Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 213: competitor

Orcs of this level would not usually come to the ancestral land, unless they went to the orc's territory, they could be hunted.

But which human force dared to go to the orc's territory for no reason?

Therefore, this strong orc corpse is definitely a rare thing that can't be bought at ordinary times, and it must be of interest to the forces.

Lin Yun didn't rush to shoot, but waited and watched first.

It didn't take long for the price to be called to 130 million all the way, and it was a force sitting on the third floor that offered 130 million.

When the price reached this amount, the scene became quiet.

Although the corpse of this orc is precious, it is only a corpse after all, and for many human monks, its effect is limited.

It is even more useless for the elves and demons. If the price is too high, buying other hot resources of more than 100 million will bring more direct effects and improvements!

Although many big powers have strong financial resources, more than 100 million is not a small amount. It must be spent on the blade to buy things they think are more worthwhile.

"One hundred and thirty million, are there any higher bidders?" asked the young woman on stage.

"One hundred and fifty million."

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Yun offered a quote, breaking the silence of the scene.

"One hundred and fifty-five million." The third floor heard the quotation again, five million higher than Lin Yun.

"170 million!" Lin Yun raised the price without hesitation, demonstrating determination.

Lin Yun's bidding like this also attracted a lot of discussion on the spot.

"A guy sitting on the first floor can bid so generously? If I remember correctly, he had already spent more than one billion before taking pictures? There is still so much money to bid?"

"I know this son. Some time ago in Baixiangfang, he had a gambling battle with Wu Jun, a member of the Wu family of Kaiyang Domain. The realm of Wu Jun abruptly defeated the three-fold heavenly realm, and I was there at that time."

"Oh? It's so powerful? It seems that this one is extraordinary! With the dual-level Tongtian realm, it can defeat the Wu family's three-level Tongtian?"

"Furthermore, with the double-pass heaven realm, he can take out hundreds of millions of Haoyue spar and true sacred artifacts as a bargaining chip. This kind of handwork is absolutely extraordinary. The ordinary double-pass heaven realm, where can there be such a hand?"

"It seems that this son should not be underestimated. Maybe he has a strong identity and background."

Just as everyone was whispering, a voice came from the third floor of the venue again.

"Junior, do you really want to grab something that I am fancy to Hades?"

The voice seemed cold, and it was a bit threatening.

As this voice sounded, there were more reverberating discussions.

"It turns out that the Underworld is bidding, and the Underworld has the ability to refine the corpse. It's not strange to compete for this thing."

"Nether Palace's words like this, it is clear that it is to let that guy retreat and give up on his own initiative."

"I don't know what choice that double-pass heaven realm boy will make."

During this kind of discussion, many eyes on the scene turned to Lin Yun, wanting to see what Lin Yun would do.

Lin Yun was also taken aback when he heard the words from these three layers.

When Lin Yun competed for the glazed sacred lamp, he was finally competing with the forces sitting on the third floor. After Lin Yun continued to raise the price at that time, the forces on the third floor directly chose to give up without making any threats.

Therefore, Lin Yun inevitably felt surprised at the ‘threat’ words of the palace.

Of course, this type of situation has also occurred in the previous auctions of other items, and there have been instances of mutual language attacks and language threats due to competition for treasures.

Only this time, this kind of thing fell on Lin Yun.

This Ming Palace made it clear that it wanted this thing, but the price that Lin Yun called was already higher than their expectations.

Jun Wu approached Lin Yun and lowered his voice to remind him: "Lin Yun, this Hades has always acted domineering and unreasonable. It can be said that it is the most disregarded one among the top forces of the human race. Be careful."

Lin Yun nodded. Lin Yun didn't know about the palace before.

But the last time I purchased information about the Wuji Temple, I had already heard of this force.

Among the six forces that united to encircle and suppress the Wuji Heavenly Palace, there was this Nether Palace.

Based on this, Lin Yun was able to judge that the size of the Hades should be similar to that of the Skyfire Temple, at least the difference would not be too big, there must be the power of the supreme powerhouse.

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