Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 136: Fate

However, in such an instant, Lin Yun had already pulled the distance in, and a sword rushed towards his back!

This time, the monkey-faced man had to turn around and wave his tomahawk to resist.

"We never knew each other, why did you do it so terribly!" The monkey-faced man resisted and yelled unwillingly.

"You want to intercept and kill my friend, and you want to kill me and grab my true sacred weapon. Why do you say? I gave you a chance, but you don't believe in evil and want my true sacred weapon." Lin Yun sneered.

As the sound fell, Lin Yun's sword also instantly hit the big axe resisted by the monkey-faced man.

The monkey-faced man had just been hit by the Extinction Skyfire, and he was already in a very bad condition. This sword directly slammed his battle axe away.

Lin Yun's sword drove straight in and pierced the monkey-faced man's chest directly.


The sword pierced the heart of the monkey-faced man.

"Huh? It's not dead yet?"

"It seems to be the body of the origin!"

Lin Yun quickly drew out the sword and slashed at the head of the monkey-faced man with another sword.

"No! Give me a chance to survive!" The monkey-faced man shouted.

"Want a chance now? It's too late!"


The sword directly pierced the head of the monkey-faced man.

The monkey-faced man widened his eyes. He never dreamed that he would be planted in the hands of one layer of the world.

Lin Yun withdrew his sword, and at the same time received his battle axe and storage ring.

After getting the things, Lin Yun quickly turned around and returned to the previous battlefield.

When Lin Yun came back, Lin Yun's two teammates had also come out, and they were teaming up with Wu Tiancheng's four to entangle the opponent's four sky-passing realms.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yun quickly rushed into the battlefield.

The four entangled Heavenly Transcendent Stages, Wu Tiancheng's four teammates, Lin Yun's two teammates, and Lin Yun's attack, were killed one by one in a blink of an eye.

As for the remaining Tongtian realm, they have passed different directions and successfully escaped.

After these four Heavenly Transcendent realms were beheaded, the battlefield finally returned to calm.

"Huh..." Wu Tianchang breathed a long sigh of relief.

"We still let go of a few, really cheap bastards." A teammate of Wu Tiancheng said angrily.

"It is the best result to be able to safely escape this catastrophe." Wu Tiancheng sighed.

Then Wu Tiancheng turned and looked at Lin Yun: "Lin Yun, thanks to you just now, otherwise we were besieged by these two teams today, the trouble would be really big, and I might even really explain it here."

"Brother Wu is polite, you have saved me twice before. You are in trouble, so I am obliged to do so. It's just fate that you were met by me when you were in danger." Lin Yun smiled.

"Haha, yeah, it's fate!"

"It's just that I never imagined that after such a short period of time, Lin Yun, your strength is so strong. Those five sky-passing realms are not your opponents. Among the five people, there are two sky-passing realms. , You are too fierce!" Wu Tiancheng looked at Lin Yun with shocked eyes.

Lin Yun's performance just now really shocked his heart.

Before he saw Lin Yun come out alone, he was still very worried, but Lin Yun alone turned the tide and reversed the situation.

"The main reason is that I broke through to the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, which is why I returned to the border." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Three of Wu Chengtian's teammates also came to Lin Yun's side.

"This fellow Daoist, you are indeed too fierce. I have never seen any one-tier cosmic-passing stage that can grab such a level. Even if the true holy artifact is blessed, the ordinary one-tier cosmic-passing stage is far from capable of erupting such terrifying strength. Thank you for saving us."

The three teammates sighed together and also thanked Lin Yun at the same time.

"Wu Chengtian is my friend. He is in danger. I will naturally not stand by. If you want to thank you, thank Brother Wu." Lin Yun said to the three with a smile.

"Wu Chengtian, I didn't expect you to know such a powerful Heavenly Transcendent Realm." Wu Tiancheng's three teammates exclaimed.

Lin Yun looked at his two teammates and said calmly: "Why are you two willing to come out to fight again?"

"Captain Lin, we are teammates after all, we should help naturally." The two teammates laughed dryly.

Of course Lin Yun knew what they were thinking in their hearts. It was nothing more than seeing that the outcome of the battle had been determined and there was no danger for them to participate in the battle, so he ran out to participate in the battle.

If Lin Yun were the one to be defeated, the two would probably not choose it.

But Lin Yun wouldn't blame him two, after all, saving Wu Chengtian was his own personal business, and they didn't want to risk Lin Yun's personal business, which was normal.

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