Top Shenhao

Chapter 920: uninvited guest

"Hope to succeed!" Lin Yun said silently in his heart.

Don't look at the fact that alchemy has been carried out for most of the time, the later the alchemy is, the more difficult it is.

In a blink of an eye, another half an hour passed.


At this moment, the pill fire suddenly flashed, and the pill was exploded in the medicine cauldron again, turning into nothingness.

This time, the alchemy failed again.

"Pill Fire is still not well controlled." Lin Yun shook his head helplessly.

High-level pill refining requires extremely high levels of pill fire. If the fire is larger or smaller, it will lead to failure.

Although he failed, Lin Yun was groping for Danhuo's control, and from the failure, he found the correct control force.

Alchemists are like this, looking for a way to success from continuous failures.

Moreover, this time compared to the last refining, there is obviously some improvement.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun let out a long breath.

Of the three high-level medicinal materials, two have been used, and the last virtual spirit grass is left, which is used to refine the virtual spirit pill.

"That's it for now."

Lin Yun thought for a while, and did not take the virtual spirit grass to practice his hand.

The virtual spirit pill is of great significance to Lin Yun. You must wait until you have the technology to refine the high-level pill, and when you have enough confidence, you can refine the virtual spirit pill.

Although the two high-end medicines were wasted, as long as they improved, it was a good thing.

High-level alchemists are not so easy to reach.

But now, the obstacle that restricts Lin Yun from breaking through the senior alchemist is the scarcity of senior medicinal materials. This is not anxious, so I can only wait for the drugstore Xu boss to continue to give Lin Yun.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun flipped his hand and took out the armor piece.

"I don't know, what is special about this piece of armor." Lin Yun murmured.

Lin Yun had obtained a piece of nails before.

Once on Bingling Mountain, Jiapian also helped Lin Yun withstand a fatal blow.

But his specific role, to be honest, Lin Yun really didn't know.

"There must be some big secret in the armor, otherwise the Palace Master of Ice Spirit wouldn’t want to get it that way. If I guessed correctly, I should gather all the armor. I don’t know the Palace Master of Ice Spirit. How many are there in your hands?" Lin Yun murmured.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun bit his finger and dripped blood on the nail.


The nail piece that originally looked a little worn out suddenly burst into light.

Recognize the Lord with a drop of blood.

Lin Yun successfully established contact with this piece.


On the mountain road to Yangliu Taoist Temple, an off-road vehicle galloped up the mountain.

The lord of the Bingling Palace was sitting in the car, closing his eyes and resting.


Palace Master Bing Ling suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, she took out two pieces of nails from her arms.

The two pieces of nails both burst into light.

"After such a long time, has this kid finally activated the armor?" Palace Master Bing Ling frowned.

"Palace Lord, once this piece of armor is activated, unless the holder takes the initiative to disconnect from the piece of armor, otherwise, once the holder dies, the piece of armor will also be broken. Once he activates the piece of armor, it is difficult for us to seize the piece of armor. , Has also increased!" Bing Ling Palace Grand Elder worried.

For things like ordinary magical instruments, once the owner dies, the mark on the magical instruments will automatically disappear and the magical instruments will become unowned.

But this is not the case.

They had dared to **** the nails unscrupulously before, because the nails have not been activated, they can kill people and win treasures.

Now if they kill Lin Yun directly, the piece of armor will be broken.

"Most people don't know this, and I think Lin Yun certainly doesn't know it. We can make good use of this. We can defeat him first, leave him a breath, and then force him to hand over things." said the Bing Ling Palace Master.

The Grand Elder of Ice Spirit Palace nodded.

On the way up the mountain, in addition to their car, there was another car in front of them, which was speeding towards Yangliu Taoist Temple.

Inside the Willow Taoist Temple.

After Lin Yun recognized the master with Jiapian, he continued to comprehend the Black Flame Jue.

At the same time, Lin Yun also planned to go to Xianggang recently to find Master Nayi about the evil spirit stone.

"Lin Yun, come out for me!"

Just as Lin Yun was about to begin to comprehend the Black Flame Jue, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

"This is... the voice of the head of the Baiyun School?" Lin Yun was startled.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun got up quickly and walked out.

When Lin Yun came to the yard, the lone wolf, white shark, and fangs had all come to the yard.

At the gate of the courtyard, the head of the Baiyun School, the second and third elders of the Baiyun School, and several Baiyun School protectors.

"Brother Yun!"

Seeing Lin Yun coming out, the three lone wolves hurriedly gathered in front of Lin Yun.

"Unexpectedly, they really came here." Lin Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Lin Yun originally thought that it would be extremely difficult for the Baiyun Sect to find him with Baiyun Pavilion to help him. Even if he found it, it stands to reason that Baiyun Pavilion would notify him in advance.

Lin Yun did not expect that the head of the Baiyun School would quietly lead people to Taoist temple.

"It shouldn't be, did the pavilion master betray me? Or, someone leaked the news of me?" Lin Yun muttered to himself.

"Brother Yun, my master is attacking Yuan Ying in retreat. Now is the critical moment. I shouldn't be able to get out of the stage, otherwise I might get confused." White Shark said.

"Then let us deal with it." Lin Yun said.

The Taoist commander can't come, obviously there will be a lack of combat power, but the opponent suddenly comes to the door, and there is no way.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun flipped his hand and took out three Long Li Dan.

"Lone wolf, white shark, one for each of you." Lin Yun sent Long Lidan to both of them.

This Long Lidan can increase 10% of his strength in a short period of time. Although the increase is not very large, it is a certain increase after all. The most important thing is that there are no side effects.

Lin Yun also kept one for herself.

As for the fangs, Lin Yun did not send him.

"Poison Fang, don't go to war later." Lin Yun told Fang.

After all, Fang Fang was only in the virtual pill realm, and let him participate in the war.

Fang nodded. He also knew that he was not qualified to intervene in this level of battle. He silently vowed in his heart that he must work hard to improve his strength, otherwise he would only become a burden to Lin Yun in the future, and would not help Lin Yun at all.

Lin Yun turned to look at the door.

"Master Yuan, I really didn't expect you to find this place." Lin Yun stared at Head Yuan with cold eyes.

"Lin Yun, you just fled to the end of the world, and I will also find you out. The last time the great elder protected you, this time I see how you will run!" Yuan Zhangmen stood on his own proudly, with a majestic posture of the head. .

"You already know that this is Murong setting up the situation to harm me, but you are going to chase me down. I really didn't know before. You are such a person. This is the so-called decent and decent person? I am!" Lin Yunyi The color of disgust on the face.

Lin Yun felt sick when he saw Yuan Zhangmen's face.

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