Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2682: Continue to improve

In addition to the improvement of the physical realm, Lin Yun felt that the dragon bloodline in his body seemed to have been significantly improved under the influence of the dragon king bone.

Lin Yun had absorbed a few drops of the second-grade dragon blood essence, but this did not mean that Lin Yun was a second-grade dragon bloodline, because these drops were naturally diluted after being absorbed into Lin Yun's body blood.

Strictly speaking, a person absorbs the dragon's essence and blood, and cannot be used to assess the bloodline level.

And the dragon emperor bone makes the aura of the dragon blood in Lin Yun even stronger, which is also an unexpected gain!

"Since my dragon bloodline has been improved under the effect of the Dragon Emperor Bone, then... can I learn the Ultimate Dragon Technique?" Lin Yun looked forward to it.

The Shenlong Jue is a secret book tailored for human beings. To learn the last level of the "Ultimate Shenlong Jue", you need to absorb a few drops of the first-grade blood.

The Dragon Emperor originally had the supreme bloodline of the Dragon Clan's Xeon. Although Lin Yun didn't absorb its blood, he put his dragon bones into his body.

"Try it!"

After Lin Yun made up his mind, he began to practice the ‘Ultimate Dragon Technique’.

"Sure enough!"

After Lin Yun tried to cultivate, he found that he could indeed practice the Super Dragon Skill, which made Lin Yun overjoyed.

So Lin Yun quickly settled down and continued to practice the Ultimate Dragon Technique.

About forty-two days later.

"It's done!"

Lin Yun opened his eyes and raised his palms at the same time. The internal force in his body surged out, and then instantly turned into a powerful and pure dragon energy, swept out with terrifying power, and jumped above the palm of his hand.

"Ultimate Shenlong Jue, the bit-level Shenlong Jue is so powerful!" After Lin Yun felt this change, he couldn't help but exclaim.

The Ultimate Shenlong Jue is the final form of the Shenlong Jue. He can maximize the power of the Shenlong Jue. The dragon energy transformed from the Ultimate Shenlong Jue is also the purest. His power can be imagined. .

"Now if I confront Emperor Xingwu again and defeat him, it should be very easy." Lin Yun speculated with a smile.

Although compared with before, Lin Yun's realm remained the same as the Triple All-Things Realm, but Lin Yun's strength had grown tremendously.

Now that the physical realm has reached the late stage of the original body, not only the defense is improved, but the strength is also ushered in a strong increase, and then the effect of the body's keel bursting, and this ultimate dragon art.

These were enough to make Lin Yun not pay attention to the strength of Emperor Xingwu.

Lin Yun had to sigh that he had such a powerful leapfrog ability when facing the power of the dominance realm, thanks to the blessings of the dragon clan's various powerful methods.

After all, those who dominate the realm have a lot of various methods. They basically have the origin-level weapons, and they also have the origin-level cheats, and because of their age, the attainments of various cheats will not be too low, and they can reach the dominance level. This level, at least in terms of talent, there are no mediocre ones.

If Lin Yun didn't have these dragon clan methods, compared with these dominating realm bosses, he would only have the advantages of the physical realm and some advantages brought by the original swordsmanship.

The advantages of these two aspects are not enough to allow Lin Yun to have too exaggerated leapfrog ability when facing Domination Realm.

As for Lin Yun's dragon clan methods, they are not something other powerful masters can learn.

"Next, it's time to find Deputy Palace Master Yao." Lin Yun murmured.

Lin Yun has been counting the time, and it has been almost half a month since he was cultivating at the Minxin Pagoda.

Coupled with the previous time to replace the dragon and emperor bones, the half-month period mentioned by Vice Palace Master Yao has arrived.

Originally, Lin Yun thought that if the half-month period expires, if the ultimate Shenlong tactic has not been successfully cultivated, he will first go to the Deputy Palace Master Yao, after all, the Shenlong tactic can be practiced at any time.

However, the cultivation of Ultimate Shenlong Jue was even smoother than Lin Yun expected.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun got up and left the Pagoda of Mind Mind, and then left the practice room.

"Master, I am out of customs."

As Lin Yun left the practice room, he sent a message to Emperor Huoyun through the communication bracelet.

"Then you come to Tongshen Hall." Huoyun Great replied.

Lin Yun went straight to the Imperial Palace Tongshen Temple.

This time I implanted the Dragon Emperor Bone. Although I suffered a lot, Lin Yun was extremely satisfied with the harvest!

In the hall.


After Lin Yun entered the hall, he saluted the Great Emperor Huoyun with a smile.

"How about it, have you fully adapted and assimilated the Dragon Emperor's Bone? Seeing you look happy, it should be done." The Great Emperor Huoyun also smiled.

"Well, everything is going well, and the strength enhancement the Dragon Emperor Bone brings to me is also great." Lin Yun had a smile on his face.

To be honest, Lin Yun was very eager to verify the effect of this training through actual combat.

"That's good. Next, you have to focus on breaking through the dominance realm. You don't need to worry about other things for the time being," said Huoyun Great Emperor.

"Master, then fighting against the monster race, if I really need me to go to the battlefield, I have no shirk!" Lin Yun's tone was firm.

"The last time I told you as a teacher, you are the hope of my human race and will not use you easily. In short, you can just obey the arrangements of the Tianshen Palace, obey the orders and follow the instructions. If you really need you, you will be notified. Yours." Huoyun Great Emperor said.

"Okay, Master, but I still have to keep my personal opinion. When I really fight against the sky demon, I hope I can be sent to fight." Lin Yun said.

"You." The Great Emperor Huoyun shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"Master, after all, it’s not easy to step into the Domination Realm. There are more than 20 Triple All-Things Realm Consummation in the Celestial Palace alone. Dominate the realm, the disciple wants to break through the dominance, I don't know how long it will be." Lin Yun said.

"This teacher understands that it is really not easy to break through the dominance realm." Huo Yun Great Emperor sighed.

Lin Yun continued: "By the way, Master, how has the battle been going on recently."

Lin Yun calculated the time, more than 20 days have passed since the war began.

"Due to the fierce attack of the monsters in the early days, Dongyuan Mansion lost half. The counties and prefectures in this half of the territory fell into the hands of the monsters, but the town of the monster army and the reinforcements they sent bought the people to retreat. Before the Monster Race captured it, the people in these places had retreated. In addition, we have now consolidated and established a battle line, and the Monster Race's next advancement will not be so easy." The Great Emperor Huoyun said.

The Great Emperor Huoyun continued: "The other three empires lost more territory than the Huoyun Empire, and the sacrifices were greater."

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