Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2472: Sparring

"Kexin, you won't lie to dad, right?" Lin Yun looked at Lin Kexin seriously.

"Yeah." Lin Kexin nodded.

"Well, since you said no, then Dad won't ask more." Lin Yun didn't ask any more questions.

Maybe there is nothing like this? After all, Yuying said before that she was just hearing about it.

Lin Yun was also afraid that he had wronged her daughter. His daughter Lin Yun was too distressed. How could she be willing to let her be wronged by her father?

If he really misunderstood or wronged his daughter, Lin Yun would be guilty for life!

Therefore, Lin Yun did not make any final conclusions before fully clarifying.

"Dad, I just finished deducing the formation, now I have to go to Master Tu Fan, I will leave first." Lin Kexin stood up, smiling again on his face.

"Okay, go." Lin Yun nodded with a smile.

After Lin Kexin left, Lin Yun also left Lin Mansion and went straight to the palace.

Imperial Palace, Temple of Heaven.

"Disciple Lin Yun, visit Master." Lin Yun saluted the Great Emperor Huoyun.

Before coming, Lin Yun had already reported the event that Emperor Huoyun himself was coming through through the communication bracelet.

"Disciple, come here today, what's the matter?" The Great Emperor Huo Yun opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yun.

"The disciple has already reached the triple eternal state, so I have come to ask the master for advice and breakthroughs in all things." Lin Yun said.

"It's quite fast." The Emperor Huoyun couldn't help sighing.

However, Emperor Huoyun didn't seem very strange. After all, Lin Yun had enough resources to quickly reach the Triple Eternal Realm, which can be said to be a sure thing.

Immediately afterwards, the Great Emperor Huoyun stood up, walked slowly down, and said as he walked:

"From the Triple Eternal Realm to the All Things Realm is a breakthrough in the great realm and requires sufficient comprehension."

"Comprehend?" Lin Yun murmured.

"Cultivation is not only self-cultivation, but also mind-cultivation. If you want to reach a new level, you must have enough comprehension. All things need to be comprehended. When the comprehension is enough, it will naturally be a natural breakthrough." Huoyun Great said.

"It turned out to be like this?" Lin Yun was surprised.

"If you want to reach the realm of all things, you don’t just need to practice. I suggest that you put aside all utilitarianism, go out and take a walk, look at the world with a different mindset, and travel around the world. Naturally, there will be many different insights. Too heavy, it is difficult to break through to the realm of things," said Huoyun Great Emperor.

"The disciple understands." Lin Yun replied.

There is no fixed quick way to break through such a big bottleneck, only by yourself.

"You are still young, so don't worry, I believe it is only a matter of time before you step into the realm of things," said Huoyun the Great.

"Teacher honors the good words." Lin Yun answered with a smile.

Lin Yun knows that the time it takes to break through such a big bottleneck is not constant. Some immortals may take thousands of years, and some immortals may realize it. When the state of mind is reached, it will not take too long to successfully break through. , Of course, there are always stuck here, unable to break through.

"By the way, what's your current situation in swordsmanship?" Huoyun the Great asked.

"I'm currently at the level of the tenth level of the Shadow Sword Art. It feels more difficult to continue going up." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun's current swordsmanship level is actually very good. It was only in the 20 years since the interruption of soul poison that Lin Yun practiced his swordsmanship to his current level. During this time, his swordsmanship has improved considerably, but no matter how great it is. One degree.

It is indeed difficult for Lin Yun to continue to improve his sword skills.

Because the swordsmanship is already superb enough, it is naturally extremely difficult to continue to improve.

Some people can't reach this level after tens of thousands of years, because their upper limit is only this high.

"Well, if you stay in the palace for a while, I will help you improve your swordsmanship. You can reach your current level by learning the Shadow Swordsmanship in just a few decades, which proves that you are very talented in swordsmanship. There is a lot to do, I believe that your current swordsmanship level is definitely not your upper limit." Huoyun Great Emperor said.

Lin Yun was startled. Master, is this going to give a one-on-one special training to his swordsmanship?

"Then thank you Master." Lin Yun quickly answered.

"Follow me." After Huoyun said these words, he walked directly outside the palace.

Seeing this, Lin Yun quickly followed.

There is no doubt that after Lin Yun stepped into immortality, Emperor Huo Yun will do his best to teach Lin Yun.

After leaving the palace, Emperor Huoyun led Lin Yun to a huge open space in the back garden of the imperial palace. It was very quiet and there were no outsiders.

"Lin Yun, I will show you swordsmanship first, and then we will fight again. I will suppress the realm and fight you through swordsmanship, so that you can feel the swordsmanship in battle and game." said Emperor Huoyun.

"Yes." Lin Yun looked expectant.

The Great Emperor Huoyun immediately showed a sword, and then immediately waved the sword to show Lin Yun Wu's sword.

In the past, Emperor Huoyun had also demonstrated swordsmanship to Lin Yun, but this time the swordsmanship demonstrated by Emperor Huoyun was much more advanced than before.

After all, with Lin Yun's realm of swordsmanship at the time, if Emperor Huoyun showed his dancing swordsmanship, Lin Yun would not understand it.

Watching the Great Emperor Huo Yun dance his sword, Lin Yun also gradually became absorbed and fell into contemplation.

About half an hour later, Emperor Huoyun took his sword.

Lin Yun came back to his senses all at once.

"So fast." Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh.

For half an hour of sword dance, Lin Yun felt as if only a few minutes had passed.

Watching the Emperor Huoyun dance the sword, Lin Yun felt it was a kind of enjoyment. Of course, he also saw some places that he had never thought of before, which made Lin Yun's eyes shine from time to time. It turned out that the sword technique still has such a way of using it.

"It seems that you haven't seen enough, so I will dance for you again as a teacher."

After the words of the Great Emperor Huoyun fell, he began to dance his sword again, and Lin Yun continued to watch intently.

Half an hour later, Emperor Huoyun finished his sword dance again.

"Apprentice, let's start the actual combat next, and attack me with all my strength, I will practice with you, and experience and practice in actual combat." said the Great Emperor Huoyun.

"Master, that disciple is welcome."

After Lin Yun's voice fell, he quickly revealed the Yinfeng Sword, and then attacked the Great Emperor Huoyun.

Boom boom boom!

The fierce collision erupted instantly.

In the face of the powerful Emperor Huoyun, Lin Yun also fully exploded his various means and fought a hearty battle.

Along with Lin Yun's continuous eruption, the Great Emperor Huo Yun also continued to increase his weight. He would always suppress his strength to a level slightly higher than Lin Yun's level, so as to bring Lin Yun a kind of pressure in the battle.

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