Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2741: Mentor and apprentice

"You guy, your current strength must be above me, right? Your strength is respected, not to mention that you are the most proud apprentice of your teacher. You are worthy of pouring wine for you for your teacher." Huoyun Great Emperor Said with a smile.

When Lin Yun had just worshipped the Great Emperor Huoyun as his teacher, the Great Emperor Huoyun was usually very serious. Facing Lin Yun, he was unsmiling.

But now he smiles at Lin Yun almost all the time.

After pouring wine for Lin Yun, Emperor Huoyun waved his hand: "Quickly taste it, this is the longest wine in my collection. It is brewed with many precious natural materials."

Lin Yun took a sip from the wine glass, and suddenly felt a scorching heat flowing down his stomach, and his whole body was refreshed.

"Sure enough, good wine." Lin Yun grinned.

"That's right, smile more and feel better." The Great Emperor Huo Yun also smiled.

The Great Emperor Huoyun continued to ask with a smile: "Five years have passed since the war, you should have raised your realm to the triple dominance realm long ago, right?"

After all, Lin Yun has the Supreme Ding of Heaven and Earth, and there is no suspense here.

"Yes, after the war ended, I immediately raised my realm to the triple dominance realm." Lin Yun nodded in response.

"I think the teacher's judgment on you, once you reach the triple dominance, you may already be the strongest existence in the human race. If you compare with Palace Master Mo, I am afraid that even Palace Master Mo will hardly be your opponent." Emperor Huoyun looked at Lin Yun with a smile.

"Master lifted me up." Lin Yun smiled awkwardly.

"Haha, don't be humble, your strength is well known." The Great Emperor Huoyun laughed.

The Great Emperor Huoyun continued to pour wine for Lin Yun while saying: "Truth, with your temperament, after you reach the triple dominance state, then you should also go to the palace of the Tianhuo Temple to try the ultimate test, right?"

The Great Emperor Huoyun also participated in the test of the Heavenly Fire Temple, and naturally knew these things.

"Master really understands me, yes, I tried it a long time ago, but unfortunately, the ultimate test is too difficult. According to the words of the black fog people, only when you reach the holy realm can you pass the ultimate test steadily." Lin Yun said.

"Disciple, the Holy Land is illusory to us. I have reached the Domination State for so many years. Although I did not know the Holy Land before, I have long understood that the Domination State is by no means the end. After so many years, I clearly want to reach How difficult it is to a higher level." The Great Emperor Huoyun said.

The Great Emperor Huoyun continued: "Although being a teacher also hopes that you can reach the holy realm, you can't set your expectations too high, so as not to gain and lose, to avoid losing your mind, and getting into trouble."

"Well, I understand." Lin Yun nodded.

"Come on, let's have a drink." Emperor Huo Yun picked up the wine glass and clinked with Lin Yun.

After a glass of wine, Lin Yun couldn't help saying: "Master, Disciple tells the truth. Now that he has reached the dominance level, Disciple feels confused."

"When you first arrived in the pavilion, from when you said that the peak was also a kind of loneliness, as a teacher, you felt that you are now confused." The Great Emperor Huo Yun looked at Lin Yun.

The Great Emperor Huoyun picked up the wine glass, suffocated it with a mouthful, and said with emotion: "The heights are too cold. When you reach the dominance level, you can say that you have reached the pinnacle of the world. Unlike before, you just have to work hard to cultivate, everything. Realm, there are references, and there are people who can give you guidance and help to reach your current level of strength. These are all gone, confused, but it is normal."

The Great Emperor Huoyun continued: "In addition, your current time can be said to be very sufficient. The realm is only one aspect. You can't spend all your time on the realm. You must also take care of other aspects. After all, in many aspects such as God's consciousness. , Is also very talented. Now that we have enough time, we should naturally take it into consideration."

"Master, what you said just woke me up." Lin Yun's eyes lit up.

Hearing the words of Emperor Huo Yun, Lin Yun did have a sudden sense of openness.

Yes, I shouldn't spend all my time on the realm, because the holy realm is too illusory.

You should allocate your time reasonably, not only take part of your time to understand your realm, but also take part of your time to improve other aspects of yourself.

"By the way, Master, I have something for you."

Lin Yun flipped through his hands, revealed a book, and put it on the desk.

"Oh? What is this?" Emperor Huoyun picked up the book curiously.

"Master, this is given to me by the Emperor Human. Regarding some of his experience of breaking through the Holy Realm, the Emperor Human is the only one who has reached the Holy Realm since this era. His experience is very precious. I specially Writing it down, I believe it will have a certain effect on the master." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Lin Yun knew that the Great Emperor Huoyun was now also a triple-dominant realm, and when he wanted to go up, that would be the holy realm.

Therefore, Emperor Huoyun was also stuck in this big bottleneck.

"Great, this information is useful to me!" The Great Emperor Huoyun brightened his eyes and accepted this information.

After receiving this information, the Great Emperor Huoyun said, "I'll study it later."

Immediately, the Great Emperor Huoyun raised his head: "However, as a disciple, other people's methods and experiences may not be applicable to us. We can only refer to and learn from, and not be too persistent in pursuing other people's experiences."

"The disciple understands." Lin Yun nodded.

"In addition, disciple, when you are mentally exhausted in your cultivation, you can also go out and walk more, hide your strength, turn into an ordinary person's identity, and go for experience. This is also a kind of cultivation, it is the cultivation of the heart." said Huoyun Great Emperor.

"Tui'er understands." Lin Yun also felt inspired when he heard the emperor Huoyun say this.

Immediately afterwards, the master and apprentice picked up the wine glasses again and clinked them to drink.

"By the way, your son Lin Yi also participated in the martial arts, won the championship with his own strength, and joined the empire. During the whole process, he did not rely on you, but as an ordinary person, won the championship." Huo Emperor Yun said.

"Really? This guy has some ideas now." Lin Yun showed a gratified smile on his face.

"Your son, he is more willing to work harder than many others, he is very good." The Great Emperor Huoyun praised.

"It's not easy to get praise from the teacher." Lin Yun grinned.

The master and apprentice chatted and drank like this until the sunset. After drinking several pots of wine, the two did not deliberately evaporate the alcohol, but let it volatilize in the body.

This kind of celestial brew, which has been treasured for a long time, is indeed a bit on the top.

Therefore, under the suggestion of the Great Emperor Huoyun, the two masters and disciples began to learn sword skills outside the pavilion.

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