Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2658: Resolve grievances

Just now, Lin Yun showed a dying look. It was completely pretended by Lin Yun. Where could Lin Yun die?

As soon as he said this, Emperor Xingwu was startled.

Can't die?

He clearly felt that his heavy knife pierced Lin Yun's heart.

When he looked up at Lin Yun again, he found that although Lin Yun's breath was weak, his life force had not dissipated.

"" Great Emperor Xingwu stared at Lin Yun blankly.

Under the incredible gaze of Emperor Xingwu, Lin Yun pulled out the heavy knife from his chest, and a huge blood hole suddenly appeared in his chest. Blood continued to gush out, dyeing Lin Yun's robe completely red.

However, this blood hole was rapidly healing by peristalsis, and the flow of blood was also rapidly slowing down.

After reaching the original level physical body, it can pierce the heart and grow again. This is also Lin Yun's big card and method.

Of course, although piercing the heart wouldn't die, it was enough to inflict serious damage on Lin Yun. Lin Yun's current state was obviously extremely poor.

" are really not dead!"

After a lot of froze, Emperor Xingwu finally exclaimed this sentence.

Lin Yun's injuries continue to heal, where is the appearance of death?

You can't die if you pierce the heart. How big is the shock that this has brought to the Great Emperor Xingwu!

"Could it be that your physical body has reached the original body!" Great Emperor Xingwu stared at Lin Yun with a pair of eyes.

The heart of Emperor Xingwu knew that only the physical body could reach this level.

"Yes, it is the original body, since you guessed it, I have nothing to hide." Lin Yun admitted openly.


"It's actually the original body, haha, now it seems that neither of them will die." Deputy Palace Master Yao laughed happily.

Just now, Deputy Palace Master Yao was shocked, and he was shocked. He thought that Lin Yun and Emperor Xingwu would both die.

It now appears that it was just a false alarm.

"I had guessed that this child's physical realm is extremely powerful, but I never thought that he was as high as the original body!" Song Lin was amazed.

"Huhu, it really scared me!"

After seeing this situation, Cao Jun and Xiaojian Xianzhuang Song also let out a long sigh of relief.

They thought that Emperor Xingwu was also dead, after all, Lin Yun's sword directly pierced Emperor Xingwu's chest.

Jin Yaoer also took a long breath of relief.

Inside the nine-star pagoda.

"Your Majesty, you should know that my sword just now can pierce your heart. If you are an enemy, if you are a thorough combat, I will not change the trajectory of the sword, then you are dead." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun continued: "And even if I was pierced in the heart, I was only seriously injured. This is the result of actual combat. So, this time, you should give up, right?"

If it was a real battle against the enemy just now, Emperor Xingwu had already been killed, and Lin Yun was seriously injured.

Lin Yun continued: "And I can reach the original body, which is my ability, so I dare to use the method just now. Your Majesty will never say that this is cheating, right?"

In the heart of Emperor Xingwu, of course he understood this truth.

If it is actual combat, if they are opponents to each other, he has already died.

The real actual combat is usually the result of the theory of life and death. As for the method used, it doesn't matter, only the result is recognized.

The death of Emperor Xingwu was the result of a real battle.

"Huh..., I lost. This time, I was convinced that I lost, Lin Yun, I have to admit that you have surpassed me." The Great Emperor Xingwu sighed and finally nodded to admit defeat.

If it is actual combat, he is already dead, what is he still not convinced?

"By the way, your Majesty, if I was stabbed to death by you just now, would you really want to cry?" Lin Yun said with a smile.

Just now, Emperor Xingwu's eyes were indeed red and moist.

Xing Wu immediately blushed and looked ashamed.

"But... it's just anxious, you... what do you want!" Emperor Xingwu hesitated, he couldn't wait to find a place to get in at this moment, it's so embarrassing!

His eyes were indeed scarlet and moist before, and he seemed to be weeping.

The reason is simple. He thought he killed Lin Yun, but at the last moment, Lin Yun changed the route of the sword so that the sword passed through his heart without killing him.

This shocked and regretted him, and he was so gloomy.

He didn't expect it to be a false alarm.

"Your Majesty, according to our pre-war agreement, if you lose, our grievances and festivals will be wiped out. You won't regret it?" Lin Yun said with a smile.

"The emperor has said everything, since you have defeated the emperor, the emperor has done what he said!" Emperor Xingwu directly responded.

"That's good, we are all strong people at the pillar level of the human race, even if we can't be friends, we can't be enemies." Lin Yun said with a smile.

As Lin Yun said, he handed him the heavy sword of Emperor Xingwu.

"Speaking of it, it's a pity, you should have become my apprentice." The Great Emperor Xingwu sighed.

Although grievances are resolved, this regret will always exist.

"Next, let's go out."

Lin Yun took back the nine-star pagoda directly.

The two also returned directly to the sky of the Nuwang River, and then fell to the bank of the river.

"Deputy Palace Master Yao." Lin Yun saluted Vice Palace Master Yao with a smile.

"It doesn't matter what the injury is?" Deputy Palace Master Yao looked at Lin Yun's chest.

Because his heart was punctured just now, Lin Yun's face still looked pale at this time. Although the wound on his chest had completely closed, stopping the flow of blood, his heart had been reorganized.

But the wound still looked a little scary.

"It doesn't matter, just recover." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"You guy is really amazing. Your physical body has reached the original form of horror. At this point, the old man sighs." Deputy Palace Master Yao sighed.

The immortals like Cao Jun and Xiaojian Xianzhuang Song were also shocked.

"Vice Palace Master Yao praised." Lin Yun grinned.

"Now, after this battle, it's time for your grievances to come to an end. Don't hate each other anymore in the future, we have to work together!" Vice Palace Master Yao looked at Lin Yun and Emperor Xingwu.

Both Lin Yun and Emperor Xingwu nodded.

"Great, father, you are very Lin Yun to resolve your grievances, I can have contacts in the future, right?" Jin Yaoer said happily.

Emperor Xingwu gave a dry cough: "Ahem, Yao'er, be restrained, Lin Yun is now the tenth-ranked existence in the Tianshen Palace, you can't afford it, if you can step into immortality, it's almost the same.

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