Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2479: Method

If Lin Yun didn't know the truth, I'm afraid Lin Yun would be deceived by him again.

This guy is so good at acting!

"Lin Yun, can't this be a mistake? This Ji Bin seems to really like Kexin." Qin Shi stepped forward.

"Yeah, Lin Yun, can't it be a mistake? This Ji Bin really doesn't look like a bad guy. Before you come back, we will see him behave like a refined and just person." Other relatives and friends present also spoke. .

"I saw it with my own eyes, how could it be wrong!" Lin Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Lin Yun never expected that this guy could act in such a real way, and even his relatives and friends were deceived by his acting skills, wondering if Lin Yun made a mistake?

"Lin Yun, why don't we investigate again? If we make a mistake, I am afraid it will completely hurt Kexin's heart." Su Yan said.

"There is no need to investigate!" Lin Yun immediately rejected it.

Lin Yun was so angry now that he didn't want to say any more.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun looked at Ji Bin and said angrily: "Ji Bin, you can pretend, but no matter how you pretend, it’s useless. I said that if you dare to interact with my daughter, I will kill you. Now, I will fulfill my promise!"

When the voice fell, Lin Yun immediately showed his sword.

"Dad, don't!" a familiar voice came.

Lin Yun turned to see that it was his daughter Lin Kexin, who was running from outside.

When Lin Kexin learned that Ji Bin was arrested, he rushed to the house immediately.

"Kexin, you... why are you back?" After Lin Yun saw Lin Kexin, his heart trembled slightly, and his heart suddenly softened.

"Father, Master Ji Bin is innocent, you...If you don't want me to fall in love, you can come to me, it's not about Master Ji Bin!" Lin Kexin's eyes flushed.

When Ji Bin saw Lin Kexin appear, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately cried: "Senior Lin Yun, even if I die, I will never leave Lin Kexin. If you really want to kill me, then kill it. Death, my feelings for Kexin will never change!"

When the voice fell, Ji Bin closed his eyes, raised his head and exposed his neck, showing a generous gesture of willingness to die for Lin Kexin.

"You really thought I didn't dare!"

Lin Yun shouted angrily and stabbed Ji Bin with a sword.

Lin Kexin immediately cried and shouted, "Father no! If you kill Ji Bin, I will die in front of you!"

When Lin Yun's sword was about to hit Ji Bin's head, he finally stopped.

Lin Yun slowly turned his head to look at Lin Kexin: "Kexin, do you really not believe in your father?"

"Father, you... are you really so cruel? Your stalwart image in Kexin's mind has completely collapsed..." Lin Kexin's voice trembled and tears flowed.

After hearing these words, Lin Yun's heart was twisted like a knife, as if he was much old and haggard.

Her daughter is one of the most important people in Lin Yun's life. Lin Yun can give everything to be good to her, even if it pays his life to protect her, Lin Yun will never hesitate!

But she chose to believe in a man like Ji Bin instead of herself, which made Lin Yun feel that life is better than death!

Cang Dang.

The sword in Lin Yun's hand slid to the ground.

"Let's go, let's all go..."

Lin Yun waved his hand weakly, then picked up the sword, turned and walked to his room alone.

"Brother, have you let Ji Bin go?" Yang Wan asked.

"Let it go." Lin Yun replied feebly.

"Brother Yun!"

"Lin Yun!"

Yun Chang, the palace master and the others hurriedly pursued Lin Yun, they rarely saw Lin Yun so decadent and uncomfortable.

What kind of person is Lin Yun? Even in the face of a powerful enemy that can kill him, he can scream without bowing his head!

But at this moment, Lin Yun looked so decadent.

"Don't follow, I want to be quiet." Lin Yun replied softly.

After hearing the words, relatives and friends could only stop.

It was Na Ji Bin, ecstatic in his heart, of course, his face still showed grief.


Lin Yun returned to the room.

"Master, do you hate your daughter?" Xiaobai's voice sounded.

Lin Yun shook his head pale and feebly: "Hate? She is my daughter, how can I hate it, but I want to kill Ji Bin."

Lin Yun just hated that Ji Bin and bewitched his daughter.

Hate your daughter? Lin Yun couldn't hate it.

For Lin Yun, it was easy to kill Ji Bin, but Lin Yun had to consider the consequences. What if his daughter really died in love?

Lin Yun has a bad temper, and her daughter Lin Kexin has actually inherited some of her own bad temper. She really might do so.

"Master, now your daughter has been deceived by Ji Bin very seriously. I am convinced that you made a mistake. Even your relatives and friends are also confused by Ji Bin's bitter tricks. Ji Bin really treats Lin Kexin, even Huo Yun. The emperor also has a good impression of Ji Bin." Qi Ling said.

Qi Ling continued: "Only let everyone see Ji Bin's true face, and then your daughter can give up on Ji Bin."

Lin Yun smiled bitterly: "After I found out that Ji Bin showed his true face last time, he will definitely be cautious in his words and deeds. He wants to show him his true face, how difficult it is, even if he attacks his consciousness with a **** to tell him the truth. But after he was sober, he was able to defend it completely. It was me who manipulated his words through divine consciousness."

Ji Bin is very good at acting sophistry, if there is no iron evidence, it will not work at all.

"Master, you can go to the Celestial Palace and ask if there are any magical artifacts for scene retrospect. If there are, you may have a chance to uncover the truth." Qi Ling suggested.

"Scene back?" Lin Yun was startled.

Lin Yun had previously seen holy objects with similar functions on the holy relic list, but the record on the holy relic list is unknown.

Qi Ling's words reminded Lin Yun that at least one direction was pointed out.

"I'll go to the Tianshen Temple and ask." Lin Yun thought of this and immediately got up and left.

After leaving Lin Mansion, Lin Yun first went out of the city, and then activated the communication bracelet high above the city.

This communication bracelet is also the key to the Celestial Palace.

After the bracelet was activated, an enchantment door instantly appeared in front of Lin Yun, and Lin Yun stepped into it immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun successfully arrived in Tiancheng.

After arriving in Tiancheng, Lin Yun went straight to Tianshen Palace.

Tenjin Palace, the main hall.

"Yao Deputy Palace Master."

After Lin Yun entered the hall, he immediately saluted the Vice Palace Master Yao.

"Lin Yun, before you came, you told me that there was something important to ask me. I don't know what is going on?" Vice Palace Master Yao smiled.

Lin Yun was so amazing in the entry test before, so Deputy Palace Master Yao's attitude towards Lin Yun is naturally very good.

Although Lin Yun is still in the eternal realm now, Deputy Palace Master Yao concluded that Lin Yun will definitely become the main character of the Heavenly God Palace in the future, it is only a matter of time.

"I want to ask Vice-Palace Master Yao whether there is a magic weapon for scene retrospect in Tianshen Palace, I want to borrow it." Lin Yun is straightforward.

"A magic weapon for scene retrospect? How do you know that our Tianshen Palace has such a function?" Vice Palace Master Yao looked a little surprised.

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