Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2688: Easy to roll

"Lin Yun still has a means!" The two silver armor stone sculptures who watched the battle were also amazed.

Before Lin Yun burst out with such a powerful strength, it has already made them feel that that is Lin Yun's limit, and it is impossible to have the means and hole cards.

Lin Yun's outbreak again naturally surpassed their expectations.

In the battlefield.

"Come again!"

When Lin Yun burst out, his sword whistled at the two silver armor stone sculptures again.

"Youngest, fit!"

These two silver armor stone sculptures were combined together instantly, and the body was instantly raised, and the fist as big as a sandbag slammed into Lin Yun's attack.


The sword touched the huge fist, and the astonishing power rushed together and exploded, causing the surroundings to tremble.

Facing the powerful power of Lin Yun's move, the opponent was still shaken back a few steps, but not as embarrassed as before.

"There is such a method?" Lin Yun's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Lin Yun, the captain has just warned you that it is not so easy to pass the intermediate test." said the two silver armor stone sculptures that fit together.

"Don't worry, as a result, it won't change!" Lin Yun grinned.

After the voice fell, Lin Yun swept out again with a sword, instantly turning into a huge wave in the sea, shrouded in the other side.

"Lin Yun, if you can't pass the intermediate test, go back to practice and come back."

The silver armor stone carving said, shaking his fist fiercely again, whizzing out with powerful force.

When the two sides are on the offensive, they are about to meet again.

Dragon Emperor Bone, erupt!

The dragon emperor bone in Lin Yun instantly released a bright light, and the power contained in the dragon emperor bone exploded.

Before Lin Yun had used enough means, now on the basis of those means, and then blessing the Dragon Emperor Bone, instantly the power of this sword ushered in soaring again.

The attacks of the two sides were already very close. When Lin Yun broke out of the dragon emperor's bones, Lin Yun's sword instantly hit the metal stone sculpture, like a fist of a magic weapon.


The terrible power instantly caused the combined silver armor stone sculpture to fly upside down in an instant.

At the moment when the silver armor was flying backwards, Lin Yun quickly rushed forward, and the sword in his hand bombarded out again!

Boom boom boom!

After several consecutive attacks, the silver armor stone sculpture was completely thrown away and fell to the ground extremely far away. The two silver armor stone sculptures that were originally combined were also smashed apart.

"Stop, stop, you have won!"

These two silver armor stone sculptures saw Lin Yun rushing again, and the two of them shouted again and again.

This is almost crushed!

Before Lin Yun used the Dragon Claw, he had already widened the gap and obtained a large enough advantage to have the confidence to win, but after the opponent was combined, this advantage was reduced, but Lin Yun was still in the lead.

The eruption of the Dragon Emperor Bone once again widened the gap and completely crushed the opponent.

"You two, you are offended." Lin Yun grinned.

"Unexpectedly, this guy still has a means!" Hei Mist murmured.

"This time, the third and fourth are being abused again." The two silver armor stone sculptures watching the battle sigh with emotion.

After Lin Yun retracted the sword, he went directly to the Black Mist Man.

"Captain, have I passed the Intermediate Test?" Lin Yun had a smile on his face.

"I underestimated you, you have many dragon skills, and they are amazingly powerful. In your continent, you can reach such a level of strength in the realm of all things, and you are considered a monster." Heiwuren looked at Lin Yun. His eyes have changed again.

Before Lin Yun wanted to start the Intermediate Test, he also persuaded Lin Yun. In his heart, Lin Yun was about to start the Intermediate Test, and he was a little self-conscious.

Lin Yun proved himself with strength.

"Then I am now promoted to Skyfire Guard, right?" Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, you take this set of silver armor. You have officially been promoted to Skyfire Guardian. Now you are truly a member of the Skyfire Temple." The black mister revealed a set of silver armor.

With a smile on Lin Yun's face, he happily took over the silver armor.

"You used the black armor of the quasi-guard before, exchange it with me." Hei Mist said.

Lin Yun has become the Skyfire Guard, and the black armor of the quasi-guard is naturally useless and needs to be taken back.

"it is good."

Lin Yun waved out the black armor and returned it to the Black Mist.

"By the way, Captain, I can start the advanced test next, right?" Lin Yun asked.

"Of course you can, but if you want to start the advanced test, think twice. In today's world, only Mo Bai has passed the advanced test. Moreover, he is also step by step, rather than going from the primary to the advanced in one breath. There is a gap in the middle. For a long time, although your performance just now was amazing, but you want to pass the high-level test, you will definitely be on fire." Heiwuren said.

The Black Mist continued: "In addition, you have just passed the intermediate test, and you have not yet chosen the reward for passing the test."

"It's okay, after I pass the advanced test, it is more convenient to choose together." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Heiwuren and the silver-armored stone sculpture beside him were both taken aback.

This guy said so loudly, as if he passed the advanced test without any suspense.

"Since you have this requirement, naturally you can, then, the next advanced test will be opened. You need to punch me out of this circle to count as passing the test."

The Black Mist waved his hand directly and drew a circle about 100 meters in diameter around him.

Lin Yun and Heiwuren are in the middle of the circle.

"Did you beat the captain out of the circle?" Lin Yun was taken aback.

This Black Mist is Skyfire Chief, then his strength can be imagined!

If you want to get him out of the circle, you can imagine that the difficulty must be not small.

"Why, I'm scared? The advanced test is not so easy to pass." Heiwu said.

"Naturally not afraid, I like challenging battles." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Don't worry, because you are a Triple All-Things Realm, I will suppress a certain level of strength. That is to say, your advanced test is easier than the Domination Realm, but the difficulty is still extremely high!" Heiwu said.

"By the way, Captain, you haven't introduced me yet, what level is it after Skyfire Guards." Lin Yun said.

Previously, the Black Mist only introduced Lin Yun to the two levels of ‘quasi-guard’ and ‘Sky Fire Guard’. Lin Yun asked again at the time. Hei Mist said that it’s useless for Lin Yun to know so much. He passed the previous test before speaking.

Obviously at that time, the Black Mist didn't expect Lin Yun to pass the first two tests.

Through the conversation later, Lin Yun knew that there was still a long fire behind, but he didn't know more.

"After the quasi-guard and the sky-fire guard, there is the sky-fire chief, and then the sky-fire lieutenant, and then there is the sky-fire general." Heiwuren introduced.

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