Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2465: Seventh pass

After a moment of dead silence, there was an uproar in exclamation.

"He... how could he be so strong! Defeat the one-layer all-things realm with the double eternal state?" The master of the ancient gate couldn't help exclaiming.

Defeating means that the strength is completely above the opponent.

"This guy is so amazing. He really only cultivated for a few decades?" Empress Kunlan's beautiful eyes flashed with shock.

"Emperor Huoyun, he really accepted a baby apprentice." Xiaoyao's poster also exclaimed.

Even the big guys present felt incredible!

The exclamation and uproar at the scene were even more lingering.

Such a record is definitely unprecedented in Tenjin Palace!

What's more, it's from a guy who has only stepped into immortality for a month and is only a few dozen years old!

"Successfully passed the sixth level, Lin Yun once again refreshed the entry test record. I am afraid that no one will be able to break this record for a long time in the future." Deputy Palace Master Yao couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Yun's performance like this has once again refreshed Vice Palace Master Yao's understanding of Lin Yun. Now he has paid more and more attention to Lin Yun in his heart!

"Hahaha, good! Good!" After a moment of loss of consciousness, the Great Emperor Huoyun let out a hearty laugh.

Lin Yun once again gave him a big surprise.

"Your Majesty, congratulations, for accepting such an enchanting apprentice." The patriarch of the Mu Shi clan sitting next to him quickly congratulated him.

Dong Guo Wuji, who was sitting on the other side, swallowed his dry saliva, his eyes filled with strong shock.

He felt even more in his heart that it was definitely not a wise choice to be an enemy of Lin Yun!

The enchanting level of this guy made him feel terrified and chilled!

Dong Guo Wuji had secretly made up his mind. After Lin Yun's entry test is over, he must find time to meet Lin Yun in person. He must try to resolve this grievance, even if he pays a high price!

To be an enemy of this kind of evildoer is to commit evil!

Of course, the most uncomfortable thing on the scene was Emperor Xingwu.

"This... how can this happen!"

The Great Emperor Xingwu clung to the seat and held his hands tightly with both hands, his eyes were round, and he looked at the ring tightly, because his heart was shocked, and his body trembled.

next moment.

The armrests of Emperor Xingwu's seat were all squeezed and exploded with a ‘boom’.

Such a result is unacceptable to him anyway!

"Xing Wu, you have miscalculated again this time, haha." Seeing that Emperor Xing Wu was so ghoulish, the poster Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing.

There were also some immortals present, and couldn't help but hold back a smile.

Mainly everyone knows that Emperor Xingwu took the initiative to make a bet with Emperor Huoyun, and he cheated himself.

"To be honest, this time Xingwu is really not to blame. After all, before the start of the sixth level, we all think that Lin Yun will stop at this level because Lin Yun is too amazing." said the owner of the Taixu Tavern.

"Yes, Lin Yun created a miracle." The master of the Taikoo Sect sighed.

"Nevertheless, no one wants Xingwu to continue betting. Speaking of it, Xingwu pitted himself, right?" Xiaoyao Lou Lou's host smiled and looked at Emperor Xingwu.

"Lord, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb!" Emperor Xingwu roared angrily.

The host of Xiaoyao Tower quickly smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he would not speak any more.

"Xingwu, I didn't force you. I would like to accept the bet. Two thousand Haoyue spars, take them out." The Great Emperor Huoyun said with a smile.

Even though Emperor Xingwu was in pain, he could only wave his hand and reluctantly toss the Haoyue spar to Emperor Huoyun.

Of course, there is another thing that makes him even more uncomfortable. The more Lin Yun behaves so stunningly, the more uncomfortable he feels. This evildoer might have belonged to his apprentice...

At the ring.


Duan Qiu, who had fallen under the ring, had a dry cough, his face was a little pale, and there was even this blood stain on the corner of his mouth.

"Senior Duan Qiu, you have accepted." Lin Yun held his fist towards Duan Qiu.

The Killing Heaven and Killing Seal is Lin Yun's trump card, and it is generally not easy to use because it has certain side effects.

But in this kind of ring competition, you don't have to worry too much about the side effects, because as long as the opponent is knocked out of the ring, the game is over. There is a certain difference from real actual combat.

That kind of actual combat that only one side has died in battle is to end, you must kill the other party, otherwise you will be weakened and lose most of your combat capabilities, and you will have to be slaughtered.

After all, there is a big difference between the arena matches and actual combat.

Existences like Duan Qiu must also have methods that have great side effects but can break out in a short time, but their methods usually cost their lives and future, so it is impossible to fight for an arena in the arena. Mobilize.

Moreover, the Slaughter Heaven and Killing Seal lasted about half an hour, Lin Yun used it now, and the effect could be maintained until the next game.

"Lin Yun, I have to admit that you are powerful." Duan Qiu couldn't help sighing.

After speaking, Duan Qiu turned and left.

Duan Qiu has a faint hunch in his heart that Lin Yun will definitely be among the top ten in the future!

It was only a matter of time, perhaps thousands or tens of thousands of years, but he concluded that Lin Yun could definitely reach that height.

"Next, will you open the seventh level?"

"I really don't know, what will be the seventh level, can Lin Yun still perform miracles?"

"The sixth level is the presence of Duan Qiu. I don't know how difficult the seventh level is!"

The scene has already begun to discuss the next level.

Even the sixth level has never been opened, let alone the seventh level.

Every time you pass a level, the increase in difficulty is enormous!

So everyone is even more curious, what difficulty will the seventh level be, and what will Lin Yun perform? Will it create miracles again?

"I don't know what this level is," Huoyun the Great murmured to himself, even he didn't know it at all.

At this time, there was another figure in the audience, flying down to the ring.

"Peng Jiang, who is 30th on the Celestial Ranking, is on stage!"

"He is in the Triple All-Things Realm, he is a relatively powerful existence in the Triple All-Things Realm!"

"My God, this increase in difficulty is really terrifying!"

Peng Jiang's onstage made the atmosphere of the scene burn again, and all immortals were amazed.

For a newcomer’s entry test, the difficulty is really exaggerated!

"Xingwu, in this seventh level, do you still have to play with Huoyun? Why don't you just add to the four thousand Haoyue spar's chips, so maybe you can win back what you lose with one hand." The original poster smiled and encouraged.

Emperor Xingwu closed his eyes and ignored him.

Despite this level, he still felt that Lin Yun would never win again.

But he really didn't dare to continue playing with Emperor Huoyun anymore. After all, before the fifth and sixth levels, he could not conclude that Lin Yun would never win again?

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