Top Shenhao

Chapter 935: New pattern

When the king heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then he raised his head to look at Lin Yun.

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean?" The king looked puzzled.

"It means to send you to see Yige's mother."

Lin Yun directly raised his hand, and a wave of internal force flew out, directly hitting the king's head.

"" The king's eyes rounded.

The next moment, the king collapsed to the ground and lost his breath.

I don't know how he felt at the last moment before he died, surprised at his ability to wave and kill with Lin Yun, or regretted setting up a situation with the queen to kill Yige?

Of course, what he thinks in his mind is unknown.

Lin Yun urged this internal force fluctuation, can kill people invisible.

Even a forensic autopsy could not find the slightest wound, as if it were natural death.


Yige yelled, naturally in their plan.

As soon as Yige's cry sounded, the secretary and guard outside the door suddenly rushed in.

After they entered the door, they were shocked when they saw the king lying on the ground.

"King! King!" The secretary rushed over and called again and again.

"Secretary Mudd, my dad fainted just now, call the doctor over!" Yige exclaimed with a frightened expression.

"Yes, yes!" The secretary hurried to call the doctor, and the personal doctor rushed over in just a moment.

After checking by the private doctor, it directly stated that the king had passed away.

"Father!" Yige threw himself down in front of the king, crying again and again.

At this time, the queen came upon hearing the news.

After she saw the corpse on the ground, she was also dumbfounded.

"How could this happen! How could this happen! Secretary Mudd, how could this happen! The king is usually in very good health, how could he die suddenly!" the queen yelled eagerly.

"This...I don't know, the little prince and Ignatius came to see the king, and something went wrong as soon as they came in." Secretary Mudd said eagerly.

After hearing the words, the queen immediately turned to look at Yi Ge and Lin Yun.

"It's you! Isn't it the one you killed! Ignatius, you are so vicious, you used this trick!" The queen shouted hysterically.

"Don't spit people, I still want to know what's going on!" Yi Ge said loudly.

The queen turned to look at the private doctor and asked loudly: "Tell me how the king died!"

"Back to the queen, I have just checked. The king has no injuries on the outside. It should not be caused by external force. It may be a sudden death. As for the more specific situation, further autopsy and autopsy will be required to find out." The private doctor said.

When the queen heard this, she wanted to continue attacking Yige, but she couldn't find an excuse.

At this moment, the queen's face was ugly to the extreme.

Because she knows very well that the child in her arms has not yet been born. Now that the king is dead, there is no one who can succeed to the throne except Yige!

During this period of time, she was doing everything possible to embarrass Ignatius. Once Ignatius succeeded to the throne, her good days would come to an end.


The news of Wang's death spread quickly.

The big families were shocked when they received such news, and even after confirming it many times, they could only believe it.

As soon as the news came out, some of the big families were happy and some were worried.

Within the Mandley family.

"Father, something has happened! The king is dead!" Mandley Rawls rushed into the study.

"What? The country... the king has passed away?" Patriarch Mandeli stood up suddenly in shock.

"Are you kidding me? How is this possible!" Chief Mandley couldn't believe it.

"Father, how dare I make a joke about this kind of thing, it's true!" Mandley Rawls said eagerly.

"It's over, it's over!"

Chief Mandley slumped down on the chair, his face showing despair.

"When the king dies now, the only one who can inherit Shalai is... only Yige!" The voice of Chief Mandley trembled.

His Mandley family has already chosen the queen’s camp and chose to oppose Yige. If Yige succeeds to the throne, then their Mandley family will suffer!

Not only the Mandley family, but also the Wick family, and those families who chose to support the queen, are panicking now, and they are all in a mess.

Such a sudden change is something they never dreamed of.

And those families who firmly supported Yige during this period of time seemed very happy!

Shalai also convened an emergency memory inside.

The result is obvious, the king died, and Ignatius succeeded him, provoking Shalai’s lead.

There was no dispute at the meeting, because Yige was the only one who could succeed, and there was no second choice.

What's more, Ignatius was still the crown prince. The deprivation of the crown prince has not yet been officially announced, and it has not taken effect. His succession as the crown prince is also a matter of course.

The queen was there to strongly object, but it was useless. Besides letting Yige inherit, who else could there be?

The queen even made a lot of noise at the meeting. He said on the spot that the king's death was very strange, and he would definitely find out what happened, and personally be responsible for the investigation.

Under the Queen’s personal responsibility, the autopsy report came out in just half a day.

The autopsy did not find any clues, and the result was classified as sudden death.

Of course the queen believed in her heart that Yige and Lin Yun must have done this, but even the autopsy was classified as sudden death, and she could not find a clue.

Including many families, they also suspected that the king's death was abnormal, but it was useless to suspect.

In this way, Ignatius succeeded in becoming the new King Shalai.

The ceremony for the official enthronement will be selected five days later.

Although Yige has not officially enthroned, he has already lived in the palace and temporarily fulfilled his duties as a king.

Of course, the funeral is gradually going on.

As for Yige's mansion, Yige directly gave it to Lin Yun.

Noon the next day, which is the same day after the autopsy.

Inside the palace reception hall.

The important figures of Shalai and the patriarchs of those big families gathered together.

Including Patriarch Mandley and Patriarch Weike, who had betrayed Yig before, were all present, joking, would they dare to come if they were invited? Now Ignatius is the king.

Of course, they don't panic in their hearts right now, just like Patriarch Mandeli.

Patriarch Mandeli had already planned in his heart, and he must take the initiative to apologize later, and then offer a generous gift to ask Yige for forgiveness.

After all, his Mandley family is one of the six major families of Shalai and has a good influence. He believes that Yige has just taken the position, and after he took the initiative to give gifts to the apologizer, Yige should not be held accountable.

The person sitting in the front seat is naturally Yige.

Lin Yun sat on the left hand side of Yi Ge, the seat level was second only to Yi Ge.

"King Yig!"

The hundreds of people present all got up and saluted Yige.

Yige waved his hand and motioned everyone to sit down.

"Everyone, Shalai will be in charge of me in the future. I hope you can cooperate with my work in the future." Yige said.

"Of course!" everyone responded in unison.

"In addition, I will announce one more thing. I will appoint Lin Yun as the first Duke of Shalai, and enjoy all the status and privileges of the Duke." Yi Ge said loudly.

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