Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2563: Farewell to life and death


the other side.

After the emperor Huoyun left, he hurried to Tianshen Palace.

Tianshen Palace, the main hall.

"What? Huo Yun, what you said is true?" Deputy Palace Master Yao stood up abruptly, shocked.

Immediately after the arrival of Emperor Huoyun, he immediately told Deputy Palace Master Yao the news.

"It's true, Lin Yun is probably going to set off in the next few days, going to the Monster Beast Mountain Range alone to save his son." The Great Emperor Huo Yun looked solemn.

"This... isn't this the same as dying? How can this be done!" Deputy Palace Master Yao said sharply.

"Yeah, that's why I came to you to find a way." said the Great Emperor Huoyun.

"If you want Lin Yun to survive, there is only one way, and that is to stop him! Dispel his idea of ​​going to the Monster Beast Mountain Range to save people, Huo Yun, you can do his ideological work quickly, and you can't let him go alone to the Monster Beast. Shanshan, we must persuade him, and if his son is gone, he will have another one." Deputy Palace Master Yao said firmly.

These immortals who have lived for more than ten thousand years have already looked down upon life and death.

The Great Emperor Huoyun shook his head: "Deputy Palace Master Yao, it's impossible. I understand Lin Yun's character. He will definitely go to the Monster Beast Mountain Range to save his son. No one can change it."

"Huo Yun, what do you think?" Deputy Palace Master Yao looked at Emperor Huo Yun.

"Since we have another war with the monster clan, it is inevitable. It is inevitable that we should preemptively and directly assemble the people and horses. All the eight major forces will be dispatched to attack the monster mountain range. It is both to attack the monster clan and save Lin Yun's son. Emperor Yun said.

The proposal of the Great Emperor Huoyun shocked Vice Palace Master Yao.

"What? Attacking the Monster Beast Mountain Range? If you rush to attack the Monster Beast Mountain Range, you are betting, and you are betting on the fate of the entire human race, no!" Deputy Palace Master Yao shook his head.

After all, the Monster Beast Mountain Range is the territory of the Monster Race. Even if the Human Race assembles all the elites to attack, let alone whether it can win, it will definitely suffer heavy casualties!

At that time, the demon clan will take advantage of the human vitality and launch a counterattack, and then the entire continent may be directly occupied.

It was obviously too risky to start a war ahead of time for Lin Yun, and to take the initiative to attack the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

"Deputy Palace Master Yao, the Demon Lord has been put back into the Demon Race, and it must continue to recover its strength. Taking advantage of its current strength has not fully recovered, it may be better than waiting for it to attack." The Great Emperor Huoyun said.

"No, it's too risky to attack the Monster Beast Mountain Range! Our troops will completely lose the geographical advantage when they enter, and the opponent will take advantage of the geographical advantage, and we don't have the bargaining chip and the confidence to win, we can't do this!" Vice Palace Master Yao Resolute attitude.

This is related to the future of the entire human race. Deputy Palace Master Yao is not willing to gamble, and he is not sure to gamble, because there is no chance to come back because of failure.

Immediately afterwards, Deputy Palace Master Yao turned his hand over and revealed a treasure.

"Take these two Thousand Miles Vanishing Talisman to Lin Yun. If he insists on going, Tianshen Palace can only help him get here."

After the Deputy Palace Master Yao finished speaking, he handed the two Wanli Talismans in his hand to Emperor Huoyun.

Vice Palace Master Yao certainly didn't want Lin Yun to die, after all, Lin Yun was so talented, and he also had the opportunity to promote friendship with the Dragon Race.

But if Lin Yun insisted on breaking into the Monster Beast Mountain Range alone, it would be difficult for them.


the next day.

Huoyun Empire, Imperial Palace, Tongshen Temple.

"Master." Lin Yun stepped into the hall and saluted Emperor Huoyun.

"Disciple, how long will you leave?" The Great Emperor Huo Yun raised his head and looked at Lin Yun.

"Just today." Lin Yun replied.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun flipped his hand, revealing the Supreme Ding of Heaven and Earth.

"Master, this is the Qiankun Supreme Ding, the disciple put it here first, if the disciple fails to come back alive, the master will continue to use it." Lin Yun said.

If this kind of thing is brought, once Lin Yun is killed, it will fall into the hands of the Yaozu.

"Apprentice, as a teacher, I still hope you can come back alive." The Emperor Huoyun said earnestly.

"Master, the disciples will do their best." Lin Yun grinned to ease the depressed atmosphere in the hall.

"Tui'er has two Wanli Talismans here that can help you teleport. It is Vice Palace Master Yao who asked me to transfer them to you."

"In addition, there is a super air-breaking pearl, which is given to you by the teacher."

The Great Emperor Huo Yun handed these things to Lin Yun.

"Xie Yao, deputy palace lord, Xie Shizun." Lin Yun turned to these things.

In fact, after reaching the immortal state, these things have begun to look a little bit tasteless.

Take the Super Space Breaking Orb as an example. When Lin Yun was still crossing the Tribulation Realm, the space blockade magic weapon used by the enemies he encountered could easily break the Super Space Breaking Orb.

But after immortality, some of the space-blocking methods used by immortal enemies and sky demon-level monster beasts, the Super Space Breaking Orb is often unable to break open.

As for the low-level space blockade, Lin Yun, with Lin Yun's current strength, could directly break through with his strength.

With the continuous improvement of strength, some things that were once regarded as treasures are now less attractive.

Including some protective treasures given by the master before, it is useless now, after all, Lin Yun's defense is already very scary, much better than that kind of protective treasures.

"In addition, there are two things for the teacher." The Great Emperor Huo Yun stood up, took out two things again, and threw them to Lin Yun.

The first one is a locator for the cultivation continent.

"If you have a chance to escape, but you really can't escape from the Monster Beast Mountain Range, try to break through the space and get into the cracks in the space. Although this is extremely dangerous, there is a certain chance of survival." Huoyun Great Emperor warned.

"The disciple understands." Lin Yun replied.

But Lin Yun knew that this kind of opportunity was probably slim, after all, his son was in the other's hands.

"On the other hand, it is a secret book that teaches you how to reincarnate souls. This is easy to learn. If there is no chance to survive, try the reincarnation of souls," said Emperor Huoyun.

"Yes." Lin Yun replied again.

The Great Emperor Huoyun sat back on the chair, closed his eyes and said, "It's just that if you really fall into the hands of the monster clan, the monster clan will probably not only kill you, but also destroy your soul, then... There is no chance for the soul to be reincarnated."

These two are undoubtedly desperate, and they are not necessarily useful.

"Master, the disciple knows that this trip is a life of nine deaths, or even ten deaths without life, but I have no choice." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun continued: "Master, if I come back alive without my life, please trouble Master to take care of my family."

The Great Emperor Huoyun just closed his eyes, nodded, and said nothing more.

Undoubtedly, the Great Emperor Huo Yun was in a bad mood at this time, and he also knew that Lin Yun might not be able to come back this time.

"Master, that disciple will go first."

After Lin Yun saluted, he turned and exited the hall.


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