Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2488: A castle

"Haha, do you think I was not invited? Earlier, I sent a message to Emperor Xingwu and told him that this is your talent who came out of Emperor Xingwu. Don't you come to see? This guy almost scolded me." Xiaoyao said. .

Lin Yun smiled awkwardly, and even with such an existence as the original poster of Xiaoyao Lou, he dared to taunt Emperor Xingwu like this.

At this time, Deputy Palace Master Yao came in from the outside, took a seat in the front, and announced that the entrance test could begin.

"Sister, just do your best." Lin Yun encouraged with a smile, Lin Yun knew the difficulty of the entry test.


Mo Qing nodded in response, and then boarded the ring.

The entry test officially begins.

The first pass, Mo Qing passed easily, this pass is very simple.

By the second level, the difficulty immediately rose, but Mo Qing still succeeded in winning by virtue of the Dual Eternal Realm.

"This Mo Qing is actually in the double eternal state. Could it be that the Shadow Palace directly gave her two thousand Haoyue Crystals? Is the Shadow Palace so willing to pay for her?" The host Xiaoyao was surprised.

Next, the third level opens.

After reaching this level, Mo Qing could say that he tried his best and finally won with difficulty.

The fourth level is open.

"Senior Sister Mo Qing may be very difficult to win at this level." Lin Yun muttered while looking at the front ring.

Sure enough, as soon as the battle began, Mo Qing fell into a major disadvantage, and he failed to sustain him for long.

Sister Mo Qing's grades are frozen in the third level.

This kind of result is already regarded as dazzling in the entry test, already regarded as very good, and certainly not comparable to Lin Yun's result!

For such achievements, Deputy Palace Master Yao also spoke highly of it!

After all, Mo Qing's age is similar to other new immortals, and he is also extremely young.

Being young means that the cultivation time is short and the accumulated foundation is not strong enough. Even if it is not clear, he can get such a result, which is considered an evildoer.

Mo Qing got the entry test reward of 400 Haoyue spar on the spot.

Mo Qing's entry test results were quickly transmitted through the communication bracelet, which surprised many immortals. This is another powerful new immortal!


After Mo Qing's entry test was over, Lin Yun originally wanted to give Mo Qing Haoyue Spar and Universe Spar, but this time Mo Qing declined. She said that the Shadow Palace intends to provide her with sufficient resources, but Lin Yun finally gave it to him. Gave her a thousand Haoyue spar.

Then Lin Yun continued to transform into ascetics and traveled around.

Lin Yun's current focus, of course, is to step into the realm of everything!


Six years later.

Lin Yun was fishing in front of a lake.

At this moment, Lin Yun suddenly received a public call from Deputy Palace Master Yao.

"Everyone, in the Dongyuan Mansion of the Huoyun Empire, there was an earth movement, and there was a strange castle. During this earth movement, it gushed from the ground."

"Preliminary investigation, this castle has a history of at least hundreds of thousands of years. Two Tribulation Realms were sent in for preliminary investigations, but the two Tribulation Realms sent in and out returned without a lifetime. Therefore, after discussion, the Tenjin Palace decided to send immortals to enter. Probe!"

"Because this castle has a very long life span, the Tenjin Palace does not know anything about it. The degree of danger is unknown. Those who are willing to go will sign up voluntarily and enter in a team."

The words of Deputy Palace Master Yao can make all immortals hear clearly.

"Deputy Palace Master Yao, count me Lin Yun." Lin Yun took the lead in registering with Vice Palace Master Yao through the communication bracelet.

Lin Yun is definitely interested in exploring this kind of castle hundreds of thousands of years ago, even if the danger is unknown, even if he doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

If Lin Yun was afraid of danger, he would definitely not reach the point he is today!

"I don't know if I'm the one." In the communication bracelet, Mo Qing's voice immediately sounded.

Since Lin Yun was going, Mo Qing, as Lin Yun's Taoist companion, would naturally not fall.

"I Bao Gang also signed up."

"Our company Yuanfu signed up."


In just a moment, six immortals signed up.

"Applicants, come to the Tianshen Palace as soon as possible," said the host Hong.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yun quickly left the lake, soared into the air, and headed to the Tianshen Palace.

Tenjin Temple.

In the hall.

When Lin Yun arrived, there were already three immortals in the temple, and Lin Yun was the fourth to come.

"I have seen Vice Palace Master Yao." Lin Yun immediately saluted the Vice Palace Master Yao.

"Lin Yun, follow me."

Vice Palace Master Yao got up and walked to the back of the main hall. Lin Yun immediately followed after seeing this.

Backyard of the main hall.

"Deputy Palace Master Yao, I don't know if you called me out alone, and arranged with you?" Lin Yun asked politely.

"Lin Yun, take exploration this time, I hope you can give up." Deputy Palace Master Yao is straight to the point.

"Oh? Why is this?" Lin Yun was surprised.

"This castle is very weird, and we don't have any records about it, we don't know its condition at all, maybe there is a big danger in it, maybe there is no return when the two robbers went to explore, and went in to explore. It is bound to risk a certain amount of life." Deputy Palace Master Yao said.

Immediately afterwards, Vice-Palace Master Yao turned his words: "And Lin Yun, if you can reach that level in the entry test, the future will definitely have a bright future. As long as you have enough time, you may be able to become one of the pillars of the Tianshen Palace in the future. , So I don’t want you to take this risk. Your master has the same meaning. I have discussed it with your master.”

"Deputy Palace Master Yao, we have six immortals go in, and even if there is any danger, we can deal with it if we want." Lin Yun smiled.

"That being said, I don't want you to make any mistakes, or the possibility of your fall, do you understand?" Deputy Palace Master Yao looked serious.

Vice Palace Master Yao’s meaning is very simple. If the six immortals join hands to enter, there may be only one percent of the possibility of being unable to cope with the danger, but Vice Palace Master Yao is worried what if it is that one percent? He didn't want Lin Yun to have any possibility of making mistakes!

He didn't want Lin Yun to take a risk.

"Deputy Palace Master Yao, cultivation is a path that goes against the sky. It is impossible to become a strong person if you are afraid of danger. Since this castle may be hundreds of thousands of years ago, then... it may be dangerous at the same time. There may be a great opportunity. With such an opportunity, of course I have to go for a break." Lin Yun's tone was firm.

Lin Yun knew very well that opportunities and risks coexist. If you want opportunities, you must take risks!

"What you said is not unreasonable. It seems that I am indeed old, so that I am afraid of risks, without the aggressiveness of your young people." Deputy Palace Master Yao smiled and sighed.

Deputy Palace Master Yao continued to ask: "Lin Yun, that is to say, your heart is determined?"

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