometimes life is so wonderful, full of uncertainty, and things that seem to be certain in the future may completely change unexpectedly.

"Senior Zhuang Song is polite." Lin Yun replied via the communication bracelet.

Among the eight camps in the Tianshen Palace, Zhuang Song belonged to the camp of Emperor Xingwu.

Soon, Zhuang Song’s reply sounded in Lin Yun’s mind: "Lin Yun, I knew you were a good seedling at the beginning, but I still didn’t expect that you could be astonished to such an extent, in just a few decades. Stepping into eternal life is beyond my imagination."

Perhaps Zhuang Song is also quite regretful now that he has not received such a good apprentice, otherwise he will have another immortal in his line.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

Zhuang Song might be able to come to the rescue at the beginning, but Lin Yun didn't know why he didn't come, because he didn't know Lin Yun was in danger at the time? Still worried about Emperor Xingwu? Or other reasons? Lin Yun didn't know.

"Senior Zhuang Song passed the award." Lin Yun still answered politely.

After Zhuang Song sent his blessings, some other immortals sent congratulations to Lin Yun through the communication bracelet. Congratulations to Lin Yun for stepping into immortality. Although Lin Yun basically didn't know him, they all responded politely. .

Even the poster of Xiaoyao Lou sent a congratulatory message to Lin Yun.

This made Lin Yun a little surprised.

The top 20 strong men in the gods list, in addition to their own masters, congratulated themselves, although the congratulations were brief.

Although Lin Yun had some dealings with Xiaoyao Lou, but for the mysterious and powerful Xiaoyao Lou's owner, to be honest, Lin Yun had never covered his face.

After replying to the immortals who blessed him, Lin Yun entered the space of the One Mind Mind Heart Pagoda, then absorbed the Universe Spar, and started to improve his realm.

In fact, after stepping into eternal life, one has an infinite life span. For ordinary immortals, the usefulness of the Pagoda of Mind Mind is not that great. After all, time is infinite.

But Lin Yun still wanted to ascend quickly and reach the dual eternal state before the entry test came.

10 days later.

One mind clears the heart tower.

In the past 10 days outside, a full 50 days have passed inside the Pagoda of Mind Mind.

Lin Yun is still absorbing the "universe spar".

"The distance to the second level eternal state is coming soon." Lin Yun smiled on his face.

According to the current efficiency, it is absolutely possible to reach the dual eternal state before the entry test begins!

At this moment, the communication bracelet suddenly became lively...

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