Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2775: Human will

One o'clock.

The army led by Empress Kunlan was taking a break at this time.

From entering the mountain in the morning to the present, the team has been advancing at high speed following the route. On the road, there has not been a large-scale resistance monster, only a small group of monsters, and they are all easily crushed.

The monks of the Shadow Palace headed by the Shadow Palace Hallmaster have been moving forward in the air, echoing the army of the Kunlan Empire.

In the air.

"Look over there!"

The monks in the Shadow Palace, standing high in the sky, looking far away, you can see the very far front, with light bursting out.

"At such a long distance, with such a burst of light, the battle must be fierce? Where is that...?"

At this time, the Queen Kunlan also rose from the ground into the air to observe the situation.

"Over there, it should be the position of the Demon Commander Mansion, and it should be a battle with the Demon Lord." The Shadow Palace Hall Master said.

"Hall Master, who is fighting the Demon Lord?" Mo Qing asked.

Regarding the specific overall combat plan, only the top group of people know about it, and none of the other immortals know it.

"It's the Dragon Emperor, Lin Yun, Palace Master Mo, and Deputy Palace Master Yao over there." The Shadow Palace Master said.

"Is Lin Yun over there? He... can they deal with it?" Mo Qing's heart suddenly became suspended when he heard Lin Yun's name.

At this time, the Queen Kunlan who was standing next to her spoke: "Only a few of them know how to deal with the demon master. If I guess right, Lin Yun might be a breakthrough when dealing with the demon master."

"He... he won't be in danger, right?" Mo Qingyu squeezed gently with his hands, his sleeves were as thin as cicada wings, looking very nervous.

Mo Qing didn't know what methods Lin Yun could use to deal with the demon master.

But Mo Qing quite understood Lin Yun's character. She knew that as long as she could solve the demon master, Lin Yun would not hesitate to sacrifice her life.

He was afraid that Lin Yunzhen would use any method to change his life with the demon master.

Empress Kunlan glanced at Mo Qing: "Don't worry, you man, he is not that weak. He is a guy who can create miracles."

"Well, let's speed up the journey!" Mo Qing still looked nervous.

The human race tonight is also destined to be sleepless.

Because this time the scale of deploying troops and generals was extremely large, the matter of attacking the monster race had already been spread in the human race.

Many people and monks at the middle and lower levels even rushed to the county town on the border through the teleportation array to outside the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

On the border between the four empires and the Monster Beast Mountain Range, in addition to the left-behind army and dragon reinforcements, many people had gathered at this time.

At this time, the Kunlan Empire border line.

"Our hero, went into the mountains and worked hard for the future peace of our human race."

"I hope they can all return peacefully, we are here, waiting for them!"

Countless people who rushed here were all staring at the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

"Damn, I am also in the Divine Transformation Realm. Even if you can't kill the powerful monsters, you can kill some low-powered Monster Beasts. Who will go in with me!" A transcendent cultivator shouted.

"The strong can go into the mountains and bleed, what is the fate of Lao Tzu? I will go too!" a monk shouted in the crowd.

"The future of the human race cannot rely on them alone. We are also part of the human race. At this time, we should also do our part for my human race! I will go too!"

"This is a decisive battle with the monster race. My human race can't lose, so I'm the one!"

For a time, many monks on the scene shouted, and took the initiative to join the team into the mountain.

Just let the battlefield die for the country, why not return the horse leather shroud!

The team that entered the mountain quickly gathered hundreds of thousands, and it was still expanding.


At this moment, a large number of people and horses flew from a distance.

"Then...that's the people from Fenshanzhai. These people are in these counties nearby, but they are so fiercely famous. Why did they come here? Could it be that they wanted to rob?"

Among the crowd, someone recognized this group of people.

"No? There are so many people here, as well as the imperial army staying at the border. They dare to mess around here?"

Just as everyone was discussing, this group of people had already come to the border, and there were about 10,000 of them.

"What do you want to do?" An imperial general immediately lifted off to ask.

"I burned the mountain village master, and led the next 3,721 people in the mountain village to go into the mountain to dry the monsters!" The leader of the scarred man said loudly.

"Into the mountain?" Many people present were surprised.

"Although I am a green forest, I also know the righteousness of my family and country! Do not destroy the monsters, and swear not to return!" The master of the Fenshanzhai village sounded like a red bell.

"Guys of Fenshanzhai, follow me into the mountain, kill the monsters and revitalize the human race!"

The owner of Fenshanzhai gave an order and immediately led his men to fly directly to the Monster Beast Mountain Range without stopping!

"Let's go, too, the Immortal Demon Race vows not to return!"

"Kill kill kill!"

The monks who gathered to prepare to enter the mountain also roared towards the Monster Beast Mountain Range!

On the borders of several other empires, there are also many folk human monks who spontaneously gather together and enter the Monster Beast Mountain Range in a group!

There are also some sects, powers, and families!

Because of the long distance, under the curtain of night, there are still a large number of sects, forces, and families, rushing to the Monster Beast Mountain Range in the starry night.

Like the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, he has also led all of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and is rushing to the Monster Beast Mountain Range at full speed.

There are too many such forces...

And in each human city, those humans who could not rush to the border also gathered on the streets spontaneously, silently praying for the human warriors going to the battlefield.

The streets of each city are impenetrable.

Tonight, the entire human race is doomed to sleepless!

Tonight, the will of the human race is indestructible!

Monster Beast Mountain Range.

Over the demon commander's mansion.

Fierce fighting continues to erupt.

From the start of the war to the present, Lin Yun has left the demon commander with more than a thousand injuries!

The demon master still failed to kill, and its physical body has reached the point of immortality, which is indeed not a joke.

The good news is that the demon lord is constantly getting injured, and the demon lord's recovery speed is greatly suppressed, and the recovery speed is completely unable to keep up with the speed of the injury, so the demon lord's state has been declining!

In the fierce battle, the demon master is also constantly roaring in anger, but in the face of such a situation, it has no choice at all.

As time passed, the golden sunrise broke the dark night, and the sunrise gradually dyed the sky red. The continuous peaks of the monster mountain range in the distance seemed to be dyed crimson by the brilliant clouds.

Its daybreak.

The fierce battle has been going on for more than ten hours!

And the battle is still going on!

Because the demon Lord’s body is too strong, coupled with his thousand years of cultivation, his strength has improved. Even if he has a true holy weapon in his hand, he can annihilate the demon Lord’s defenses, but he must completely kill the demon Lord. It is not an easy task.

The physical body has reached its level, and it is indeed not an easy task to completely destroy it.

Time is still passing, and the battle has not stopped.

The fierce battle lasted from early morning to sunset, and from night to dawn.

This is already the third day of the war against the monster clan!

And the battle between Lin Yun, Xiao Qinglong and the demon lord had already been fought for one day and two nights!

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