Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 257: Challenge the limit

"I successfully came up..."

When Lin Yun reached the top, he collapsed directly on the ground, closed his eyes and breathed, with a smile on his mouth.

I insisted on it! I successfully climbed to the top!

After resting for seven or eight minutes, Lin Yun just got up from the ground.

Standing here and looking from a distance, you can see the city in the distance with a wide view.

"Master Lin Yun, are you okay?" Longanyuan looked a little worried.

"I'm okay, but the time we spent has exceeded Master Gui's request, Yuanyuan, let's hurry down the mountain," Lin Yun said.

"Good!" Longan nodded, and the two quickly descended the mountain.

The way down the mountain is much easier.

Even so, because Lin Yun had been too hard going up the mountain before, Lin Yun still felt uncomfortable in his legs when he went down the mountain.

Inside the White Horse Villa.

"Master Gui, we are back." Lin Yun's face was pale.

At this time, Lin Yun only felt that his legs had been abolished, and his leg muscles were extremely tingling.

"Lin Yun, I gave you an hour to come back, you have overtime a lot." Master Gui said.

"Father, he has worked very hard, and never really rested in the middle." Longan was unfair for Lin Yun.

She followed Lin Yun all the way, knowing best how hard Lin Yun was.

"You girl, you learned to speak for him so soon." Master Gui smiled and shook his head.

"Father, daughter...Daughter doesn't mean that." Longuan Qiao blushed, and quickly lowered her head.

"Lin Yun, I have already soaked a bucket of new medicine for you, so hurry up and take a bath. You have just exceeded the limit of your body. You must soak immediately to avoid sequelae." Master Gui said.

Master Gui wants Lin Yun to constantly break through the limits of his body, in order to continuously strengthen Lin Yun's body, but once the limit is exceeded too much, it will cause great damage to the body, so this hidden danger must be eliminated immediately.

Lin Yun immediately stepped forward upon hearing the words and entered the bath barrel.

"Huh... so comfortable!"

A smile appeared on Lin Yun's face, and he felt that his tired body was much more comfortable in an instant.

Especially the numbness and pain in the legs, instantly weakened a lot.

And just after high-intensity exercise, Lin Yun's body cells opened up, and his body seemed to be better at absorbing medicine.

"You have to go up and down the mountain twice a day, and keep shortening the time. When you can finish it easily, you will be increased." Master Gui said.

"Okay Master Gui." Lin Yun nodded in response.

Master Gui looked at Lin Yun quietly. Although he didn't praise Lin Yun, he secretly praised him, because Lin Yun persisted in climbing this time and did not give up halfway.

After taking the medicinal bath, Master Gui asked Lin Yun to carry out the next task immediately, lifting weights.

Master Gui prepared ten stones, from small to large.

"Lin Yun, you first lift this smallest piece, one hundred jin, fifty times." Master Gui pointed to the smallest stone.

Those bigger stones were obviously prepared for Lin Yun in the future.

"Yes." Lin Yun stepped forward immediately.

One hundred catties is definitely impossible for an ordinary five-year-old child, but Lin Yun's height and weight are already the equivalent of a teenager.

Moreover, Lin Yun had already reached the Nascent Soul before, and even if he couldn't use his internal strength, his body was still better than ordinary people.

Just like the previous mountain climbing, if it is really an ordinary five-year-old child, is it possible to do it? No matter how strong the will is, it is impossible.

After lifting fifty times, Lin Yun became strenuous after the tenth time.

"Persevere! Persevere!"

Lin Yun had to clenched his teeth and kept holding it, his face flushed with suffocation.

After the fortieth time, Lin Yun looked extremely useless every time, but in the end he insisted on finishing fifty times.


As soon as he lifted it fifty times, Lin Yun threw the stone on the ground, panting again, his arms trembling.

"Not bad." Master Gui nodded.

The goals he set were actually beyond Lin Yun's limit. He believed that Lin Yun would not be able to complete these projects for the first time, including the previous mountaineering.

But Lin Yun persevered and completed it successfully, which made Master Gui admire Lin Yun even more.

After resting for more than ten minutes, Master Gui immediately arranged the next project, soaking in ice water to exercise Lin Yun's body.

Soaking the ice water is the bucket that Lin Yun used to soak in the medicinal bath.

Only this time there is ordinary spring water in the bucket.

After Lin Yun entered the bath tub, Master Gui began to use his internal force to cool the spring water.

The spring water quickly froze, freezing Lin Yun completely!


Lin Yun felt the icy cold air, like countless steel needles, stabbing himself fiercely!

This made Lin Yun breathe in pain, and instinctively wanted to jump out immediately!

"Is it painful?" Master Gui asked.

"Yes...Yes..." Lin Yun replied with a trembling voice.

"You can give up. Today is the first day. From now on, you will have to suffer like this every day, and the degree of pain will become higher and higher. Today is just an appetizer. If you give up as soon as possible, you can suffer less in the future." Gui The master said.

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