Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2737: mission completed

After the meeting adjourned.

The rest of the Domination Realm had already left, Lin Yun did not leave, but called the little monkey in.

"Palace Master Mo and Vice-Palace Master Yao, I will give you a formal introduction. You can call him a little monkey. If you want to attack the Monster Beast Mountain Range in the future, he has a very important role." Lin Yun thought of Palace Master Mo. Introduce with Yao Deputy Palace Master.

"Palace Master Mo, Vice-Palace Master Yao, hello." The little monkey transformed into a humanoid greeting to the two palace masters.

"Little monkey, if you really want to attack the Monster Beast Mountain Range in the future, you must rely on you to guide us." Palace Master Mo smiled at the little monkey.

The Monster Beast Mountain Range is forbidden by the Human Race, so the Human Race has very limited understanding of the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

"No problem, I'm very familiar with the situation in the Monster Beast Mountain Range." The little monkey responded readily.

After coming out of the Chamber.

"Little monkey, you have worked hard all these years. Then, just stay with us, don't worry about it." Lin Yun said to the little monkey.

"I listen to my master's instructions." The little monkey responded readily.

The little monkey continued: "Master, I have been in the Monster Beast Mountain Range for many years and have been making arrangements. Even if I have left the Monster Beast Mountain Range, based on my hard work over the years, I can still continue to obtain some, news."

"Really? That would be great!" Lin Yun's eyes lit up.

Although after this war, the Yaozu will definitely be honest for a long time.

But Lin Yun believed that the demon clan would never give up, and if he could learn about the situation within the demon clan, it would naturally be a very good thing.

"However, the information I can get is limited. Some top-secret information and core secrets of the Yaozu are not known to me." The little monkey said.

"It's okay, it counts as much as you can get." Lin Yun smiled.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun turned to look at the little green dragon on the other side.

"Little Qinglong, first come to my house and sit down. I will transform these monster beast corpses into Universe Spar and give it to you. You can take it back to the Dragon Race." Lin Yun said.

"Okay." Xiao Qinglong responded readily.

Lin Yun took Xiao Qinglong back all the way back to his mansion in Tianshen Palace.


As soon as Lin Yun came back, Lin Kexin and Lin Yi greeted them excitedly.

"Father, you are so amazing, you drove the Monster Beast back to the Monster Beast Mountain Range so quickly!" Lin Kexin was very excited.

"This time, thanks to your godfather's help, please call godfather." Lin Yun pointed to the little Qinglong next to him.


Lin Kexin and Lin Yi both greeted Xiao Qinglong obediently.

"You two little guys, your mouth is really sweet. These two ambergris beads are just a meeting gift for your godfather. After taking them, it will have obvious benefits for your physical improvement."

Xiao Qinglong took out two beads and gave them to Lin Kexin and Lin Yi.

Lin Kexin and Lin Yi didn't take it directly, but looked at Lin Yun and asked for Lin Yun's meaning.

"Since it was given by your godfather, take it." Lin Yun smiled.

"it is good."

"Thank you godfather!"

Lin Kexin and Lin Yi only then smiled and took the beads.

After arriving in the yard, Lin Yun's relatives and friends were there, and everyone seemed very happy. After all, the human race had won the battle.

Lin Yun also introduced his relatives and friends to Xiao Qinglong.

After Lin Yun had a chat with everyone, he returned to the practice room.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun entered the Yi Nian Mingxin Pagoda, and then took out the corpses of those sky monsters and threw them into the Universe Supreme Ding.

After ten days, the conversion is over.

These corpses of the sky demon, including the corpse of the demon commander, have transformed a total of more than 800,000 universe spars.

This number is already very objective.

After the transformation was over, Lin Yun left the Yiminmingxin Pagoda.

Only two days have passed outside.

After coming out of the practice room, Lin Yun found Xiao Qinglong and handed these universe spars to it.

The little green dragon has reached ten claws, and the Universe Spar is also not needed, but it can be used by the dragon clan.

This time the other three dragon palaces fought with the little blue dragon, and they all had sacrifices. If the little blue dragon gave the three dragon palaces some cosmic spar, it would naturally reduce their inner dissatisfaction.

When the three dragon kings realized the benefits of the Universe Spar, they would definitely be more willing to follow the Little Azure Dragon steadily in order to continue to obtain the Universe Spar in the future.

After Xiao Qinglong got these Universe Spars, it was time to return to the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon Clan’s task of assisting the Human Clan has been successfully completed, and Xiao Qinglong will naturally take the Dragon Clan’s reinforcements back to the endless sea.

Lin Yun said goodbye all the way.

The edge of endless seas.

Lin Yun has been sending Xiaoqinglong and dragon reinforcements to here.

"Smelly boy, just send it here, let's contact at any time if we have the situation," Xiao Qinglong said.

"Little Qinglong. You have reached ten claws now, can you still improve?" Lin Yun asked.

"There is no way. Our cultivation method is different from that of your human beings. We rely heavily on blood. Blood is our strength and weakness. The weakness is that it limits our upper limit." Xiao Qinglong said.

Xiao Qinglong continued: "The ten claws are the limit of the blood of the best dragons. My blood can no longer be improved. The dragons have no blood higher than the best, so the realm cannot be improved."

"I understand." Lin Yun nodded.

"Smelly boy, then I will return to the Dragon Clan first." Xiao Qinglong said goodbye.

"Good." Lin Yun nodded in response.

"let's go!"

The little green dragon instantly transformed into the dragon, and then took the dragon reinforcements and headed straight for the endless sea.

Lin Yun watched Xiao Qinglong and the others leave until they disappeared completely in Lin Yun's gaze.


"Next, go to Dongyuan Mansion." Lin Yun murmured.

After the words fell, Lin Yun's figure disappeared here instantly.

Dong Yuan Mansion.

In the previous war, the entire territory of Dongyuan Palace was occupied by monsters.

Now Lin Yun was flying over Dongyuan Mansion and found that the people who had fled from Dongyuan Mansion had begun to return. After all, this was their home.

The city has also continuously poured into the people, and I believe that it will not take too long to restore the past lively.

After Lin Yun strolled around Dongyuan Mansion for a while, he returned directly to the God Capital of the Fire Cloud Empire.

Then, Lin Yun went to the Xingwu Empire.

The monster army of the Star Martial Empire, Tiangan Empire, and Kunlan Empire have all returned to the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

When Lin Yun arrived in the capital of the Xingwu Empire, he found that the entire capital was immersed in a kind of grief, and the people in the city were spontaneously paying homage to Emperor Xingwu.

The news of Emperor Xingwu's sacrifice in the war has spread throughout the empire.

A mourning hall has been set up in the palace, and the color of the entire palace has been completely decorated with white.

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