Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2496:

"Okay, I will help you reply as a teacher." The Great Emperor Huoyun responded.

After Lin Yun came out of the palace, he returned to his residence.

Lin House.

"My Father."

As soon as Lin Yun entered the courtyard, his son Lin Yi, who was practicing swordsman, saluted Lin Yun.

Lin Yi is now fifteen years old. He has good conditions since he was a child. Therefore, he was only fifteen years old. He was already 1.8 meters tall, taller than Lin Yun, and looked very similar to Lin Yun.

No way, Lin Yun had a poor family when he was a child, and he couldn't keep up with nutrition when he was growing up. Although Lin Yun wants to raise his height now, it is simple, but for Lin Yun, it is not necessary.

"Yi'er, how is your swordsmanship?" Lin Yun asked.

"Lin Yun, your son simply can't compare with you. Without my supervision, he would be lazy in cultivation, and I don't have anything to do with him now." Palace Master Yun Chang said displeased.

"Father, I worked very hard at the beginning, but sword training and cultivation are really boring. It is enough to have you protect us. Why should we work so hard?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

"You, even your sister Kexin is not as good as Kexin. She is a girl who can suffer more than you." Lin Yun shook his head helplessly.

Lin Yun's travels over the years have basically gone home every few months or a year, so he already knew about his son's situation.

Lin Yun has preached and taught him many times over the years, made him practice hard, and also told him a lot of truths.

It's a pity that he can't bear the hardship. Lin Yun's preaching, he also left ears in and right ears out. When Lin Yun preached, he fully agreed, but after that, it was still the same.

When he was a few years old, he could still listen to it, and the older he is now, the more he takes Lin Yun's words as deaf ears.

So Lin Yun didn't bother to preach anymore, and no longer expected how hard he could practice.

As long as he can spend a little time to practice, plus not making any major mistakes, Lin Yun will be satisfied.

After all, my own son lives smoothly and has not experienced any setbacks. There is money in the family, enough to make him squander, so he does not have the energy and determination to work hard, unlike some big families, even if the conditions are good, but internal competition serious.

"Yi'er, remember, even if you are not willing to work hard in your cultivation, there is one thing, be kind to others, don't do bad things!" Lin Yun exhorted.

"Don't worry, father." Lin Yi agreed.

"Dad, you are back!"

The voice of daughter Lin Kexin came.

Lin Yun turned his head to see, Lin Kexin was rushing towards herself with a smile like a spring breeze, and then rushed into Lin Yun's arms.

"Dad, the last time you came back was a year ago. Kexin missed you very much." Lin Kexin said coquettishly.

That incident made Lin Kexin understand that the only people in the world who cared about her and loved her most were her parents. Even if he didn’t trust her father at the beginning, her father never blamed her, and he also managed to borrow the Universe Mirror to help. She sees each other clearly.

"Ke Xin, how old you are, and you look like a teenage girl." Lin Yun smiled bitterly.

"I will always be a child in front of my father." Lin Kexin smiled playfully.

"Lin Yun, you can have such a big family, but you have a really happy life." A voice came from outside.

Lin Yun turned his head and saw that Deputy Palace Master Yao was coming from outside. Although he seemed to move forward slowly, he blinked and came to Lin Yun.

"I have seen Vice Palace Master Yao."

Lin Yun saw Vice Palace Master Yao appear and immediately saluted.

"Lin Yun, speaking of you are happier than us, you can have so many relatives by your side, and there are no other relatives alive like me," Deputy Palace Master Yao sighed.

The immortals have an endless life span, but they will also witness their loved ones and come to the end of their lives.

"If Vice Palace Master Yao wants a family member, he just needs a child." Lin Yun smiled.

"If you want a child, you can only send a white-haired person to a black-haired person in the future. It's better not. The probability of stepping into immortality is too slim." Deputy Palace Master Yao shook his head and sighed. Obviously he has already experienced this, so he can see through Up.

Even if it is as strong as Vice-Palace Master Yao, it is impossible for anyone to step into eternal life.

Lin Yun saw that Deputy Palace Master Yao said so, he couldn't say anything on this topic anymore.

It's just that Lin Yun couldn't help thinking when he heard Vice Palace Master Yao say this, will he do the same in the future?

"By the way, Deputy Palace Master Yao, you are here in person. I don't know what's the matter? If you have something, you can tell me to go to the Tianshen Palace through the communication bracelet. Why do you need to go personally." Lin Yun smiled.

"I have to go there in person, Lin Yun and we two chat alone, how about?" Vice Palace Master Yao also smiled.

"Of course, Vice Palace Master Yao, let's go to the meeting room and talk, please."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he led Vice Palace Master Yao to the reception hall.

In the hall.

"Lin Yun, your master has already told me about you going to the Dragon Clan, and I also made a special trip for this matter." As soon as he sat down, Vice Palace Master Yao was straightforward to show his intentions.

"The deputy palace lord Yao wants me to try my best to promote the cooperation between the dragon and the human race? This is a point for the deputy palace lord Yao to rest assured, although I cannot guarantee the result, I will try my best." Lin Yun said.

"Lin Yun, this matter is particularly important, I beg you, here are five thousand Haoyue spars, which are counted as rewards for you."

Vice Palace Master Yao gave a hand, revealing a total of 5,000 Haoyue spars.

"So many!" Lin Yun was taken aback when he saw the five thousand Haoyue spars.

"This time's mission is of great significance to the Tianshen Palace and even the entire human race. The reward for you will naturally not be bad." Deputy Palace Master Yao said with a smile.

The immortals usually want to obtain the Haoyue Spar in the Celestial Palace, except for the list of the Celestial Gods, it is difficult to obtain it again, unless they complete the task for the Celestial Palace or make a major contribution.

This time Lin Yun's mission is undoubtedly very important!

"Deputy Palace Master Yao, but I haven't gone to the Dragon Clan yet, and the mission hasn't started yet, let alone the result. I will give out rewards now. Is it too early?" Lin Yun smiled.

"These five thousand Haoyue spars are your hard work. Whether you succeed or not, it is yours." Deputy Palace Master Yao said.

"Then I'm not welcome." Lin Yun took the five thousand Haoyue spars with a smile.

Although Lin Yun is currently stuck at the bottleneck, he can't use this Haoyue spar temporarily.

However, if Lin Yun breaks into the realm of all things in the future and wants to improve quickly, the amount he needs is very huge, much more than the amount needed in the eternal realm.

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