Top Shenhao

Chapter 901: Lin Yun's approach

"Master, let's support Brother Yun!"

After White Shark finished speaking, he directly took off the best long-handled knife on his back and rushed towards the battlefield.

When the Taoist leader saw this, he immediately followed.

In the field.

"Brother Yun!"

The white shark rushed up and held Lin Yun, who had just stabilized his figure.

"Brother Yun, are you okay?" White Shark was a little worried, because Lin Yun's face looked pale.

"I'm fine. Although its attack made me uncomfortable, it has not caused any substantial harm." Lin Yun said.

Thanks to the damage reduction effect of the soft armor, Lin Yun will be more embarrassed than he is now.

Having said that, this monster's attack still made Lin Yun extremely uncomfortable. If he continued to fight, Lin Yun knew he had no chance of winning!

At this time, the Taoist leader also came to his side.

"Three weak humans, come together, let me kill you all, Jiejie!" The monster let out a strange laugh.

"Brother Yun, we will deal with it with you." The white shark raised the long-handled knife and prepared to fight.

The Taoist commander also took out the knife on his back and prepared to fight.

"No! You can't fight. This monster beast's strength has increased sharply now, and it is extremely difficult to deal with. Even if the three of me join hands, it is not his opponent." Lin Yun shook his head.

Lin Yun knew that this monster beast was difficult to deal with. After all, the white shark and the Taoist chief were just golden cores, even if the white shark was blessed with the best weapons and its own advantages, it could be comparable to the first-order naruto.

But his defensive power is far inferior to his own, after all, he has no such thing as body armor.

Not to mention the Taoist.

And the attack of this monster beast was extremely tyrannical. If the claws of the monster beast slapped them on both of them, both of them would not die and would be seriously injured.

Therefore, even if the three of them work together, there is no chance of winning!

"What should I do?" White Shark asked.

"Let's avoid the edge for the time being, thirty-six strategies, and go ahead! Its demonized state will definitely not last forever. When its state disappears, let's solve him again." Lin Yun said.

"Good!" White Shark and Taoist nodded.

They all know that in this situation, walking is the best way, and if you insist on fighting it, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them burst out of speed and ran down the mountain.

"Want to go? Can you go? Jie Jie!"

The monster uttered a strange cry, and then stepped forward, chasing Lin Yun and the three of them.

boom! boom! boom!

After using the forbidden technique to demonize this monster, his height reached six meters when he stood up. He ran, and with every step he jumped, he could jump a certain distance, one jump was more than 20 meters away, and each step fell on the ground. , All the vibrations that will step on the ground.

"Damn it! This beast is catching up!" The white shark gritted his teeth.

Lin Yun, who was running wild, looked back, and sure enough, the monster beast was about to catch up.

The situation at this time can be described as critical.

"Daoist Lin Yun, this beast runs too fast. I'm afraid we can't run away. I'm afraid we can only fight to the death with it." Dao Chang's face paled.

"No! Even if the three of us work together, there is no chance of winning." Lin Yun shook his head.

If the Scarlet Blood Sword is intact, Lin Yun will barely have the strength to fight, otherwise he will undoubtedly lose.

The result of defeat is to be torn to pieces by this monster beast, or even eaten!

"Brother Yun, the monster beast is about to catch up. We have no choice but to fight. Let's fight. The big deal is a death. If I can die with Brother Yun, I will die without regret!" The white shark's tone was firm.

"You can't call, listen to me. The three of us ran in three directions. It can only chase one direction at a time. Those who are left in two directions can be safe. This is the best way!" Lin Yun ran wildly. , While talking.

"But..." White Shark wanted to say something else.

"There is no time, the monster immediately caught up, and do as I said! After going down the mountain, the gymnasium will meet!" Lin Yun said loudly.

"it is good!"

Taoist and White Shark can only nod their heads.

Immediately afterwards, the three people who were running side by side immediately divided into three directions, the white shark on the left, the road leader on the right, and Lin Yun ran in the middle.

The speed of the three of them was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, the three of them disappeared into their eyes.

After Lin Yun ran a few steps, he stopped directly, then took out the Scarlet Blood Sword, turned around, and rushed towards the monster beast.

Lin Yun didn't even plan to run!

Because Lin Yun was not sure, if they split into three and escaped, who the monster beast would chase.

If the demon beast chased the Taoist leader and the white shark, they would definitely die.

If you chase yourself, you will not be able to run away from the monster beast, you will definitely be overtaken by the monster beast.

So Lin Yun chose to turn around, block the monster beasts, escape for the white shark and the Taoist commander, and win time!

Lin Yun, who turned around, met the monster beast in a blink of an eye.

"Human, why did you stop?" The monster stared at Lin Yun.

"For the sake of love and justice." Lin Yun stood with the sword without fear.

"Affection? It's ridiculous, you humans are all selfish, how can you sacrifice yourself for others!" The monster does not believe it at all.

"If you didn't believe me before, then I will prove it to you today!"

After Lin Yun's voice fell, he directly swung the Scarlet Blood Sword in his hand to smash the Black Flame Sword, the second form of the Xuanming Sword Technique, all exploded, slashing at the monster.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, Lin Yun fought against this monster again.

The gap between Lin Yun and this monster beast was really there, so that every collision made Lin Yun feel embarrassed.

About a few minutes later.


Lin Yun, who was already in a bad state, couldn't prevent it with one move, so that the demon beast's claws patted Lin Yun's chest directly.


Lin Yun flew out directly, and stopped after breaking two trees.


Lin Yun, who fell on the ground, spouted a bit of blood fiercely, and his face became paler.

Lin Yun looked down at his chest. Fortunately, he was wearing soft armor so that his claws did not penetrate.

The nails on the demon beast's claws were extremely sharp, and if it weren't for the soft armor, Lin Yun's chest would have been scratched by the claws.

The soft armor of the body protector is to reduce injuries and protect the body. It is like a vest covering the body.

After the claws caught on the soft armor, they couldn't penetrate the soft armor at all.

However, the swift power contained in the claws, after being reduced by 30% through the soft armor, was actually taken by Lin Yun.

"Human, you are dead! Jie Jie!" The monster let out a weird smile, and it was clear that it had determined that it had a chance to win.

Lin Yun glanced down the mountain. During Lin Yun's blockade, the white shark and Taoist should have run a long distance.

"Brother Yun!"

At this moment, the white shark's voice suddenly rang.

Lin Yun turned his head and saw that the white shark was rushing over.

"White Shark, why are you back? Didn't I let you run?" Lin Yun said eagerly.

"Brother Yun, why did you lie to me! You said you could run together, but you are still here!"

With a crying voice, the white shark said, helping Lin Yun, who was pale, up.

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