Top Shenhao

Chapter 984: Good deal

"Palace Master, how can you do this? Such behavior is a death penalty in Zahmen Ice Spirit Palace! You know it best!" the elder wailed.

Lin Yun immediately shouted loudly:

"Elder, I'm just going up and discussing some business with your palace lord. Why are you so dirty in your mind? Don't put your hat on it!"

Lin Yun didn't want to make the palace lord carry any charges because of himself.

"Yes, he is just discussing some cooperation matters with this palace. Don't think too much about the great elder, don't you know what kind of person this palace is?" The palace lord said coldly.

"This..., the palace owner, is offended by his subordinates." The great elder can only hand over.

At the same time, the Great Elder glanced at Lin Yun with malice.

Lin Yun also walked back to the lower hall from the front throne.

"Elder, have you got all the five baht medicinal materials?" the palace lord asked.

"Return to the palace lord, it has already been taken." The elder replied.

"Okay, then leave it to him." The palace master ordered.

After hearing the words, the elder walked to Lin Yun and handed the five medicinal materials to Lin Yun.

"Thank you."

Lin Yun received five high-level medicinal plants with his eyes flooded, which is a very important treasure for Lin Yun today!

"Elder, you go again and get four high-level medicinal materials." The palace lord said slowly.

"Return it? Palace Lord, we only promised to give him five baht." The elder was puzzled.

"I just reached an agreement with Lin Yun. He will use four intermediate pill and four low-level weapons to exchange it." said the palace master.

"That's it."

The great elder heard that this deal was a good deal.

"Palace Master, I'll get it now."

After the elder said, he turned and left.

After the great elder left.

"Palace Master, I was really sorry just now. I didn't expect that it would have a bad influence on you. I didn't expect that your majestic Palace Master would still be questioned." Lin Yun said helplessly.

"Although this palace is the lord of the palace, it must be subject to the group training. Even the lord of the first house must not violate the group training. This palace is responsible for the entire palace lord. This is my responsibility." The palace lord said .


"Hey, you ancient sects are too pedantic, and your ancestors are also true. I am afraid that your feelings have been traumatized and your disciples are not allowed to contact men." Lin Yun shook his head and sighed.

"Lin Yun, don't criticize the ancestor! She is a great existence!" The palace lord's eyes condensed, and a chill flashed in his beautiful eyes.

If other people dared to criticize the ancestor like this, the palace owner would have been rude long ago.

At this time, the second elder and the third elder returned to the temple again.

"Palace Master, don't tell me, your Bingling Mountain's heaven and earth aura is really full, much stronger than the Baiyun School, it's a feng shui treasure, don't mind, let me take a few breaths?" Lin Yun grinned. Tao.

"Lin Yun, do you really think this is your home? Do you want to absorb it?" The Third Elder said coldly.

"Lin Yun, please recognize your identity!" The second elder also agreed.

"In this case, I will give out five primary pill to change, let me absorb for ten minutes, this is not too much." Lin Yun said.

The second elder and the third elder, who were still gloomy, suddenly lit up.

Just take a few breaths of heaven and earth aura with five primary pill for exchange?

This deal is a bargain!

The amount of heaven and earth aura in the Ice Spirit Palace is like a lake, and the heaven and earth aura that a person can absorb is like water that can be drunk at once.

Even if I drink desperately, I can only drink a little, which is nothing compared to the whole lake.

There are thousands of disciples in the Ice Spirit Palace, absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth every day, and they can't use it up, and there is not much more, not to mention that he only absorbs ten minutes.

"If you are really willing to get five primary pill in exchange, let alone let you absorb it for ten minutes or 20 minutes," the third elder said generously.

"Yes! The premise is that you are really willing to take out five primary pills." The second elder agreed.

"This matter, shouldn't you two say it? It's up to your palace lord to agree." Lin Yun said as he looked at the palace lord.

"Palace Master, since he is willing to get five primary pills in exchange, let him inhale it," said the third elder.

The second elder also echoed: "Yes, Palace Master, even if you breathe him for half an hour, the spiritual energy he can absorb is nothing but a drop in the bucket and no impact."

Lin Yun also said: "Palace Master, don't be so stingy. I have given you a lot of gifts. It's nothing to take a few breaths of the aura of the Ice Spirit Palace. Besides, I also promised to exchange for five primary medicine pills. You can make a profit without losing money."

"Second elder, third elder, you are the master of this matter." The palace lord closed his spiritual eyes.

The second elder and the third elder were immediately overjoyed when the palace owner said so much.

Don't look at them as they can't understand Lin Yun, but when there is interest, it must come first.

"Lin Yun, we promise you, but you have to take out five primary pill first, so as not to fool you." said the second elder.

"No problem at all."

Lin Yun smiled and waved his hand, and five primary pills appeared in Lin Yun's hands.

"By the way, I have another request to arrange a separate room for me. When I absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, I don't want to be disturbed." Lin Yun said.

"Naturally no problem!"

The second elder responded happily, his eyes also fixed on the five pills in Lin Yun's hand.

It’s not surprising that practice requires a quiet environment to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

When Lin Yun heard the words, he threw the pill directly to the second elder.

To Lin Yun, the primary pill was of little value, and he could refine a bunch of it by himself.

The second elder took the five pills and naturally smiled from ear to ear. This is a trade that makes no money.

Little did they know that for Lin Yun, this was also a trade that would not be accompanied by a stable profit...

"Let's go, I'll take you to the side hall, there is no one there now," said the second elder.

Immediately afterwards, the second elder took Lin Yun and turned and walked out.

The palace lord faintly felt that something was not right?

After leaving the main hall, the second elder led Lin Yun into the side hall.

"Boy, just twenty minutes." said the second elder.

"Good." A smirk appeared at the corner of Lin Yun's mouth.

The second elders withdrew from the side hall, and then returned to the main hall.

Inside the hall.

"Second elder, have you arranged it?" Third elder asked.

"It's arranged. This kid is really stupid. He took five primary medicine pills just to absorb the aura of heaven and earth for 20 minutes. Even if he is able, how much can he absorb?" The second elder smiled.

Still the same sentence, regard the entire Ice Spirit Palace as a lake. The aura of heaven and earth that a person can absorb is like water that can be drunk at a time. Even if you drink hard, you can drink a few large bowls. As far as the lake is concerned, it will not have the slightest impact.

But they didn't know that Lin Yun didn't drink it by himself, but used a ‘giant pump’ to pump water!

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