Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 456: The decision of the patriarch

The eyes of the fourth prince looking at Lin Yun were even more hostile.

Lin Yun had never known the four princes, but he had such a great hostility towards him, Lin Yun felt that there was only one possibility, that is, his hostility and hostility towards the human race was very high.

"Si Bo, are you too vicious, right?" Zitong's expression changed.

Immediately Zitong stepped forward and said, "Grandpa, he has a life-saving grace for me. If he wants to imprison him, then we will retaliate with virtue. What is our face and how the whole world will look at us, not to mention, Grandpa, you just said, Pardon him for breaking into the elves. Grandpa, you have a good word."

The patriarch waved his hand and signaled: "Don't fight, since I just gave a promise, I will do what I say. Of course, there is an exception. If he is a spy who comes to explore the intelligence of my elves, then my promise, It won't take effect."

The patriarch looked at Lin Yun again, and said, "You will stay in the palace for a while, and I will arrange a place for you to live. For you, I will first investigate and find out about you before making a decision."

"No problem, I'm here to save people this time. I don't mean anything else, let alone a spy who spy on intelligence. I don't serve any forces. You can investigate whatever the chieftain is." Lin Yun held his head high, his voice was loud and loud. .

Since the patriarch said to check first, the fourth prince is naturally not good to say anything.

"Father, for investigating the matter, I suggest that it be handed over to Cang Chen. Cang Chen happens to be guarding in Xincheng Town. It is easier for him to check Human Race information," said the fourth prince.

The words made Lin Yun's heart tense.

If she really asked Na Cangchen to investigate herself, she wouldn't know what she would portray her information as.

"No, I have my own arrangements for this." The Elf Patriarch said.

"Sol." The patriarch called out to the door.

An elf head guard walked in from outside the hall and saluted the patriarch.

"Sol, you take this human being to the vacant Shunqing Palace, and settle him there. You must protect him well," the patriarch ordered.

His protection obviously has the meaning of guarding.

"Yes." The chief elf guard took his orders.

Immediately afterwards, he turned and looked at Lin Yun: "Please follow me."

Lin Yun didn't say much, so he left with him.

Zitong also quickly followed.

"Fourth, you go down first," said the elven patriarch.

"Yes." After the fourth prince answered, he could only withdraw from the side hall first.

After the fourth prince left.

The elven patriarch summoned a dark guard and asked him to investigate Lin Yun's details.


the other side.

The chief guard of the elves took Lin Yun to a slightly remote sleeping hall and let Lin Yun stay here temporarily.

The entrance of the sleeping hall.

"Lin Yun, I have tried my best to help you fight, but grandpa said to investigate you first, I can't say anything, I'm really sorry, I didn't help you with this matter." Zitong looked very guilty.

"It's okay. It's okay for your grandfather to investigate clearly. I'm very grateful that you can help me in this way." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Now I can only wait for Grandpa to investigate first, and I will try my best to help you fight for it." Zitong said.

"Zitong, although the patriarch has not promised to let him go, is it possible? Let me see An Yun first." Lin Yun said seriously.

"This shouldn't be difficult, I will try my best to help you fight for it." Zitong said.

"Zitong, thank you then." Lin Yun had a smile on his face.

"You saved my life, this is nothing, you guys don't need to be so polite." Zitong also showed a beautiful smile.

Immediately afterwards, Zitong said goodbye and left.

And Lin Yun also entered the bedroom.

What Lin Yun can do now is to wait.

After sitting in the hall for a while, Lin Yun stood up and wanted to go out and take a look, but as soon as he walked out of the hall, he was stopped by the elf guard.

There is no doubt that without permission, it is definitely impossible for Lin Yun to walk around in this palace.

Lin Yun could only go back to the room and continue to wait.

Not long after, Zitong came to the sleeping hall.

"Lin Yun, Grandpa has already agreed, and promised to let you meet An Yun first." As soon as Zitong came in, he immediately reported to Lin Yun.

When Lin Yun heard this, he stood up immediately with joy.

"Great, Zitong, thank you so much!" Lin Yun happily thanked you quickly.

Of course Lin Yun wants to see An Yun first to see how she is now and whether she is well.

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