Top Shenhao

Chapter 909: Chasing into the Baiyun Mountains

Yuan Liang, with an angry face, pointed to the elder and continued:

"Also, you let Lin Yun go. If my dad didn't catch Lin Yun back, you will bear all the consequences! Xiaoqing's life will be paid by you!"

"You don't need to say, all the consequences today will be borne by the old man alone!" The elder has a serious face, a firm tone, and no fear at all.

At this moment, the disciples on the square are still in a boiling state.

"Senior Brother Lin Yun fought against the head, and the elder fought against the head, God, who can tell me what happened to our Baiyun Sect!"

"Something big happened, this time it's definitely something big!"


All the disciples did not know what happened.

"The disciples are quiet!" The second elder shouted violently, and his voice blew into the audience.

The audience suddenly became quiet.

"Today's matter, I will give you an explanation later, and I will return to my residence immediately!" The second elder's voice spread throughout the audience.


After the middle disciples responded, they left one after another.

However, Hong Ling did not leave, but came to the front of several elders.

"The three elders, what happened? Well, why did the head start a fight with Lin Yun? And the head has to kill Lin Yun?" Hong Ling was puzzled.

Hong Ling didn't understand until now, what had happened, it turned out to be like this, no matter what she thought, she couldn't think of the reason.

An angry Yuan Liang said immediately: "Hong Ling, do you know what this kid did? He, a brute, wants to strengthen my wife Xiaoqing, he killed my wife Xiaoqing!"

Yuan Liang said that at the end, he was full of grief.

"You said... what did you say?"

Hong Ling's original beautiful eyes flashed with a strong shock.

For Hong Ling, such news is definitely a blockbuster.

Hong Ling immediately said: "How is it possible, how could Lin Yun do such a thing!"

Although Hong Ling had not had much contact with Lin Yun, she could see Lin Yun that Lin Yun was not the one who would do such things.

"Sister Hong Ling, knowing people, knowing their faces and not knowing their hearts, you are obviously deceived by this human face and animal heart. My wife Xiaoqing’s body is still lying in this bastard’s residence, and all this is what Xiaoqing said before her death. How could there be a fake! I have long seen that he is not a good person, you have all been deceived by his pretended fakes before!" Yuan Liang said viciously.

"Xiao Qing said before she died?" Hong Ling was startled.

Hong Ling knew clearly in her heart that if this was the case, the iron proof indeed pointed to Lin Yun.

Could it be that Lin Yun really did such a thing?

Hong Ling still didn't want to believe this fact, unless she really looked at Lin Yun away.

Hong Ling was ready to go to the scene by herself to check it carefully.


On the other side, just moments after Lin Yun fled into the Baiyun Mountain Range, the head of the Baiyun School flew into the air, scanning the Baiyun Mountain Range, looking for Lin Yun's trace.

The head of Yuan concluded that Lin Yun had just entered the Baiyun Mountain Range, and Lin Yun was injured again, so he must have not run far, and was in the area near the Baiyun School.

However, the Baiyun Mountains are dense forests, with towering trees completely covering the view.

Head Yuan's advantage of flying in the air was completely unutilized at this moment. He couldn't see the situation in the dense forest at all.

"Damn it!" Yuan Zhangmen cursed, and then landed directly on the ground.

He can only choose to pursue Lin Yun on land!

"There is blood!"

As soon as Zhangmen Yuan chased along the mountain gate for a while, he found blood stains on the ground.

"Lin Yun, this must be your blood!" A smile appeared on Yuan's face.

Headmaster Yuan remembered clearly that his ancient ingot knife made a cut on Lin Yun's shoulder.

This is the clue of his pursuit!

Immediately afterwards, the head of Yuan hurried to follow the direction of the blood stains.

After not chasing for a moment, the head of Yuan discovered that there was a movement in front of the dense forest.

"Haha, Lin Yun, you can't run away!"

Head Yuan laughed, and at the same time quickly speeded up to catch up.

With the speed exploding, the head of Yuan caught up in the blink of an eye!

However, it was not Lin Yun that caught the head of Yuan's eyes, but a wild boar running wild.

There was a long sword wound on the wild boar, and blood was constantly flowing down.

"It's not good, it won!"

Head Yuan's face changed suddenly.

Headmaster Yuan realized in an instant that the wound of this wild boar must have been caused by Lin Yun. The purpose was simple, it was to attract his attention.

that's the truth.

Just after Lin Yun ran into the Baiyun Mountain Range, he encountered a wild beast, so Lin Yun scratched the wild boar with a sword and used the wild boar to attract the head of the chase.

The wild boar was frightened by the pain, and immediately ran away.

Lin Yun fled in other directions.

This scream hit the west.

After knowing that he was fooled, the head of Yuan immediately raised his head and looked around, but he didn't know where to pursue him. He knew that his pursuit had failed, and Lin Yun had successfully escaped.

"Lin Yun, you are really cunning!" Yuan Zhangmen's face was gloomy.

Headmaster Yuan didn't expect that he actually followed Lin Yun's way.

This caused an inexplicable worry in Yuan's heart.

He worried that after letting Lin Yun go in this way, it would bring great hidden dangers to the Baiyun Sect in the future. After all, the talent that Lin Yun showed was really terrifying!

At first, he thought that as long as he shot himself, he could easily kill Lin Yun. How could he have thought that Lin Yun was so strong?

Although the head was unwilling, but now Lin Yun's escape has become a foregone conclusion, he can only recognize the reality.

"Great Elder, it was you who killed you!" The head scolded angrily, and anger flashed in his eyes.

The head knew clearly in his heart that if it weren't for the great elder to stop him and buy Lin Yun for a while, Lin Yun would definitely not be able to escape today.

Immediately afterwards, the leader rose into the air and headed towards the Baiyun faction.


Baiyun Mountain, under a certain cliff.

Lin Yun is hiding here.

Lin Yun at this time was pale.

Lin Yun had just finished a pill and was refining its power.

In the previous battle, Lin Yun not only got chopped on his shoulder, but also suffered a shock inside his body.

"Although we can fight against Tier 3 Yuan Ying, there are still many problems." Lin Yun murmured.

Although Lin Yun fought hard in this battle, it was also very rewarding for Lin Yun.

Lin Yun has identified some of his own shortcomings and weaknesses, and also has a better understanding of his own combat effectiveness.

Adversity can make people recognize themselves better, and adversity can stimulate a person's growth.

After the healing, Lin Yun quietly left the cliff, preparing to leave the Baiyun Mountain.

What Lin Yun is most worried about right now is that the Baiyun faction will act on his dear relatives and beloved ones. This will be a weakness for Lin Yun.

It stands to reason that the Baiyun School pays attention to face and will not use this kind of indiscriminate means on the surface, but it is difficult to say whether it will be secretly.

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