Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 583: Congratulation

Lin Yun continued: "What's more, our Promise Heavenly Palace is also very attractive now. We have great advantages in physical training, swordsmanship, divine consciousness, and formations. Even if the Supreme joins us, we will definitely be able to learn. Less stuff, so as to enhance strength!"

"Okay, let's go back and try to do this. The current attraction of the Promise Heavenly Palace is indeed not small." Feiying Jin Jun and Destruction Jin Jun replied.

"By the way, Brother Lin Yun, didn’t you go to my orc clan to find the remains of the orc-powerful? The remains of the orc-powerful I have fought and killed in the orc clan over the years, I have kept it for you, just as it is. Congratulations, for you."

After Mu Li said, he took out a storage ring and handed it to Lin Yun.

"Brother Mu Li, I originally wanted to find a time to ask you after the banquet is over, if there are any more orc strong corpses or orc strong blood, I didn't expect you to leave it to me a long time ago." Lin Yun smiled and took the storage ring.

"By the way, Brother Lin Yun, in the storage ring I just gave you, there are the remains of the strong. There are three in total, all of which are comparable to human supreme strength. I have some here, one or two levels weaker. The remains of the orc, do you want?" Mu Li asked.

"Yes!" Lin Yun answered without hesitation.

With the number of divine veins that Lin Yun has opened now, if he wants to continue to open up, he must have strong enough orc blood.

But for the other members of the Promise Heavenly Palace, that's not the case.

Especially those who are new to the Promise Heavenly Palace, they haven't opened many divine veins yet, and they don't need very high-quality essence and blood to open divine veins.

Moreover, after the Wuji Heavenly Palace recruits monks, they will join the Wuji Heavenly Palace and open the first and second divine veins without using high-quality essence at all.

Lin Yun now has these essences and blood, which can be directly distributed to everyone at that time.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for everyone to find the blood of the orcs by themselves.

"Brother Muli, let alone the remains of one or two weak orc strong, even if it is three or four weak orc remains, our Promise Heavenly Palace can use it." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, then I will give you what I have in my hand, and if I have it later, I will keep all of them for the Wuji Temple."

After Mu Li's voice fell, he took out another storage ring and handed it to Lin Yun.

This storage ring contained the remains of a strong orc with one or two levels of weakness.

Lin Yun took the storage ring.

"Zou Dongsheng, you take this storage ring, and you will be responsible for the distribution in the future."

Lin Yun directly transferred this storage ring to Zou Dongsheng, after all, he is the great elder in charge of everything.

"By the way, Destroy King King, Feiying King King, you need the essence and blood, just ask Zou Dongsheng to get it." Lin Yun said to the two King Kings.

The time for the two golden monarchs to open their divine veins is not long, and the first few divine veins don't need the best essence and blood.

"Okay, I just want to find the blood of the orc." The two Jin Jun responded with a smile.

The sixth prince also stood up.

"Lin Yun, I also have a gift here. What my father specially asked me to bring to you is a few different levels of spiritual consciousness cultivation methods, and some spiritual consciousness cultivation resources."

As the Sixth Prince said, he took out a storage ring and handed it to Lin Yun.

When Lin Yun sent an invitation to the elven patriarch, he mentioned by the way if the patriarch could give one or two books. Regarding the practice of spiritual consciousness, it does not need to be the best of the royal family, ordinary ones are fine. He wants to use it for the Wuji Heavenly Palace. .

After all, the ordinary divine consciousness cultivation method among the elves is extremely precious and rare when placed in the human race.

Moreover, it is difficult for ordinary human monks to learn the methods of divine consciousness cultivation that are too difficult.

Lin Yun only needed the spiritual sense cultivation method, but unexpectedly, the patriarch also sent some resources related to spiritual sense cultivation.

"Sixth Prince, thank the patriarch for me." Lin Yun took the storage ring with a smile.

Then, Lin Yun also gave this storage ring to Zou Dongsheng.

"Zou Dongsheng, the spiritual knowledge methods and resources in this can be provided to members who have good spiritual knowledge and are willing to be accomplished in spiritual knowledge in the future. You can do it yourself."

"Good palace owner." Zou Dongsheng took the storage ring.

"Come on, let's celebrate with a toast to celebrate the official completion of the Promise Heavenly Palace." Lin Yun raised his glass.

Everyone toasted together.


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