Top Shenhao

Chapter 922: Last resort

"There is no wound?"

Head Yuan looked at Lin Yun with shock.

Headmaster Yuan originally thought that even if Lin Yun couldn't kill Lin Yun with the cut just now, he could make a big hole in Lin Yun's chest, causing Lin Yun to be seriously injured.

However, even a drop of blood did not flow out of Lin Yun's chest, which was extremely abnormal!

"There must be some protective treasure!" Yuan Chief is sure.

This also made the head of Yuan's heart even more enthusiastic, because Lin Yun's treasures were too many, and the value of killing people and winning treasures was of great significance.

"Brother Yun!"

When the lone wolf and the white shark saw Lin Yun was injured, they both yelled and wanted to come and help.

But they are all entangled tightly by their opponents and can't get out of them at all!

Lin Yun got up from the ground, and at the same time took out a few primary pills to recover from his injuries and took them.

How can a monk on earth use a pile of pills in a battle like Lin Yun? This is also the benefit of Lin Yun's status as an alchemist.

Although alchemists cannot directly improve their combat effectiveness, they can indirectly improve their combat capabilities through pill.

"Lin Yun, no one can help you today, die!"

Headmaster Yuan shouted, and then rushed towards Lin Yun again, obviously not wanting to give Lin Yun any chance.

"Headmaster Yuan, you are unrighteous, and even if I die, I will pull you together!" In Lin Yun's scarlet eyes, a madness flashed.


The two sides fought together again.

But this time, there is a big difference.

Lin Yun didn't care about defense at all, even if it was a knife attacking Lin Yun, Lin Yun didn't care, and only desperately launched an attack on the head of Yuan.

This is fighting for life!

In other words, even if you slashed at me, I let you slash, and I slashed at you, the big deal is that everyone will die together.

This is a totally desperate style of play, only offensive, regardless of defense!

Moreover, Lin Yun was wearing soft armor, even if the head of Yuan's knife slashed Lin Yun, Lin Yun would not be hacked to death.

However, the head of Yuan did not have this kind of soft armor. If he was stabbed in the body by Lin Yun's sword, it would definitely be a blood hole.

Therefore, Lin Yun, relying on the existence of the soft armor, dared to fight Yuan's head like this.

Lin Yun had no choice but to use this method. Perhaps this was Lin Yun's only way to reverse the situation!

The head of Yuan was unwilling to fight Lin Yun for his life, so he could only give up the offensive and instead resist Lin Yun's fatal offensive.

"You lunatic!"

Head Yuan cursed while resisting Lin Yun's crazy attack.

Originally head of Yuan Yuan had an absolute advantage, but now he was defeated by Lin Yun.

Last time in the Baiyun Sect, Lin Yun still had a way to escape. Lin Yun didn't want to kill him.

But this time, there is no retreat here, and there is absolutely no way to run away. Even if you can run, what about the lone wolf and white shark?

Therefore, in the desperate situation, only desperately!

"If you want to kill me, then you will work hard with me to see who is dead!" Lin Yun's face was covered with madness.

In this situation, if the head of Yuan wanted to win Lin Yun, he had to work hard.

"Don't want to arouse me, smart people know how to avoid the edge for a while, I will not fight you hard now, I just resist, you can never beat me, I will slowly consume you, I don't believe in your Golden Core Realm strength, internal strength Energy consumption can exceed me! What's more, if you burst out of such strength with the golden core, you would consume a lot!"

Head Yuan wanted to win Lin Yun, but he obviously didn't want to fight Lin Yun desperately.

So he chose to talk to Lin Yunsu.

"Very good." An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Lin Yun's mouth.


That is what Lin Yun wants to see most.

Lin Yun relied on the jade to restore his internal strength, which was equivalent to possessing infinite blue.

Even if your head Yuan is a Tier 3 Nasal Infant and has a lot more internal energy storage than Jin Dan, Lin Yun can slowly consume you!

In this way, Lin Yun seemed to see the hope of a comeback.

Although Lin Yun desperately couldn't win Yuan's head, if Yuan head's internal strength was exhausted, then the head of Yuan would let Lin Yun kill him.

As for the battlefield between the lone wolf and the white shark.

After all, the lone wolf has just broken through to the golden core. Even with the blessing of high-level weapons and rich combat experience, it is still a bit difficult to fight against four at a time, but the four golden core protectors can hardly get any benefits.

As for the White Shark, he played against the Second Elder and the Third Elder (both Tier One Nascent Souls), and it was difficult to separate them all at once. If they were one-on-one, the White Shark would definitely win, but it was a one-on-two.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed for the battle in the courtyard.

"Damn, you still have internal strength!" Yuan Zhangmen's face looked ugly.

According to his prediction, the eruption of such a powerful strength of the Jindan cultivator must be extremely terrifying in internal power consumption, and internal power should have long been unable to hold it.

However, his internal strength has been consumed a lot.

"Can't consume it anymore." Yuan Zhangmen secretly said in his heart.


After another collision, the head of Yuan took advantage of his strength and then retreated, landing more than ten meters away.

"Lin Yun, I don't want to play with you anymore. This battle is over!"

As the head of Yuan spoke, he flipped his hand and a simple bronze mirror appeared in his hand.

"The copper realm is a magic weapon handed down by my ancestors of the Baiyun school. My Baiyun school has not used it for hundreds of years. If you can force me to use the copper realm, you are dead and you are proud!" Zhang Yuan The door said loudly.

"It's a magic weapon!" Lin Yun's expression suddenly changed.

When Lin Yun fought Yuan Liang, Yuan Liang had a magical artifact Hun Yuanzhu, and Lin Yun suffered a loss when it was Lin Yun.

And now, the magic weapon that the head of Yuan had taken out, Lin Yun was definitely better than Hun Yuanzhu.

After the head of Yuan's voice fell, he slapped his chest suddenly.


Headmaster Yuan immediately spit out blood, spraying it on the copper realm.

Essence and blood are the blood essence stored in the human heart. A spray of such a big mouthful at a time will definitely affect his future cultivation. Yuan Zhangmen did this, obviously regardless of the cost.

After the essence and blood stained the copper mirror, the mirror burst into dazzling light.

Headmaster Yuan immediately pointed the copper mirror at Lin Yun, and this dazzling light instantly shone on Lin Yun.


Lin Yun only felt that after the light acted on him, he felt as if he was being held down by a mountain, and his speed and strength were all reduced sharply.


Lin Yun's expression suddenly changed.

Lin Yun was thinking at the beginning, if the head of Yuan gave his son Hun Yuanzhu a magic weapon, he must have a better magic weapon himself? Unexpectedly, Lin Yun would really guess it.

At this moment, the head of Yuan had already wielded the ancient ingot knife and launched an offensive against Lin Yun. Obviously he wanted to take a second chance and kill Lin Yun!

Lin Yun's speed was originally a disadvantage, but now that it has been reduced like this, Lin Yun's speed is completely inadequate and there is no time to resist.


Head Yuan's sword slashed once again on Lin Yun's chest.

Lin Yun flew out directly, and blood spurted from his mouth.

Along the way, Lin Yun was full of blood, **** and dazzling!


The head of Yuan didn't give Lin Yun a chance to breathe. He immediately swung his knife towards Lin Yun who flew out, the blade pointed directly at Lin Yun's head!

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