Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 285: Little Lord

"But mother, Lin Yun didn't kneel down!" Lin Wei said.

The eldest lady immediately raised her head and looked forward when she heard this, and she saw Lin Yun still standing in place, without the slightest intention of kneeling down and saluting.

"This lunatic! It's all he has to dare to challenge the city lord, but now that the virtual realm is coming, he doesn't kneel? If the virtual realm is angry, how can my Lin family bear it! He wants to die, don't take me Lin family Ah!" The lady gritted her teeth and cursed.

"Mother, look! The virtual realm is walking towards Lin Yun! He must be going to clean up Lin Yun! If he just cleaned up Lin Yun, that would be a good thing!" Lin Wei gloated.

At this moment, there were also many people on the scene. While kneeling, they quietly raised their heads to look at the powerful virtual realm, wanting to see what this virtual realm was doing, and what they wanted to do.

The city owner is no exception, kneeling on the ground, looking up at the front.

The city lord is most confused and uneasy. He doesn't know what this virtual realm is for.

After looking up and observing, everyone found that only Lin Yun was not kneeling at the scene, and they had also discovered that the virtual realm was walking towards Lin Yun.

"Then the young master of the Lin family didn't kneel down?"

"It seems that the strong virtual realm is going to him? Are you going to clean him up?"


Everyone guessed in their hearts.

On the ring.

"Yun'er, hurry up and bow down! This is a virtual realm!"

"If you provoke the Void Realm, we are really in big trouble!"

Lin Guangde, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his hand and kept pulling Lin Yun.

"Father, it's okay." Lin Yun smiled slightly.

Lin Guangde was startled when Lin Yun said this, then he couldn't stop sighing.

"Hey, I blame my father for not teaching you these levels before."

At this moment, this female monk of the virtual realm had already stepped onto the ring and walked to Lin Yun.

Of course Lin Yun recognized her. She was An Yun. Before, Lin Yun handed her body to **** her back.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

"Little Lord!"

Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people in the audience, this female cultivator of the virtual realm knelt on one knee to Lin Yun, holding her fists in salute!

The air in the entire square seemed to freeze at this moment.




Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded!

This dignified and imaginary Taoist master actually kneeled down and bowed to the young master of the Lin family?

Oh my god!

This is a strong virtual realm!

Lin Guangde, who was kneeling next to Lin Yun, almost fainted when he saw Xu Daojing kneeling and bowing at such a close distance!

A strong imaginary realm, actually kneeling and bowing to his son?


The lady in the distance had her eyes rounded, showing an expression that she could not grasp the essentials!

The virtual realm knelt down to Lin Yun, how great the visual and psychological impact this brought to her!

How could this be?

Lin Yun is a concubine, how could he make a man of dignified Dao realm kneel and bow to him?

But the fact is right in front of you, the virtual realm really bowed down to Lin Yun and saluted!

"How could this happen! This is not true..."

Lin Wei was even more frightened and paralyzed on the ground, his spirit seemed to be greatly stimulated, and he kept saying ‘this is not true’ in a crazy mouth.

Yan was also dumbfounded, as if he had been used to fix himself.

How could my son...

And everyone in the Lin family, including the Lin Family Manager and Kun Steward, was deeply shocked by this scene, making them feel trance.

And the Wei Patriarch in the distance, as well as everyone in the Wei Family, was trembling with fright!

The youngest son of the Lin family was able to attract the imaginary realm, and the imaginary realm had to salute him?

"It's over... it's over... it's over..."

Patriarch Wei's face was pale, and he was completely unable to stand up, and after a few repeated noises, he fainted directly.

His Wei family is going to be over!

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