Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2460: Open the fifth level

"Haha, **** human beings, although your swordsmanship is powerful, it is a pity that the speed is not as fast as mine!" The sky demon laughed as he attacked.

"It's now!"

Just as the sky demon laughed proudly, Lin Yun's aura suddenly rose, the surging internal force surging out, the power on the sword also skyrocketed instantly, and instantly swept towards the sky demon!

The breath of the dual eternal realm has completely exploded!


The sky demon who laughed triumphantly, faced with the sudden eruption of Lin Yun, unable to prevent it, hurriedly waved his hoof to resist.


It hurriedly resisted and was instantly swept away by the powerful power of this sword.

The sword instantly broke through the demon's defenses and pierced its head directly from its eyes!

The other eye of the sky demon stared round, as if he couldn't believe Lin Yun's sudden eruption.

"I just fell into a disadvantage deliberately just now, just to make you think that I can't beat you, so that you can get overwhelmed." Lin Yun stared at the sky demon and said slowly.

"Tragic... treacherous human, I... I was careless..." After the sky demon uttered these unwilling words, the breath of life disappeared.

Lin Yun immediately drew out his sword, and this tall sky demon fell on the ring with a ‘boom’, losing its breath.

Soldiers never tire of deceit, just like that on the battlefield.

This monster beast thought he was a newly promoted immortal, and never expected that he would be a dual eternal state. Lin Yun deliberately showed weakness and could create an opportunity to make him careless.

Of course, Lin Yun didn't use such methods, and he could definitely win by fighting him directly, but it would only take longer to fight, or even more methods would burst out.

This kind of challenge is carried out one level after another. If you consume too much internal strength and state in the front, you will not have a good state to fight when facing the next level.

When Li Tian made the record, he was defeated at the fifth level. If he directly challenges the fifth level in his heyday, he may have a chance to pass it, but he has consumed most of the state in the previous level and faces the fifth level. , It is unable to pass.

Lin Yun did this in order to reduce consumption as much as possible, and to retain his state.

This scene also surprised the immortals on the scene.

"Unexpectedly, before Lin Yun, he was deliberately showing weakness. This guy's experience in dealing with monsters is really amazing!"

"And this guy has reached the second level of eternity! But it's right to think about it. The last time he beat Cao Jun, he earned a full two thousand Haoyue spars from Emperor Xingwu and Emperor Huoyun, plus Emperor Huoyun It’s not surprising that he has reached the dual eternal state that was given to him before."


In the first three games, Lin Yun suppressed the realm to the first eternal realm. Now that Lin Yun suddenly broke into the second eternal realm, it naturally surprised everyone, and of course everyone could figure it out.

"Lin Yun does have something." Deputy Palace Master Yao also nodded and sighed.

It seems that Lin Yun's method is very simple, but being able to face different enemies and choosing the correct strategy is not an easy task.

"Not bad." The Emperor Huoyun nodded in satisfaction.

The Great Emperor Huoyun had instructed Lin Yun to try his best to reach the dual eternal state before the test.

Like Lin Yun, it is absolutely rare in the history of Tianshen Palace to accept the test of entry with the realm of the dual eternal realm!

"Next, it's time for the fifth game. If Lin Yun can win this game, then he can set a new record!"

"Now, it's also time to witness Huoyun and Xingwu win or lose the bet. If Lin Yun wins this level, Huoyun wins. If Lin Yun loses this level, Xingwu wins the bet." Xiaoyao Building The landlord leaned on the chair and said.

The original poster of Xiaoyao Lou said that the immortals at the scene were even more energetic.

"Fifth level, how can it be so easy? Li Tian was also a very enchanting evildoer at the beginning, but he still couldn't pass the fifth level." Xingwu Great Emperor sneered.

"I don't know what test this fifth level will be."

Many immortals on the scene seemed very curious.

Although many immortals at the scene have participated in this entry test, where did they get to the fifth level?

The person who opened the fifth level last time was Liming, and that has been a long time ago, so the vast majority of people present don't even know what test the fifth level will be.

On the ring.

"This level is related to the bet between Master and Emperor Xingwu." Lin Yun muttered to himself.

Emperor Xingwu wanted to win back the Haoyue Spar last time, of course Lin Yun would not give him a chance easily!

Although Lin Yun didn't know what the fifth level was, or how difficult it was, Lin Yun still had a lot of methods left useless, so he naturally had a certain degree of confidence in his heart.

The stone gate opened again, announcing the opening of the fifth level of the entrance test.

Lin Yun looked intently, a graceful figure walked out of the stone gate.

"Little Sword Fairy Zhuang Song?"

Lin Yun was surprised.

That's right, the person who walked out of Shimen this time was Xiaojian Xian Zhuang Song, who was the immortal who Lin Yun almost apprented at the beginning.

The appearance of Zhuang Song also made the scene amazed.

"It turned out to be Zhuang Song!"

"The difficulty of the fifth level is really high, so I want a newcomer to deal with Zhuang Song!"

"Although Lin Yun has reached the dual eternal state, Zhuang Song's swordsmanship is extremely powerful. It is extremely difficult for Lin Yun to win!"


Before Zhuang Song appeared, no one except Deputy Palace Master Yao knew that this level was Zhuang Song's battle against Lin Yun.

"Interestingly, Zhuang Song belongs to the faction of Emperor Xingwu, and if he is sent to fight, he will definitely try his best to stop Lin Yun!" The host Xiaoyao sighed.

"Lin Yun thought about this level, I am afraid it will be difficult." Empress Kun Yuan looked at the ring and sighed softly.


When Emperor Xingwu saw Zhuang Song on stage, he was also smiling.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Xingwu quickly sent a message to Zhuang Song through the communication bracelet.

"Zhuang Song, try your best to intercept Lin Yun and never let him pass this level! If you lose, you will be punished with Haoyue Spar, if you successfully intercept Lin Yun to pass this pass, reward five hundred Haoyue Spar!"

The Great Emperor Xingwu directly put pressure on Zhuang Song in this way.

On the ring.

Zhuang Song, who received the subpoena, showed a helpless smile.

"Senior Zhuang Song, is this level about to defeat you?" Lin Yun asked in surprise.

"Yes, Lin Yun, I was sent to guard this level."

Zhuang Song continued with a wry smile: "Speaking of which, I am much older than you, and playing with you is really bullying you, but the difficulty of setting this fifth level is so high. You can only get through this level. Can face the difficulty of this level."

"The difficulty seems to be really high." Lin Yun smiled bitterly.

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